A New Species Of Dendrelaphis (Serpentes: Colubridae) From Java, Indonesia
Rooijen, Johan Van
Vogel, Gernot
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
journal article
Key to the species of the genus
inhabiting the Sunda region
1. Thirteen dorsal scale rows at midbody .....
D. caudolineatus
– Fifteen dorsal scale rows at midbody ................................. 2
2. A bright, white or yellow, ventrolateral stripe is present ...... ..................................................................................
D. pictus
– No light ventrolateral stripe ................................................. 3
3. The temporal stripe covers only the lower part of the temporal region .................................................................................... 4
– The temporal stripe covers the whole temporal region ..... 5
4. Temporal stripe ends at the corner of the jaw; in life, neck red when inflated; eye large; two supralabials touch the eye; first sublabial touches two infralabials .....................
D. kopsteini
– The temporal stripe extends onto the neck where it breaks up into black bars; in life, neck not red when inflated; eye small ............................................................................
D. humayuni
5. In life, neck yellow when inflated; black oblique bars laterally on the body; less than 170 ventrals ......................
D. striatus
– In life, neck not yellow when inflated; more than 170 ventrals ............................................................................................... 6
6. Three black lateral stripes present on the posterior third of the body; eye very large, head bulges behind the snout to accomodate the large eye; first sublabial touches more than two infralabials ...........................................................
D. formosus
– Three black lateral stripes absent; eye small, head nearly flat 7
7. A single black lateral stripe in posterior half of the body, covering the lower half of the third dorsal row; subcaudals 126–133; ventrals 183–189; first sublabial touches two infralabials; compact build (SVL/head-length 23.5–28.5) ........................... ...................................................
D. underwoodi
new species
– Black lateral stripe absent; subcaudals 137-156; ventrals 189- 206; slender build (SVL/head-length 31.0–36.0) .................... .......................................................................
D. cyanochloris