Nomenclature and typification in Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) from North Africa Author Khamar, Hamid Department of Botany and Plant Ecology, Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V in Rabat, B. P. 703, Rabat 10106, Morocco Author Oualidi, Jalal El Department of Botany and Plant Ecology, Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V in Rabat, B. P. 703, Rabat 10106, Morocco Author Touhami, Amina Ouazzani Plant, Animal Productions and Agro-industry Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, B. P. 133 14000, Kenitra, Morocco Author Civeyrel, Laure Laboratoire Evolution & Diversite Biologique (EDB UMR 5174), Universite de Toulouse, CNRS, IRD, UPS. 118 route de Narbonne, Bat 4 R 1, 31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-04-27 225 115 152 journal article 1314-2003-225-115 AB75E2E9609C5A7583F34B48EA61B976 Verbascum demnatensis (Maire & Murb.) Rankou, in Phytotaxa 78(1): 68. 2013. Celsia sinuataCelsia sinuata var. demnatensis Maire & Murb., in Murbeck, Contr. Fl. Maroc: 40. 1923. Type: [Morocco]: Rocailles calcaires au N. d'El-Arba pres Demnat 3 Avril 1921, R. Maire, s.n. (Lectotype, designated here: MPU [MPU004004]!; isolectotype P [P00083083]!). [(image available at] Celsia lyrata = Celsia lyrata var. demnatensis (Maire & Murb.) Murb., in Lund. Univ. Arssk., n. f. 2, 22(1): 199. 1925. Celsia demnatensis = Celsia demnatensis (Maire & Murb.) Maire in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 29: 438. 1938. Verbascum pseudocreticum demnatense = Verbascum pseudocreticum subsp. demnatense (Maire & Murb.) Ibn Tattou, in Index Syn. Fl. Afrique N. 5: 304. 2013. Notes. This taxon was firstly published by Maire and Murberk (1923) as Celsia sinuata Cav. var. demnatensis Maire & Murb., and they referred to a plant collected by R. Maire in 1921 near Demnat, Morocco (Maire, 1938). In the protologue, the locality, collector, and collection date were indicated as follows: "Rocailles calcaires au N. d'El-Arba , pres Demnat, Dr R. Maire, 3 avril 1921". As mentioned above, the main Rene Maire herbarium of plants from North Africa is now in Herb. MPU ( Stafleu and Cowan 1976-1988 ). During our research, only two herbarium sheets kept at Herbs MPU (MPU004004) and P (P00083083) were traced, which were all collected by Maire. The sheet MPU004004 contains a plant fragment, with leaves, mature fruits, and some young flowers at the upper part of the inflorescence, and two original labels handwritten by Maire; the first one reads "Universite d'Alger / Herbier de l'Afrique du Nord / Celsia sinuata Cavon. var. / M. Rocailles calcaires au N. d'El-Arba , pres Demnat / 3-4-1921/ Dr R. Maire" and the second label states " Celsia sinuata Cavon. var. a typo differt statura minore calyce +/- glandulosa, radice perenni ". This sheet goes with a "letter" from Maire to Murbeck saying that he considered this new sample to be a new variety of Celsia sinuata Cav., and gave a diagnosis. The sheet P00083083 bears a fragment of root with basal leaves and a complete plant with flowers and an original label handwritten by Maire noting the same locality, collection date, and collector as those of the sheet at Herb. MPU. Anyway, these sheets agree with the protologue and are original material; in consequence the sheet MPU004004 preserved at Herb. MPU is selected here as lectotype.