Inconvenient hyperdiversity - the traditional concept of “ PheIdole pallIdula ” includes four cryptic species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Author Bernhard Seifert text Soil Organisms 2016 88 1 1 18 journal article 39144 10.5281/zenodo.270253 be6d3869-eeaa-4921-ae09-29094525c23d 270253 Pheidole cicatricosa Stitz, 1917 Four major workers of the type samples of Ph. cicatricosa and Ph. recticeps Menozzi, 1932 . ALGERIA : Temassinin, 1914.01.30 [28.120, 6.819, 379]. LIBYA : Ghadames, coll. Forel, 1889/1893 [30.133, 9.500, 335].