Flora of the Guianas, Series C, fascicle 2. Author J. Florschutz-de Waard Author H. R. Zielman Author M. A. Bruggeman- Nannenga text 2011 Kew Publishing Kew http://antbase.org/ants/publications/CampylopusFloraGuianas/CampylopusFloraGuianas.pdf book CampylopusFloraGuianas 11 . Campylopus subcuspidatus (Hampe) A. Jaeger , Ber. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 2 244 1. 1 %'Vl. - Dicranum subcuspidatum Hampe , Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjgzibenhavn ser. 3, 2: 273, 1 870. Type: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Tijuca, Glaziou 7096 (BM) - Campylopus praealtus (Müll. Hal.) Paris , Index Bryol. Suppl. 96. 1900. - Dicranum praealtum Müll. Hal. , Hedwigia 371 217. 1898. Type: Puerto Rico, Sierra de Luquillo, Sintensis s.n. (NY). Description see Musci I in Fl. Suriname 6: 70. 1964, as C. praealtus. Distribution: West Indies, C and tropical S America. Ecology: Terrestrial in xeromorphic scrub vegetation on white sand savannas; collected in Guyana at higher altitudes (900-2000 m). Note: The broad, rigid leaves, gradually narrowing to the apex and the distinct border of thin-walled, hyaline cells, extending more than half the leaf length, distinguish this species from C. luteus (see also under that Species).