Metavermilia ogasawaraensis sp. nov. (Serpulidae: Sabellida: Polychaeta: Annelida) from deep-sea locations off Ogasawara Island, Japan with a literature overview of the genus
Nishi, Eijiroh
Kupriyanova, Elena
Tachikawa, Hiroyuki
journal article
Key to
1. Operculum simple conical or globular......................................................................................................... 6
- Operculum complex, distal part composed of several tiers or disks ........................................................... 2
2. Operculum composed of 4–10 parallel tiers or disks fringed by simple or bifurcated spines..................... 3
- Operculum composed of several smooth radially striated tiers or disks with entire margins ..................... 4
3. Distal horny part of the operculum terminates with flat disk; tube with 5–9 longitudinal keels...................
M. nates
Fig. 4
- Distal horny part of the operculum terminates with a single distal spine or hook; tube with one or three irregular longitudinal ridges
M. acanthophora
Fig. 4
H, I)
4. Spines of opercular disks bifurcated with round tips, the most distal star-shaped, consists of several spines (Fig. 3M); tube with 2 thick keels perforated by a row of pits and few peristome-like transverse annuli....
M. truncata
- Spines of opercular disks simple or bifurcated with sharp pointed tips (
Fig. 4
J, L); tube with 5–6 keels.. 5
5. Thoracic membranes to chaetiger 5; tube dotted with rectangular pits between about 4 longitudinal ridges, with an occasional transverse annulus
M. spicata
- Thoracic membranes to chaetiger 6; tube without flaring peristomes.....................................
M. yamazotoi
6. Operculum simple globular membranous, no horny distal plate (
Fig. 4
N, O); tube with 5 – 7 longitudinal ridges
M. inflata
- Operculum globular or conical, with chitinous flat or concave distal plate or convex distal cap............... 7
7. Operculum conical, covered with chitinous flat or concave distal plate ..................................................... 8
- Operculum globular, covered with convex distal cap................................................................................ 11
8. Operculum conical with (nearly) flat chitinous distal plate......................................................................... 9
- Operculum conical with concave distal plate ............................................................................................ 10
9. Distal horn part of the operculum terminates with flat disk; tube surface without keels, with multiple flar- ing peristomes
M. ogasawaraensis
n. sp.
- Distal plate of the operculum without central conical tubercle; tube surface with honey-comb sculpture made of numerous longitudinal keels and transverse ridges
M. arctica
10. Operculum conical, covered with thick concave distal plate that carries an ovoid process with 2 hooks (
Fig. 4
P, Q); thoracic membranes to thoracic chaetiger 5; tube with 5 irregular longitudinal keels and somewhat flaring mouth
- Operculum conical, covered with concave distal plate, no ovoid processes with two hooks, thoracic mem- branes to thoracic chaetigers 3–4; tube with 4 – 6 irregular longitudinal ridges ..........................................
M. annobonensis
Fig. 4
D, E)
11. Thoracic membranes to the end of thorax ................................................................................................. 12
- Thoracic membranes to chaetigers 4–6 ..................................................................................................... 13
12. Thoracic membranes fuse ventrally to form an apron; tube with 5–7 longitudinal keels and some trans- verse annuli
- Thoracic membranes do not fuse ventrally, no apron; tube smooth, very thick walled ...............
M. taenia
13. Thoracic membranes to chaetiger 4; tube surface with 3 longitudinal keels and without transverse annuli.
M. nanshaensis
- Thoracic membranes to chaetigers 5–6; tube with 2 keels and some transverse annuli
M. gravitesta