New Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) from Sarawak in the spirit collection of the Natural History Museum, London Author Darby, Michael Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, SW 7 5 BD UK. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2019 2019-04-04 512 1 50 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2019.512 85c6241d-5e5a-4022-945f-e207d31458ef 2118-9773 2628794 Acrotrichis hanskii sp. nov. 28ADD572-CE8E-4C39-9C75-60F541DE898F Fig. 20 Diagnosis The form of the genitalia distinguishes this species. Etymology Named after the collector, Ilkka Hanski. Type material Holotype MALAYSIA-BORNEO ; Sarawak , 4 th division, Gunung Mulu National Park ; 800–1700 m a.s.l. ; 29 Apr. 1978 ; I. Hanski leg., BM 1978-524 ; pitfall trap fish bait, LMR forest slope 4-6; BMNH . Fig. 20. Acrotrichis hanskii sp. nov. A . Habitus. B . Hind angle of pronotum viewed at 45°. C . Antennomeres III–XI. D . Spermatheca. E . Aedeagus. F . Meso- and metaventra ×425. G . Mentum and submentum ×1600. H . Pygidium. Paratypes MALAYSIA-BORNEO1 ♂ , 1 ♀ (the ♂ mounted disarticulated on the slide); same data as for holotype; BMNH . Description SIZE. Habitus ( Fig. 20A ), length 0.76 mm . COLOUR. Dark brown, antennae, and legs yellow, dorsal surface covered with fine yellow pubescence. HEAD. Distance across eyes 0.28 mm ; antennomeres III–XI, length 0.33 mm ; mentum anterior margin concave, angles acute ( Fig. 20G ). PRONOTUM. Length 0.19 mm , width 0.28 mm , lateral margins sinuate before acute hind angles (viewed from 45°) ( Fig. 20B ). ELYTRA. Length 0.44 mm , width 0.44 mm . VENTRUM. Mesoventrum reticulate, without pubescence, sides shallowly convex, collar with a narrow raised anterior margin, keel obliterated before collar, extending posteriorly to a fine point between the mesocoxae ( Fig. 20F ). Metaventrum reticulate, pubescent throughout, posterior margin between metacoxae with two sharp points at corners, ± ¹∕₅ the width of the sclerite ( Fig. 20F ). ABDOMEN. Pygidium with indistinct teeth and medial point, anterior border with row of setae ( Fig. 20H ). FEMALE GENITALIA. Spermatheca ( Fig. 20D ). MALE GENITALIA. Aedeagus ( Fig. 20E ).