Review of tapeworms of rodents in the Republic of Buryatia, with emphasis on anoplocephalid cestodes Author Haukisalmi, Voitto Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Unit, Finland Author Henttonen, Heikki Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Unit, Finland Author Hardman, Lotta Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa ,, Finland Author Hardman, Michael Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Unit, Finland Author Laakkonen, Juha Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland Author Murueva, Galina Buryatian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, Russian Federation Author Niemimaa, Jukka Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Unit, Finland Author Shulunov, Stanislav Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Irkutsk, Russian Federation Author Vapalahti, Olli Haartman Institute, Department of Virology, University of Helsinki, Finland text ZooKeys 2009 2009-04-28 8 8 1 18 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.8.58 07ff55b2-760f-4411-a2bd-3ada508ece01 1313–2970 576440 Catenotaenia sp. 1 The specimens from Cricetulus barabensis resemble Catenotaenia dendritica (Goeze, 1782) , C. laguri Smith, 1954 , C. linsdalei McIntosh, 1941 , C. reggiae Rausch, 1951 and C. ris Yamaguti, 1942 in having numerous uterine branches ( 39-43 in the present specimens). However, these species have either significantly more numerous ( C. den- dritica , C. reggiae , C. ris ) or less numerous ( C. laguri , C. linsdalei ) testes than the present specimens (ca. 80). Moreover, three of these species are specific parasites of sciurids ( C. dendritica , C. reggiae , C. ris ), two other have been found only from Lemmiscus Thomas ( C. laguri ) and Thomomys Wied-Neuwied ( C. linsdalei ), and three of them are known only from North America ( C. reggiae , C. laguri , C. linsdalei ). We conclude that the present specimens from C. barabensis represent an undescribed species of Catenotaenia Janicki, 1904 . Zhaltsanova (1992) reported Catenotaenia cricetorum Kirshenblat, 1949 from C. barabensis from Buryatia , but did not provide any morphological data for the cestode. We assume that the specimens of Zhaltsanova (1992) from C. barabensis actually represent the same undescribed species as found by us from Buryatian hamsters. Voucher specimen: MSB Endo 157 from C. barabensis (Ganzurinov) .