Systematics of the parasitic wasp genus Oxyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s. l.), Part I: Indo-Malayan and Palearctic fauna
Burks, Roger A.
Masner, Lubomir
Johnson, Norman F.
Austin, Andrew D.
journal article
Oxyscelio vadorum Burks
sp. n.
Figures 426-429Morphbank111
Female. Body length 4.75 mm (n=1).
Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: absent (replace with question mark). Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: granulate. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-punctate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.
Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: absent or weak and incomplete in places. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially:
. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: 3-5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: median carina present. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching beyond T6.
T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.
Male. Unknown.
Female: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Gena almost entirely granulate, without rugae, foveae, or carinae over most of its surface. Mesoscutellum strongly granulate. Metascutellum narrowing posteriorly, weakly emarginate. Metasomal depression elongate, with extensive sculpture; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically.
Latin noun, genitive case, meaning
A pun referring to the predominantly weak surface sculpture.
Link to distribution map.
Material examined.
Holotype, female: SRI LANKA: Central Prov., Nuwara Eliya Dist., Hakgala Strict Natural Reserve, 23.
24.VI.1981, K. V. Krombein, T. Wijesinhe & L. Weeratunge, OSUC 268137 (deposited in ISDF).
Oxyscelio vadorum
superficially resembles many weakly sculptured species outside the cuculli-group. However, it has the elongate, sculptured metasomal depression found in
Oxyscelio convergens
and similar species. Even though only a single, damaged specimen is known, this species is described because of its many unusual character states, including the chiefly granulate gena.
Figures 426-429.
Oxyscelio vadorum
sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 268137) 426 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 427 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 428 Head, anterior view 429 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank111