Phylleremus n. gen., from leaves of deciduous trees in eastern Australia (Oribatida: Licneremaeoidea) Author Behan-Pelletier, Valerie M. Author Walter, David E. text Zootaxa 2007 1386 1 17 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175132 8dacef77-cc64-40d3-92ad-be6e928111e2 1175­5326 175132 Phylleremus n. gen. Type­species: Phylleremus leei n. sp. Diagnosis. Species in this genus have the following unique combination of character states: adult with tuberculate, non­birefringent cerotegument; taenidium laterally on prodorsum; notogaster with one or four pairs of minute saccules, saccule Sa positioned on anterior margin of notogaster, far anterior of seta c ; nine pairs of notogastral setae; posterior notogastral tectum present, with posteromedial incision covered by pair of overlapping lobes; palpal eupathidium acm attached to solenidion along length; two pairs of adanal setae; immatures apheredermous, plicate; seta p3 absent from both immatures and adults; seta d absent from genua and tibiae in immatures and adults; femora, tibiae and tarsi with ridges running dorsoventrally in nymphs and adults; tarsi I to IV of immatures and adults with large, subunguinal pulvillus. FIGURES 1–3. Phylleremus leei n. sp. , adult female: 1, dorsal aspect; 2, ventral aspect (legs removed); 3, prodorsum, lateral aspect (gnathosoma, notogaster and legs removed; taenidium indicated by arrow). Description . Adult: Body and legs with weakly developed, tuberculate, non­birefringent cerotegument. Integument with microtubercles. Dorsophragmata and pleurophragmata present, dorsophragmata positioned medially ( Fig. 1 ). Lamellae and genal notch absent. Bothridial seta capitate ( Figs 1 , 6 ). Bothridium small, with internal ring­like ridges ( Fig. 3 ). Porose area Ad posterolateral to seta in ( Fig. 3 ). Pedotecta I and II covering base of acetabula I and II, respectively ( Fig. 3 ). Taenidium extending from seta ex to edge of rostrum ( Figs 3 , 6 ). Pedotectum I extending dorsally to base of seta ex ( Fig. 3 ). Coxisternal setation: 3­1­2­2 ( Fig. 2 ). Apodemes 2 and sejugal apodeme almost transverse. Custodium absent, discidium developed as tubercle between acetabula III and IV ( Fig. 2 ). Tracheal system normal. Genital setae 5 or 6 pairs. Aggenital setae 1 pair. Anal setae 2 pairs. Adanal setae 2 pairs. Lyrifissure ian absent. Preanal organ as caecum. Postanal porose area absent. Humerosejugal porose areas Am and Ah, absent. Sublamellar porose area Al absent ( Fig. 3 ). Notogaster fused with prodorsum medially, slightly flattened anteriorly, ahumerate ( Fig. 1 ). Octotaxic system present as one or four pairs of saccules, Sa positioned near anterior edge of notogaster, anterior to seta c, and dorsal to dorsosejugal porose area Ad ( Figs 1 , 19 ) Nine pairs of notogastral setae present, c2 , and l and h series positioned laterally; setae p1 and p2 positioned marginally ( Fig. 2 ); c1, c3, da, dm, dp, and p3 absent. Notogastral tectum present, indented and overlapping posteromedially ( Fig. 7 ). Lyrifissures ia positioned slightly posterolaterally of setae c2 , im positioned between setae lm and lp ; ih positioned lateral of setae h1 and p1 , ip and ips positioned laterally on notogaster anterior to seta p2 . Pteromorphs absent. Subcapitulum diarthric, axillary saccule absent from base of palp. Rutellum pantelobasic. Chelicera chelate­dentate with 2 slender, barbed setae. Trägårdh’s organ present. Palp with normal 5 segments and tarsal lyrifissure; setal formula: 0­2­1­3­ 9(1). Eupathidium acm fused with solenidion along length ( Fig. 17 ). Legs monodactyl, tarsi with subunguinal pulvillus ( Figs 15, 16 ). Femora I to IV and trochanters III and IV with porose areas ( Figs 8–11 ). Famulus (e) rod­like, rounded distally. Seta d absent from tibiae I to IV and genua I to III. Solenidion ω2 present on tarsus II. Solenidia on tibiae and genua short, other than φ 1 on tibia I. Tibia I without tubercle projecting over base of tarsus I. Immatures: Apheredermous, plicate, without hysterosomal macrosclerites or excentrosclerites. Line of dehiscence extends anterior to seta c2 ( Fig. 12 ). Cerotegument tuberculate ( Fig. 18 ). Integument smooth. Prodorsal porose regions present ( Fig. 12 ). Gastronotal setation bideficient; larva with 12, nymphs with 14 pairs of setae ( f1 , p3 absent). Gastronotal setae of c , d , and l series monomorphic in nymphs ( Figs 12 , 20 ). Opisthonotal gland present in all instars. Coxisternal porose regions present in all nymphs ( Fig. 13 ). Porose regions present lateral of genital region, in adanal region, and surrounding opening of opisthonotal gland in all nymphs ( Fig. 13 ; porose regions lateral of genital region not illustrated). Apodemato­acetabular tracheal system or porose homologues absent. Paraprocts atrichous in larva, protonymph and deutonymph. Genital and aggenital setal formula (larva to adult): 0­1­3­5­6 or 0­1­?­4­5, and 0­0­1­1­1, respectively. Cupule development normal. Bothridium, bothridial seta and seta in fully formed in all immatures. Bothridium cup­shaped. Seta d absent from tibiae I to IV and genua I to III. Setation of protonymphal leg IV normal: 0­0­0­0­7. Etymology. The generic prefix “Phyll” is from the Greek “phyllon” meaning leaf, and refers to the leaf habitat of members of this genus; “eremus” is a common suffix for oribatid genera and is from the Greek “eremos’ meaning solitary.