Review of Gasteruption Latreille (Hymenoptera, Gasteruptiidae) from Iran and Turkey, with the description of 15 new species Author van Achterberg, Cornelis Author Talebi, Ali Asghar text ZooKeys 2014 458 1 187 journal article 1313-2970-458-1 D653F0941A114123815A1298D64457B8 D653F0941A114123815A1298D64457B8 Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Gasteruptiidae Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus, 1758) Figs 29-47 Ichneumon assectator Linnaeus, 1758: 566, 1761: 407, 1767: 937; Scopoli 1763 : 287; Fabricius 1775 : 340, 1781: 435, 1787: 268; Gmelin 1790 : 2696; Villers 1789 : 174; Rossi 1790 : 90; Christ 1791 : 375; Petagna 1792 : 365; Cederhjelm 1798 : 163; Schrank 1802 : 263; Hentschius 1804 : 112; Illiger 1807 : 74; Roman 1932 : 2; Hedqvist 1973 : 182; Fitton 1978 : 376. Foenus assectator ; Fabricius 1798 : 240; Walckenaer 1802 : 75; Latreille 1805 : 195; Dahlbom 1831 : 77; Curtis 1832 : 423; Nees 1834 : 308; Stephens 1835 : 121; Labram and Imhoff 1836 : 24; Zetterstedt 1840 : 408; Westwood 1843 : 255; Taschenberg 1866 : 93; Tournier 1877 : ix (as affectator); Thomson 1883 : 849. Faenus affectator ; Abeille de Perrin 1879 : 265, 266, 277. Gasteruption assectator ; Schletterer 1885 : 276, 316, 1889: 384, 393, 395, 397; Dalla Torre 1902 : 1063; Szepligeti 1903 : 370 (as affectator); Kieffer 1912 : 256 (id.); Lindemans 1921 : 298 (id.); Roman 1932 : 2; Schmiedeknecht 1930 : 380, 383 (as affectator); Hedicke 1939 : 5 (id.); Ferriere 1946 : 235, 238, 240 (id.); Leclercq 1948 : 75; Hellen 1950 : 4; Townes 1950 : 123-128; Sedivy 1958 : 36, 37; Gyoerfi and Bajari 1962 : 48, 51; Schmidt 1969 : 293; Hedqvist 1973 : 181; Fitton 1978 : 376; Dolfuss 1982 : 22; Oehlke 1984 : 169, 171, 175; Ortega and Baez 1985 : 509, 515; Madl 1987a : 401, 1987b : 21, 1988c : 37, 1989a : 159, 1989b : 41, 1990a : 127, 1990b : 480; Kozlov 1988 : 245, 247; Kofler and Madl 1990 : 320; Narolsky and Shcherbal 1991 : 23, 24; Wall 1994 : 150; Scaramozzino 1995 : 3; Smith 1996 : 492; Peeters 1996 : 134; Neumayer et al. 1999 : 220; Pagliano and Scaramozzino 2000 : 11, 19; Saure 2001 : 29; Yildirim et al. 2004 : 1350; Turrisi 2004 : 84; Westrich 2008 : 7-8; van der Smissen 2010 : 372; Zhao et al. 2012 : 23-27; van Achterberg 2013 : 82. Gasteryption affectator ; Semenov 1892 : 200. Ichneumon annularis Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785: 398; Hedicke 1939 : 7; Wall 1994 : 148. Synonymized by with Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus) by Olivier, 1792. Foenus fumipennis Thomson, 1883: 848; Hedicke 1939 : 7; Hedqvist 1973 : 181, 182 (lectotype designation); Wall 1994 : 148. Synonymized with Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus) by Schletterer, 1885. Foenus nigritarsis Thomson, 1883: 849; Schletterer 1889 : 398; Hedicke 1939 : 7; Hedqvist 1973 : 181, 182 (lectotype designation); Wall 1994 : 149. Synonymized with Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus) by Schletterer, 1889. Gasteruption nigritarse ; Schletterer 1885 : 310. Gasteruption brevicauda Kieffer 1904a : 648, 1904b : 18; 1912 : 259; Hedicke 1939 : 8; Madl 1987a : 401; Wall 1994 : 148. Synonymized with Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus) by Madl, 1987a. Trichofoenus breviterebrae Watanabe, 1934: 285; Hedicke 1939 : 45. Synonymized by Pagliano and Scaramozzino 2000 : 11, 19. Gasteruption rugulosum ; Malyshev 1965 : 245. Gasteruption affectator auct. Note. The Nearctic synonyms as given by Smith (1996) are not repeated here and need reconfirmation. Type material. Lectotype of Gasteruption assectator here designated, ♀ coll. no. 2652 in the Linnean Society London, "49, assectator", and examined by Roman (1932) and Fitton (1978) . The lectotype has been studied digitally ( by the first author; no. 2653 is damaged and is a paralectotype. Lectotype of Gasteruption nigritarsis ♀ (ZIL) from "Lund, 8/53 [= viii.1853]", "nigritarsis" , "Lectotypus Foenus nigritarsis Thoms., ♀, K.