Battling the un-dead: the status of the Diptera genus-group names originally proposed in Johann Wilhelm Meigen’s 1800 pamphlet Author Evenhuis, Neal L. Author Pape, Thomas text Zootaxa 2017 4275 1 1 74 journal article 32874 10.11646/zootaxa.4275.1.1 02308cb2-2ac2-407f-aa58-b7f5b657fc44 1175-5326 804234 065D531F-1095-4364-906B-EC55CFF9BFD4 9. Chrysozona [ Chrysozona ] Meigen, 1800: 23 . CURRENT STATUS: Unavailable name; work suppressed for the purposes of zoological nomenclature by action of I.C.Z.N. (1963: 339 [Opinion 678]); treated under Haematopota Meigen, 1803 [ teste Sabrosky (1999: 89) ]. Chrysozona Hendel , 1903 : 58 . ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: None. FIRST INCLUDED SPECIES: Tabanus pluvialis Linnaeus, 1758 [as “ Tab . pluvialis F.”] (in Hendel 1908: 54 ). TYPE SPECIES: Tabanus pluvialis Linnaeus, 1758 , by subsequent monotypy (in Hendel 1908: 54 ). CURRENT STATUS: Junior synonym of Haematopota Meigen, 1803 . New Synonymy . FAMILY: TABANIDAE . REMARKS: Chrysozona was originally proposed by Meigen (1800: 23) without included species and later made unavailable from that publication by the suppression of the entire work for the purposes of zoological nomenclature by action of the I.C.Z.N. (1963: 339 [Opinion 678]). Hendel (1903: 58) proposed Chrysozona in synonymy by treating it as a synonym of Haematopota Meigen, 1803 , but did not give characters to differentiate it nor did he include any species. Hendel (1908: 58) was the first after Meigen (1800) to give characters to differentiate the taxon (reproducing Meigen’s characters) and to treat it as valid, which makes the name available from Hendel (1903) . Hendel (1908: 58) also included the first species mentioned by Meigen (1800) , Tabanus pluvialis Linnaeus, 1758 , which is the type species by subsequent monotypy. Tabanus pluvialis is currently treated in Haematopota Meigen, 1803 [ teste Daniels (1989: 291)], which makes Chrysozona Hendel, 1903 a junior synonym of Haematopota Meigen, 1803 , n. syn . Bezzi (1908d: 375) also used the name Chrysozona as valid with one included species ( Chrysozona ochracea Bezzi, 1908 ), but this was probably published after Hendel’s (1908) work appeared.