Taxonomic review of Australian Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) with special emphasis on the M. lophoides (Chaudoir) species complex Author Liebherr, James K. text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2018 65 2 177 224 journal article 1860-1324-2-177 A047B48DD161424FB8800428DCC5888A Mecyclothorax punctatus (Sloane) Figures 2B, 3B, 7C, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11A Cyclothorax punctatus Sloane, 1895: 449. Mecyclothorax punctatus , Sloane, 1903: 585; Moore 1984 : 163, fig. 12. Mecyclothorax punctatus peckorum Baehr, 2016a: 94. Diagnosis (n = 5). This species is most similar to M. moorei , with several diagnostic characters differentiating the two listed there. The eyes are large and convex, largely covering the ocular lobes; EyL/OLL = 0.92-0.96. The elytra are broad, with broadly rounded humeri (Fig. 3B). The single available female specimen assignable to M. p. peckorum has the elytral base broad, slightly different from the nominate form. However the pronotal and elytral strial punctures are deeper and less dense in M. p. peckorum -as reported in Baehr (2016a) -resulting in recognition of the two forms here. In addition, the parascutellar seta is much less in evidence among individuals of this species. When present it is short and fine, and it is certainly absent from the majority of examined specimens. Standardized body length 2.7-3.2 mm. Setal formula ++/++/ +/- 2++. Figure 3. Mecyclothorax (Eucyclothorax) spp., dorsal view: A, M. moorei ; B, M. punctatus , NSW; C, M. curtus ; D, M. blackburni ; E, M. isolatus holotype. Male genitalia (n = 1). Aedeagal median lobe apex narrowly rounded and not projected beyond apical ostial margin (Fig. 7C); right paramere narrow, elongate, with ~10 setae along the ventral margin, 2 apical setae, and the dorsal margin with 3 small setae (Fig. 8B); left paramere broadly expanded basally, its dorsal margin convex, the apical 1/3 of length very narrow in contrast to broad base. Baehr (2016a , fig. 2) documents a short leftward expansion on the median lobe apex of M. p. peckorum . The parameral setation of the two subspecific forms is identical (Fig. 8B; Baehr 2016a , fig. 2). Female reproductive tract (n = 1). Bursa copulatrix elongate, columnar (Fig. 9B); helminthoid sclerite elongate; spermathecal duct basally expanded and sclerotized, the more apical portion of duct membranous and of lesser diameter; basal gonocoxite with 3 larger setae laterally along apical margin (Fig. 10B); apical gonocoxite broad basally, breadth more than half length; lateral ensiform setae broad, elongate, length about 0.5 x length of apical gonocoxite, setal surface longitudinal striate; apical nematiform setae in subbasal sensory furrow. Type information. For M. punctatus , Lectotype female (SAMA) hereby designated: white card with "5104" and "N.S.W." in red ink // N.S. Wales // punctatus Sloane // J. 7252 / Mecyclothorax / punctatus / M.S. Wales / Cotype [red ink] // Lectotype ♀ / Cyclothorax / punctatus Sloane / det. J.K. Liebherr 2004 [red label with black border]. For M. punctatus peckorum , Holotype male (ANIC, not seen): Pemberton Warren N.P. WA 12 Jul. 1980 S. & J. Peck SBP106 // Berlesate karri litter and moss ( Baehr 2016a ). Distribution and habitat. Following Baehrʼs (2016a) circumscription of this species, it is distributed across an easterly set of populations in southern New South Wales and northern Victoria (Fig. 11A), plus a disjunct set of western localities in the southwest region of Western Australia. Sloane wrote of the type series, "I have found it in considerable numbers under logs and the leaves of saplings at a place about twenty-five miles north-west from the town of Urana. It is sluggish in its movements (Sloane, 1895: 449 -450)." Thus the type locality is very close to one of the localities where he collected types of M. cordicollis ( Sloane 1900 ). More recently, specimens from the western localities have been collected via litter sifting of jarrah forest litter ( Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.). All specimens are vestigially winged.