-J. Hedqvist, det. 1972". Lectotype of Gasteruption fumipenne ♀ (ZIL) without metasoma from "Olle Han [? name of collector, according to original description from Gottland and Skaene , Sweden], d.15.vii.1850", "fumipennis" , "Lectotypus Foenus fumipennis Thoms., ♀, K.-J. Hedqvist, det. 1972"; lectotype has spurious vein on vein 1-SR. Holotype of Gasteruption margotae in Zoological Museum Helsinki (from Finland, Suoniemi, 26. vi.1947) was re-examined by Madl (1990b) . Holotype of Gasteruption brevicauda in MNHN, female from Algeria ( Orleansville ) was examined by Madl (1987a) . Additional material. *Iran (Alborz, Chalous Road Shahrestanak; id., Arangeh; Qazvin, Zereshk Road; Azer. e Sh., Sis, 10 km E of Shabestar, 1540 m); Turkey (Anatolia, Lycia, Kemer; Pasli, 50 km S of Kars; 10 km W of Uerguep ; Bursa, near Cagliyan; 15 km W of Refahye, W of Erzincan, 1600 m; Konya, 10 km S of Aksehir Mts.; id., 30 km S of Aksehir; Sakarya, near Karasu; near Agri; near Akyaka, 40 m; near Fethiye; 40 km N of Muradye, 2200 m; Acioel , near Cardak; Trabzon, near Macka; Avgadi, 30 km NW of Erdemli, 1300 m; Denizli, 10 km NE of Denizli, 270 m; Mansisa, 15 km SEE of Salihli, 170 m; Van, 30 km N of Baskale, 2700 m; Hakkari, Mt. Sat, SW of Yueksekova , Varegoes , 1650 m; Nevsehir, Uerguep , 1100 m; Guemueshane , Koese Dagh Gecidi, 1700 m; Pirene). Diagnosis. Apex of ovipositor sheath blackish or slightly brownish; ovipositor sheath 0.8-1.3 times as long as hind tibia and 0.4-0.8 times as long as hind tibia and tarsus combined; occipital carina obsolescent medio-dorsally (Figs 29, 39) and rath er protruding ventro-posteriorly (Fig. 29); antesternal carina narrow; head, laterally mesosoma and scapus black; head in anterior view slightly protruding below lower level of eyes by less than basal width of mandible and mandibular condylus near lower level of eyes (Fig. 33); in lateral view condylar incision of malar space close to eye (Fig. 29); clypeus with small depression or depression obsolescent; eyes shortly setose; fourth and fifth antennal segment 1.2-1.3 and 1.0-1.1 (♀)-1.3 (♂) times as long as third segment, respectively (Figs 29, 38); apical antennal segment at most 1.2 times as long as third antennal segment and its colour similar to colour of medial segments; antenna of female may be partly yellowish-brown; mesoscutum and head similarly coriaceous (Fig. 30), at most mesoscutum superficially rugulose; hind coxa often transversely rugose dorsally, but sometimes mainly coriaceous; hind tibia stout, with a distinct subbasal ivory ring and swollen, resulting in a distinctly convex ventral border (Fig. 32); hind basitarsus rather long (Fig. 32); hind tibial spurs yellowish-brown or brown; hind tarsus brown, dark brown or blackish; incision of hypopygium shallow. Distribution. Holarctic, Turkey, Iran. New for the fauna of Iran. Biology. Predator-inquiline of Hylaeus spp. and small Megachilinae . Collected in June-August . Figures 29-36. Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus), female, Netherlands. 29 head lateral 30 mesosoma lateral 31 mesonotum dorsal 32 hind leg 33 head anterior 34 head dorsal 35 fore wing 36 apex of ovipositor sheath. Figures 37-47. Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus), male, Sweden, but 42-45 from Austria and 46-47 of female from Austria. 37 mesonotum dorsal 38 basal antennal segments 39 head lateral 40 head dorsal 41 hind leg 42,44, 46 hind tibia dorsal 43, 45, 47 hind femur latero-ventral.