Flora of the Guianas, Series C, fascicle 2. Author J. Florschutz-de Waard Author H. R. Zielman Author M. A. Bruggeman- Nannenga text 2011 Kew Publishing Kew http://antbase.org/ants/publications/CampylopusFloraGuianas/CampylopusFloraGuianas.pdf book CampylopusFloraGuianas 3. Campylopus bryotropii Frahm , Nova Hedwigia 39: 152. 1984 . Type: Peru, Ancash, Laguna Llanganuco, Frahm 825 118 ( B , L. NY , PC ). - Fig. 46 Plants green in upper part, brownish below, in loose tufts. Stems to 4 cm long, tomentose below. Leaves to 7 mm long, appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, lanceolate, tubulose in upper half; costa filling 1/2-2/3 of the leaf base, in upper part with lamellae at back of 2-3 cells high, excurrent, dentate and sometimes hyaline at the tip, in cross-section hyalocysts at ventral and stereids at dorsal side; alar cells coloured and inflated, basal laminal cells rectangular, thin-walled, narrower towards margins forming an indistinct border, extending halfway up the leaf length, upper laminal cells incrassate, oval-oblong, more or less sigmoid. Sporophyte unknown. Specimen examined: Guyana: Pakaraima Mts., upper Mazaruni R., alt. 525-575 m, Hoffman 2860 ( L ). Note: This species resembles C. pilifer in the involute upper lamina, smooth or only slightly senate. It is different in the distinctly coloured and inflated alar cells and the more elongate and incrassate upper laminal Cells.