Amblytropidia paranaensis n. sp., a new species of grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Gomphocerinae) from Paraná State, Brazil, including new records, a distribution map and a key to the Brazilian’s species Author Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da Laboratório de Entomologia. Departamento de Biodiversidade e Ecologia, Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Avenida Ipiranga, 6681, Prédio 40, sala 127, 90619 - 900, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Author Nogueira, Thayla Melissa Gimenez Laboratório de Orthoptera. Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. Rua Universitária, 2069, 858190 - 110, Cascavel, PR, Brazil Author Prasniewski, Victor Mateus Coordenação Adjunta de Laboratórios, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Rodovia BR 182 - Km 466, CEP 85770 - 000, Realeza, Paraná, Brazil Author Zefa, Edison Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Departamento de Ecologia, Zoologia e Genética, Instituto de Biologia. Campus Universitário Capão do Leão s / n, Capão do Leão, RS, Brazil Author Szinwelski, Neucir Laboratório de Orthoptera. Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. Rua Universitária, 2069, 858190 - 110, Cascavel, PR, Brazil text Zootaxa 2023 2023-10-31 5361 1 74 86 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5361.1.3 1175-5326 D0178293-41D2-41CC-A7FB-CC4853858657 Key to Brazilian species of Amblytropidia Stål, 1873 1. Body quite robust especially in females; most species rather pale-colored. Female tegmina’s as a rule, not, or little, surpassing the tips of the hind femora, in some a little shorter than the abdomen. Abdomen of the male concolorous................ 2 1’. Body moderately graceful even in the females; the chief color usually more obscure, being brown or even fuscous. Female tegmina’s always extending beyond the tip of the abdomen. Abdomen of the male usually tinged above with orange or ferruginous.......................................................................................... 3 2. Median carina of the vertex quite prominent. Last transverse sulcus of the pronotum situated plainly behind the middle. Antennae of the female (those of the male always relatively longer) a trifle longer than the head and pronotum combined. Tegmina provides with fuscous spots...................................................................... 4 2’. Median carina of the vertex less prominent. Last transverse sulcus of the pronotum situated about the middle. Antennae of female no longer, often noticeably shorter, than the combined length of the head and pronotum. Tegmina with spots or not... ................................................................................................... 5 3 . General body color brunneo-testaceous, immaculate or with faint fuscous dots on tegmina. Tegmina pale testaceous, with tegmina and wings shorter. The apex of hind femur and base of tibiae infuscated. Hind tibiae 12–13 spines of the external margin of the hind tibiae........................................................................ A. australis 3’ . Body color ferruginous, without macule or dots on tegmina. Tegmina brown, the same size as the wings. The apex of hind femur and base of tibiae strongly infuscated. Hind tibiae with 13–14 spines of the external margin of the hind tibiae..... A. interior 4 . Larger (Male 20–23 mm ). Coloration ferruginous. Head as wide as the anterior portion of the pronotum. Hind femur rosecolored with genicular regions blackish and base of tibiae not infuscated. Tegmina with costal margin not undulated. Hind tibiae 11–12 spines.............................................................................. A. ferruginosa 4’ . Smaller (Male 15–16 mm ). Coloration brown. Head large very little wider than the anterior portion of the pronotum. Hind femur brown, and base of tibiae strongly infuscated. Tegmina with costal margin undulated, the apical one-fourth plainly narrower. Hind tibiae 12–13 spines................................................................. A. minor 5 . Coloration of the body frequently vittate and maculate........................................................ 6 5’ . Coloration of the body frequently smooth.................................................................. 7 6. Smaller. Color pallid testaceous or greenish. Dorsum with lateral green stripes reaching from the eyes to the middle of the tegmina. Tegmina as long as the abdomen, often provided (female) with subcostal pale line. Abdomen markedly longitudinally striped with green............................................................................... A. vittata 6’. Larger. Color general dark wood-brown or fuscous. Dorsum concolorous. Tegmina surpassing of the abdomen and not provided (female) with a dirty white subcostal line. Abdomen without longitudinal strip green....................... A. corumbae 7 . Head and thorax laterally with yellowish line............................................................... 8 7 ’. Head and thorax laterally without yellowish and green line.................................................... 9 8 . Head of moderate size, as wide as front edge of the pronotum. Occiput and vertex somewhat rugose. Costa frontal prominent and broad. Hind tibiae with 11–12 spines. Tegmina in male surpassing abdomen tip in both the sexes, and with the subcostal line. Dorsum entirely green. Lophi not sclerotized...................................................... A. sola 8’ . Head of large size, as wide as front edge of pronotum. Occiput and vertex smooth. Costa frontal not prominent. Hind tibiae with 12–13 spines. Tegmina in male reaching the abdomen tip, and in female is shorter and without the subcostal line. Dorsum entirely orange. Lophi sclerotized........................................................ A. paranaensis n. sp. 9 . Male body green, with reddish legs, orange in abdomen, and female completely brown. Occiput flat. Costa frontal prominent and without sub parallel margins. Tegmina surpassing the ends of the hind femur in male, and not reaching abdomen tip in female. Hind tibiae with 12–13 spines. Cerci not rather heavy, short, acute, and exceeding the epiproct.......... A . robusta 9’ . Male and female body same brownish color, ventral surface of hind femur and tibia orange. Occiput arched. Costa frontal not prominent with the margins subparallel. Tegmina reaching the ends of the hind femur in both sexes. Hind tibiae with 11–12 spines. Cerci rather heavy, short, acute not exceeding the epiproct.................................... A. chapadensis 10. Larger (♁, 20–23 mm ) somewhat more graceful. Body elongates. Tegmina faint fuscous dots along dorsal edge. The apex the hind femur and base of tibiae strongly infuscate. Hind tibiae with 12–14 spines.......................... A. geniculata