Evolution of nuptial-gift-related male prosomal structures: taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Oedothorax (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae) Author Lin, Shou-Wang Author Lopardo, Lara Author Uhl, Gabriele text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2022 2021-11-20 195 417 584 journal article 115951 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab033 75b10efe-a17d-4d10-b46e-094c6a7ebf01 0024-4082 6967774 BE2B3859-8F6A-4543-8A69-91840F82377B OEDOTHORAX RETUSUS ( WESTRING, 1851 ) ( FIGS 7S , 8E , 9E , 16 ; SUPPORTING INFORMATION, FIG. S1E ) Erigone retusa Westring, 1851: 41 (Dmf) . Neriene elevate O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862: 7966 (Dmf) . Tmeticus foveolatus Menge, 1868: 186 , pl. 35, fig. 86 (Dmf). Neriene retusa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873: 451 . Gongylidium fuscum Simon, 1884: 478 , figs 252–254 (mf, misidentified). Neriene retusa Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94 , pl. 4, fig. 2 (mf). Kulczynskiellum retusum F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895: 39 . Gongylidium fuscum Becker, 1896: 82 , pl. 9, fig. 5 (mf). Kulczynskiellum retusum Bösenberg, 1902: 170 , pl. 15, fig. 230 (mf). Oedothorax retusus, de Lessert, 1910: 192 . Kulczynskiellum retusum Fedotov, 1912: 454 , pl. 8, fig. 2 (f). Stylothorax retusa, Dahl, 1912: 603 . Oedothorax retusus Denis, 1947: 145 , figs 6D, 7D, 8D, 9E, 10E, 11D (mf). Oedothorax retusus Vogelsanger, 1948: 53 , fig. 9 (f). Oedothorax retusus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 241 , figs 145D, E, 146E, 147E, F (mf). Oedothorax retusus Wiehle, 1960a: 440 , figs 807–816 (mf). Oedothorax retusus Holm, 1962: 165 , fig. 61C–d (m). Oedothorax retusus Tystshenko, 1971: 251 , figs 820, 831 (mf). Oedothorax retusus Miller, 1971: 262 , pl. LIV, figs 20–22 (f). Oedothorax retusus Palmgren, 1976: 88 , figs 7.22, 8.1– 2, 8.4–6. Oedothorax retusus Růžička, 1978: 195 , figs 8B, 9B (f). Oedothorax retusus Hu & Wang, 1982: 63 , fig. II.1–4 (f). Oedothorax retusus Hu, 1984: 199 , fig. 209.1–4 (f). Oedothorax retusus Bosmans, 1985: 65 , figs 15, 20, 32 (m). Oedothorax retusus Roberts, 1987: 57 , figs 22E, 23C (mf). Oedothorax retusus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224 , fig. 603 (mf). Oedothorax retusus Alderweireldt, 1992: 5 , fig. 1c (f). Oedothorax retusus Zhao, 1993: 199 , fig. 90a–c (f). Oedothorax retusus Uhl, Nessler & Schneider, 2010: 77 , fig. 1E, F (f). Oedothorax retusus Uhl et al. , 2014: 348 , fig. 1A–F (mf). Oedothorax retusus Kunz, Witthuhn & Uhl, 2015: 279 , figs 1A–h, 2A–j (mf). Oedothorax retusus Russell-Smith, 2016: 23 , fig. 2 (f). Type material: No type designation nor illustration in Westring (1851) . Subsequent studies do not mention the examination of types . Nevertheless, the unique palpal tibia shape and male prosomal modification illustrated in later descriptions suffice for an identification of this species. Examined material: Scotland : Tentsmuir , damp dune slack, 1♂ 2♀ 8.ix.1965 ( No. 3114 AMNH ) . England : Yorkschire , Askham Bog , 1♀ 12.vii.53 ( AMNH ) ; New Forest , Matley Passage , sand pit, 1♀ 15.viii.1955 ( AMNH ) ; Oxford , Noke wood, 1♀ 20. x.1954 . Switzerland : Basel ( 47° N , 8° E ), 1♂ 1♀ ( AMNH ) ; Westring , 1♂ ( AMNH ) ; Trius , 1♀ det. Schenkel (received 1946), Schenkel collection ( AMNH ) . Norway : 1♂ xiii.1962, N, Svartisen , M, J. O. 40 ( AMNH ) ; 2♀ xiii.1960, RO/RO/S J. A. L. O. ( AMNH ) ; 1♂ xiii.1962, N, Svartisen , M, J. O. 46 ( AMNH ) . Germany : Greifswald , 1♂ 2014, coll. and det. S.