Two new related oodine genera in the Oriental Region, with remarks on the systematic position of the genera Hololeius and Holosoma (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Author Gueorguiev, Borislav text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2014 61 2 87 104 journal article 1860-1324-2 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Carabidae Hololeius ceylanicus (Nietner, 1856) Figs 1-11 Chlaenius nitidulus Dejean, 1826: 341 [nec Schrank, 1781] Chlaenius ceylanicus Nietner, 1856: 385 Hololius (sic!) punctulatus Chaudoir, 1857: 10 Poecilus ornatus Tryon, 1890: 109. Material examined. 1♂, 1♀, Indonesia, Bali, south shore of Danau Buyan Lake, 1250 m, 11.VII.1991, Balke & Hendrich leg. (NMNHS). Diagnosis. Same as the generic diagnosis. Redescription. Habitus. Semi-elongate (Fig. 1). Color. Uniformly olive-green on most of dorsal surface, elytra light green to coppery at apex; venter black; elytral epipleura reddish; palpi, legs, antennomeres 1-3 and base of 4 red-yellow. Microsculpture. Reduced on most of surface, isodiametric on interval 9 and on medial intervals posteriorly, transverse on proepisternum. Punctation and pubescence. Head finely and densely punctate dorsally, slightly rugose at sides and posteriorly; pronotum and elytra with punctures coarser and more scattered than punctures on head; pronotum more densely punctate laterally and basally, less densely punctate apically, with a few hairs on disc; elytra more densely pubescent and punctate laterally and apically, with only a few hairs basally and on disc; prosternum, mesepisternum, metasternum, and metepisternum glabrous medially, sparsely to moderately punctate and pubescent laterally; abdominal sterna 1-2 sparsely punctate and pubescent, sterna 3-6 sparsely punctate and pubescent medially, more densely punctate and pubescent laterally. Head. Frons with punctiform impressions and one pair of setiferous punctures. Labrum with six setae along anterior margin. Clypeus with a pair of setae. Labial palpomere glabrous. Mentum tooth truncate apically, bordered posteriorly. Pronotum. Subrectangular, without protruded angles, with anterior margin slightly shorter than posterior margin, posterior margin laterally oblique towards posterior angle; margins finely bordered laterally and lateroapically, border obliterated on anterior margin medially, basal margin not bordered; anterolateral setae lacking, posterolateral setae present; two laterobasal impressions faint, sublinear. Elytra. Striae 1-7 fine, punctiform (Figs 1-3); striae 5-7 obliterated basally (Fig. 2); stria 7 perceptible to apex (Fig. 3); stria 8 linear, not or hardly deeper than other striae, well-impressed along most of its length, depressed only apically (Figs 2-3); parascutellar striola fine, punctiform like striae 1-7, located between suture and stria 1. Intervals 7 and 8 separate to apex (Fig. 3); interval 9 distinct nearly to apex (Figs 2-3). Parascutellar pore present; discal setiferous pores lacking. Ventral surface (thorax and abdomen). Intercoxal process of prosternum unbordered, glabrous and impunctate. Mesosternum profoundly concave. Metepisternum laterally coadunate with elytral epipleuron. Sternum 3 without ambulatory setae, sterna 4-5 with pair of long ambulatory setae; apical sternum with two setae in male, four in female. Legs. Relatively long and slender. Mesocoxa with two setae, one lateral and one posteromedail. Metacoxa with anterior pore; metafemur with a few short setae on dorsal surface. Tarsomere 5 setose ventrally. Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus large, strongly curved laterally, with complex internal structure (Figs 4-5); basal part small, narrow, with small bulb and concave orifice in lateral aspect, curved rectangularly towards massive and broadened medial part, from there toward apical lamella gradually narrowed, and then slightly raised distally (Fig. 4); median lobe long, straight, slightly asymmetrical in dorsal aspect, with left side obtusely angled and more concave before apex and right side undulating, slightly concave in middle and before apex, apical lamella narrow proximally and widened distally (Fig. 5); inner sac with three well-chitinized, differently shaped structures: proximal paddle-like sclerite, long medial threadlike filament and small distal sclerite on the right side easily visible in dorsal aspect (Figs 4-5); parameres different in shape, right paramere elongate, thick, saddle-like, with short and oblique process internally (Figs 6-7), left paramere conchoid, with a thick, strongly chitinized and oblique process internally (Figs 8-9). Female genitalia. Ovipositor consists of valvifer and stylomere (Figs 10-11); distal margin of valvifer with 11-12 setae of varying lengths; basal stylomere conical, 1.5 times longer than apical stylomere, its ventral surface with 10 long and thin setae directed toward apical stylomere; apical stylomere subtriangular, with rounded blade, as wide as basal stylomere, provided with 36 long and well-chitinized ensiform setae (3 dorsomedial, 6 dorsolateral and 27 ventral) and with two thick nematiform setae, slightly shorter than ensiform setae. Figures 1-3. Hololeius ceylanicus (Niether, 1856) from Danau Buyan Lake, Bali, Indonesia, female. 1. Habitus; 2-3. Elytra (2. left anterolateral view; a - stria 8; b - interval 9; 3. left posterolateral view; a - stria 7; b - interval 9). Scale bars = 2 mm (Fig. 1); = 1 mm (Figs 2-3). Figures 4-11. Hololeius ceylanicus (Niether, 1856) from Danau Buyan Lake, Bali, Indonesia. 4-9. Male genitalia (4. median lobe of aedeagus, left lateral view; 5. median lobe of aedeagus, dorsal view; 6-7. right paramere, internal and external face; 8-9, left paramere, internal and external face); 10-11. Left ovipositor, ventral view (10. photograph; 11. line drawing; as - apical stylomere; bs - basal stylomere; dles - dorsolateral ensiform setae; dmes - dorsomedial ensiform setae; ns - nematiform setae; ves - ventral ensiform setae; vf - valvifer). Scale bars = 0.3 mm (Figs 4-9); = 0.1 mm (Figs 10-11). Distribution. Palaearctic Region (Japan, East China), Oriental Region (Ceylon, India, South China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia), Australian Region (New Guinea, northeast and southeast Australia).