New teleomorphic and anamorphic taxa of Asterinaceous black mildew from Western coast of India Author Natekar, Pratik D. 0009-0002-9815-6195 Post Graduate Department of Botany, Dattajirao Kadam Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Ichalkaranji- 416 115, Dist. - Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India Author Patil, Anjali P. 0009-0009-3171-5774 Department of Botany, R. B. Madkholkar Mahavidyalaya, Chandgad- 416 509, Dist. - Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India Author Patil, Chandrahas R. 0000-0002-5321-0752 Post Graduate Department of Botany, Dattajirao Kadam Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Ichalkaranji- 416 115, Dist. - Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India Author Bhise, Mahendra R. 0000-0002-1799-7674 Department of Botany, Late Ku. Durga K. Banmeru Science College, Lonar- 443 302, Dist- Buldana, Maharashtra, India Author Kambhar, Sidanand V. 0000-0002-1701-0892 Government of Karnataka, Department of Collegiate Education, Department of Botany, Government First Grade College, Raibag- 591 317, Dist-Belagavi, Karnataka, India text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-03-26 642 1 73 83 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.642.1.6 1179-3163 Asterostomella salaciae P.D. Natekar, A.P. Patil, C.R. Patil, M.R. Bhise & S.V. Kambhar sp. nov. ( Fig. 4 ) MycoBank number: MB 849499 Etymology:—Name after refers the host genus. Holotype :—AMH-10528 Colonies epiphyllous, thin crustose, up to 4 mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae flexuous, branching, opposite to irregular at acute to wide angles, loosely reticulate, cells 12.5–30.5 × 2–3.5 µm. Appressoria few, two celled, alternate, sometimes unilateral, lobed, globose, 7.5–15 × 5–8 µm; stalk cells cuneate to cylindrical, 2–2.5 × 1.8–4 µm; head cells, 4.5–9.5 × 5–8 µm, straight to variously curved, angular, sub-lobate. Pycnothyria grouped to scattered, up to 135 µm in diameter, stellately dehiscing at center, margin fringed with hyphae; conidia oval to pyriform, brown, 11–21 × 9.5–11.5 µm. Material examined:— INDIA . Maharashtra : Kadugaon, Ratnagiri, on leaves of Salacia chinensis L. ( Celastraceae ), 16°93’70” N, 73°50’75” E, 105 m , 17 December 2022 , Pratik Dilip Natekar-5184, AMH-10528 ( holotype ). Distribution:— India ( Maharashtra ). Notes:—Twenty-four species of Asterostomella have been described from 19 angiosperm families ( Hosagoudar 2012 ), but none has been found on any host from the Celastraceae . As a result, based on host specificity, the current collection on Salacia chinensis is treated as a new species. FIGURE 3. Asterostomella wrightiae . A. Infected leaf. B. Mycelial colony. C. Appressoriate mycelium. D. Pycnothyria. E. Conidia. F. Mycelial colony with pycnothyria. G. Conidia. Illustrated by Pratik D. Natekar. FIGURE 4. Asterostomella salaciae . A. Infected leaf. B. Mycelial colony. C. Appressoriate mycelium. D. Pycnothyria. E. Conidia. F. Mycelial colony with pycnothyria. G. Conidia. Illustrated by Pratik D. Natekar. FIGURE 5. Asterostomella coccineae . A. Infected leaf. B. Mycelial colony. C. Pycnothyria. D. Conidia. E. Mycelial colony with pycnothyria. F. Conidia. Illustrated by Pratik D. Natekar. Asterostomula coccineae P.D. Natekar, A.P. Patil, C.R. Patil, M.R. Bhise & S.V. Kambhar sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 ) MycoBank number: MB 849505 Etymology:—Name refers to the host species. Holotype :—AMH-10529 Colonies epiphyllous, sub-dense, up to 2 mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae flexuous to crooked, branching irregular at acute to wide angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 11–21 × 3–4 µm. Appressoria absent. Pycnothyria grouped or scattered, orbicular, up to 90 µm in diameter, stellately dehiscing at center; conidia oblong to ovate, brown, 13–15 × 5.5–7.5 µm. Material examined:— INDIA . Maharashtra : Pali, Ratnagiri, on leaves of Ixora coccinea L. ( Rubiaceae ), 16°97’42” N, 73°49’32” E , 129 m , 18 December 2022 , Pratik Dilip Natekar-5190, AMH-10529 ( holotype ). Distribution:— India ( Maharashtra ). Notes:—Only one species, Asterostomula pavettae Hosag. & Sabeena , has been recorded on Pavetta sp. in Kerala ( Hosagoudar 2012 ). As a result of host specificity, the current collection is classified as a new species.