Avifauna of the Adelbert Mountains, New Guinea: why is Fire-maned Bowerbird Sericulus bakeri the mountains’ only endemic bird species? Author Diamond, Jared Author Bishop, K. David text Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 2021 2021-03-09 141 1 75 108 journal article 2513-9894 6D2353AF-B244-409B-AF02-944A06062AE FORBES’S FOREST RAIL Rallicula forbesi Seen, heard and taped only at 1,525–1,600 m above Munggur , and recorded previously forȱ theȱ Adelbertsȱ solelyȱ byȱ Pratt.ȱ Knownȱ andȱ namedȱ byȱ villagersȱ atȱ bothȱ Munggurȱ andȱ Kangarangate. The very long call is a buzzy note repeated ad nauseam three times per second .