Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the Islands of Aru and Key. Author Smith, F. text Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 1859 3 132 158 journal article 10342 03D4C4E8-74F9-42F2-8FD1-00A6DC22903A 4. Mutilla nigra . M. nigra et punctata, abdomine laevi et nitido, delicatule punctato, alis fuscis, basi hyalinis. Male. Length 6 1 / 2 lines. Black; head and thorax closely and strongly punctured; the eyes slightly notched; the face with silvery-white pubescence, the mandibles shining, the palpi black. Thorax: the metathorax densely clothed with yellowish-white pubescence; the legs with glittering white hairs, the calcaria white; wings brown with their base hyaline. Abdomen smooth and shining, delicately and sparingly punctured, with a few silvery hairs at the sides. Hab. Aru .