A new genus and ten new species of jumping plant lice (Hemiptera: Triozidae) from Allocasuarina (Casuarinaceae) in Australia Author Taylor, Gary S. Author Jennings, John T. Author Purcell, Matthew F. Author Austin, Andy D. text Zootaxa 2011 3009 1 45 journal article 46929 10.5281/zenodo.278552 838af845-02e8-4e78-93f7-f1643e0e8b36 1175-5326 278552 Aacanthocnema luehmannii Taylor , sp. nov. Figs 43–50 , 60–62 , 133 ; Tables 1–5, 8 Types . AUSTRALIA , Queensland: Holotype : 13 (slide) 10 km W Millmerran, 27º54.025'S , 151º11.944'E , G.S. Taylor, 5.x.2008 , Allocasuarina luehmannii , ABCL 2008 587 (QMBA). Paratypes : 2 Ƥ (slide) same data as holotype (QMBA). Other material examined. AUSTRALIA , South Australia : from Allocasuarina luehmannii : 1 3 (slide) 14 km E Bordertown ( WINC ). Description. Adult ( Figs 43–50 ). Colour: Male: general colour pale cream to ochraceous with orange-brown to brown markings. Vertex pale with thin black transverse line on anterior margin and a pair of pale brown spots in vicinity of fovea; genal processes with pale grey infuscation towards apices; antennal segments 1–2 ochraceous to brown; segment 3 darker apically; segments 4–10 dark brown to black; pronotum pale with a pair of pale brown lateral spots; mesopraescutum with a pair of short broad triangular markings confluent with anterior margin; mesoscutum with two pairs of orange-brown to brown longitudinal submedial stripes; mesoscutellum ochraceous; wings clear with anterior half of vein Cu1a distinctly suffused dark brown to black; legs pale with dorsal brown infuscation; fore- and mid-tarsi dark brown to black; hind basitarsi with dorsal infuscation, distal segment of hind tarsi dark brown to black; abdominal tergites with a broad dark brown to black longitudinal medial stripe, and a pair of thin dark brown longitudinal lateral stripes; proctiger and subgenital plate ochraceous; parameres with brown to dark brown apices; proximal segment of aedeagus dark brown to black, distal segment pale. Female: as for male, except with slightly paler markings; proctiger with dark brown to black infuscation confluent with lateral margins of circum-anal pore ring; subgenital plate with pale brown infuscation towards apex. Structure: measurements and ratios as in Tables 1–5. Antennae moderate in length, 1.60 times width of head; genal processes elongate, conical with rounded apices, anterior margin of vertex rounded from dorsal aspect, delineated from genal processes by prominent ridge; vertex with weak medial suture; pronotum with weak anterior, medial node; thorax weakly arched, head little wider than pronotum and mesoscutum, fore wings short with broadly rounded apex; Rs short, mostly straight except distally, terminating well short of wing apex; vein M1+2 terminating short of wing apex; cell m1 short, broadly triangular, m1 cell value 0.70–0.86; cell cu1 short triangular, cu1 cell value 1.03–1.18; vein Cu1a weakly arched; radular areas prominent, elongate triangular in cells m2 and cu1; male terminalia as in Fig 60–61 ; proctiger long, thin, without lateral expansions; parameres short, with basal expansion, strongly incurved towards apices. Female terminalia as in Fig. 62 ; proctiger short broad with angular dorso-posterior margin from lateral aspect; subgenital short, broadly rounded, triangular from lateral aspect. Nymph. Unknown. Etymology. Named after the host plant, Allocasuarina luehmannii . Distribution. Recorded from two widely separated localities in inland south-eastern Queensland and inland south-eastern South Australia ( Fig. 137 ). Host plant. Recorded from Allocasuarina luehmannii (R. Baker ) L.A.S.Johnson (bull oak). Allocasuarina luehmannii occurs as a 5–15 m tree in woodland in non-calcareous soils from Mareeba, Queensland through central Queensland and New South Wales , to north-western Victoria and eastern South Australia to S of Bordertown ( Wilson & Johnson 1989 ). Comments . This species has been collected rarely from only two, widely separated localities: three specimens from south-eastern Queensland, and one from south-eastern South Australia . Both series were collected from A. luehmannii . Aacanthocnema luehmannii is very close morphologically to Aa. dobsoni , Aa. huegelianae and Aa. torulosae (see Comments under Aa. dobsoni for diagnoses).