South African nose flies (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Rhiniinae): taxonomy, diversity, distribution and biology Author Thomas-Cabianca, Arianna Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Alicante, E- 03080, Alicante, Spain Author Villet, Martin H. Rhodes University, Southern African Forensic Entomology Research Laboratory, Grahamstown, South Africa Author Martinez-Sanchez, Anabel Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Alicante, E- 03080, Alicante, Spain Author Rojo, Santos Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Alicante, E- 03080, Alicante, Spain text Biodiversity Data Journal 2023 2023-01-13 11 72764 72764 journal article 1314-2828-11-e72764 483CCF09D3A05B029A3B4B4A30E4CB79 Isomyia oculosa (Villeneuve, 1917) = Thelychaeta oculosa Villeneuve, 1917: 342. Type locality : South Africa and North-West Rhodesia [Zambia], Chilanga R. Remarks : STs in NHMUK and PT in SAMC. Distribution Afrotropical : Sierra Leone, South Africa (Fig. 57 ), Zambia and Zimbabwe. Notes Preferred environment : in Zimbabwe, Cuthbertson (1933) reported Isomyia oculosa (as Strongyloneura oculosa Villeneuve) on twigs and trunks of trees in a dense forest at the Chirinda Forest, Vumba Mountains (in Cloudlands), Kadoma (as Gatooma) and Eastern Victoria. Recorded elevations : no data. Seasonality : uncommon species with only three specimens recorded in November. Behaviour and ecology : unknown. Life cycle and developmental stages : unknown. Collection methods : in Zambia and Zimbabwe, collected inside houses. Illustrations and photographs : male habitus as in Fig. 58 . Male terminalia as in fig. 2 in Zumpt (1958) . Type material examined : T. oculosa : 1? SYN-TYPE // 24/9/13 / Chilanga R. / W. Lusaka; N.W.R. / (R.C.W.) / in house // R.C. Wood // Pres. by / Com. Inst. Ent. / B.M. 1956-102 // [NHMUK 010580057]. 1? SYN-TYPE // 25/09/13 M / Chilanga / N.W. Rhodesia / (R.C.W) / 4030 / in house // Pres. by / Com. Inst. Ent. / B.M. 1956-102 // Thelychaeta / Thelychaeta oculosa Villen / Villeneuve det. // [NHMUK 010580055]. T. oculosa : 1? Para-Type // Bulawayo / 10.ix.1910 / E.C. Chubb / caught in house // S. Afri. Mus. // 119 // Thelychaeta / Thelychaeta oculosa / Type Villeneuve // [SAMC DIP A011149]. Material examined : Suppl. materials 1, 2.