-W. Lin. Data unrecognizable: 4♂ 1♀ ( AMNH ) . Diagnosis: Males: This species is similar to Oe. apicatus and Oe. gibbifer , all three possess post-ocular hump and lateral sulci and pits, but this species can be distinguished from Oe. apicatus by not having the knob-like shape of post-ocular hump, and can be distinguished from Oe. gibbifer by the retrolaterally bent palpal tibial basal thorn, pointing prolaterally in the latter. Females: Can be distinguished from other species by the epigynal configuration and number of sub- AME setae (one; two in Oe. fuscus , Oe. agrestis , Oe. meridionalis and Oe. tingitanus ). Distinguished from Oe. apicatus by the more convergent ventral plate borders; from Oe. gibbosus by the more curved ventral plate borders; from Oe. gibbifer by the wrinkles close to the posterior margin of the central area parallel to the margin; from Oe. paludigena by the narrower posterior margin of the dorsal plate; from Oe. trilobatus by the much shorter copulatory ducts. Description: Male ( AMNH ): Total length: 2.14. Prosoma: 0.91 long, 0.74 wide, postocular region elevated, with lateral sulci and pits ( Fig. 7S ). Eyes: AME-AME: 0.02, AME width: 0.05, AME-ALE: 0.03, ALE width: 0.06, ALE-PLE: 0.01, PLE width: 0.06, PLE-PME: 0.04, PME width: 0.06, PME-PME: 0.05. Clypeus: not hirsute, one sub- AME seta. Sternum: 0.57 long, 0.53 wide. Chelicerae: mastidia absent; stridulatory striae scaly, rows widely and evenly spaced ( Fig. 8E ). Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II and IV 1.16, 1.16 and 1.87 times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.69. Pedipalp: TPA broad at base, triangular, distal part scaly; BT long, pointed retrolaterally; PC no recognizable distal setae group ( Fig. 16A ); T with scale-like papillae, PT with long papillae; TS short, with papillae ( Fig. 16D ); DSA tip round( Fig. 16A ); EM short, cylindrical, proximally oriented; TP without small protuberances ( Fig. 16B ); E broad at basal part. Opisthosoma: brown, evenly coloured ( Fig. 9E ); spinnerets see Fig. 16H . Female ( AMNH ): Total length: 2.73. Prosoma: 1.07 long, 0.82 wide. Eyes: AME-AME: 0.02, AME width: 0.06, AME-ALE: 0.03, ALE width: 0.08, ALE-PLE: 0.00, PLE width: 0.08, PLE-PME: 0.04, PME width: 0.07, PME-PME: 0.07. Clypeus: not hirsute, one sub- AME seta. Sternum: 0.63 long; 0.62 wide. Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 1.24, 1.35, 1.72 and 1.82 times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.63. Chelicerae: stridulatory striae similar to male. Epigyne: Clade 13 characteristic morphology, borders between dorsal and ventral plates converging anteriorly, copulatory duct short ( Fig. 16E–G ). Opisthosoma: brown, evenly coloured. Variation: The measurements are based on examined material. Males (N = 10, means in parentheses): Total length 1.88–2.23 (2.06). Prosoma: 0.88–1.04 (0.93) long, 0.69– 0.81 (0.75) wide. Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 0.91–1.47 (1.21), 1.11–1.62 (1.25, N = 9), 1.35–2.24 (1.60, N = 9) and 1.42–2.38 (1.75, N = 8) times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.58– 0.69 (0.62). Females (N = 10, means in parentheses): Total length 2.29–3.02 (2.65). Prosoma: 1.01–1.20 (1.13) long, 0.80– 0.91 (0.87) wide. Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 1.24–1.79 (1.51), 1.35–1.74 (1.53), 1.47–2.25 (1.85) and 1.58–2.35 (1.98) times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.60–0.69 (0.64). Distribution: Europe, Turkey , Caucasus, Russia to Kazakhstan , China Habitat: In low vegetation or under stones close to water.