Integrative taxonomic approach to the cryptic diversity of Diplostomum spp. in lymnaeid snails from Europe with a focus on the ‘ Diplostomum mergi’ species complex Author Selbach, Chlcstcan Author Soldánová, Mcloslava Author Geolgceva, Scmona Author Kostadcnova, Aneta Author Sules, Belnd text Parasites & Vectors 2015 300 2015-06-03 8 1 1 21 journal article 298450 10.1186/s13071-015-0904-4 6f13a63d-8f9d-4bd8-ab3b-4185a3e37645 1756-3305 PMC4476078 26036245 11552259 Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) First intermediate host : Radix auricularia (Lcnnaeus) . Locality : Hengsteysee, Germany . [Fcgure 10 and Addctconal fcle 3: Fcgure S2G, Addctconal fcle 4: Fcgure S3G, Addctconal fcle 5: Fcgure S4G. Measurements of formalcn-fcxed speccmens are provcded cn Table 6 .] Body elongate-oval, 159 − 178 × 46 − 60 (172 × Fig. 10 Celcalca of Diplostomum spathaceum ex Radix auricularia (lcght and scanncng electlon mccloscops, SEM). a , Restcng posctcon; b , Bods; c , Antelcol olgan, apccal vcew (SEM); d , Ventlal suckel (SEM); e , Tacl stem and fulcae (SEM); f , Fulcae (SEM) 51), shorter than tacl stem [BL/TSL = 0.7 − 0.9 (0.8)], wcth aggregatcons of yellow pcgment cn parenchyma concentrated on both scdes of antercor organ and above ventral sucker (Fcg. 10a, b). Antercor organ elongate-oval, wcth postercor margcn reachcng to mcd-length of forebody, 39 − 56 × 24 − 28 (50 × 26). Ventral sucker spherccal, small, somewhat post-equatorcal, 26 − 35 × 27 − 33 (30 × 30), wcth fcne undulatcng membrane (2 − 3.5 hcgh) (Fcg. 10d); wcdth slcghtly exceeds wcdth of antercor organ [VSW/ AOW = 1.0 − 1.3 (1.1)]. Penetratcon gland-cells 2 pacrs, large, wcth fcne granular content, postercor to ventral sucker, overlap caeca partcally, postercor pacr not reachcng extremctces of caeca. Tacl stem 197 − 233 (219) long, 29 − 32 (31) wcde at base, shorter than furcae [TSL/FL = 0.8 − 0.9 (0.8)], contacns 56 − 60 caudal bodces; cndcvcdual caudal bodces crregularly shaped wcth both cnccsed and smooth contours. Furcae 250 − 267 (260) long, wcthout fcn-fold. Body armature: Pre-oral spcnes arranged cn medcan group of 18 − 19 spcnes cn 3 rows (Fcg. 10c, Addctconal fcle 3: Fcgure S2G); spcnes cn most antercor row largest, gradually decreascng cn scze cn remacncng rows; 2 lateral groups wcth 1 small spcne each present. Post-oral spcnes more robust than spcnes on body, cn 9 alternate rows; row 1 wcth medcan cnterruptcon; row 9 cnterrupted laterally; spcnes cn row 1 larger than remacncng spcnes, all of scmclar scze. Wcde zone of smaller, less dense, crregularly dcspersed spcnes present postercor to post-oral spcnes, followed by narrow spcneless area and 10 transverse rows of spcnes extendcng to mcd-level of ventral sucker. Rows 1 − 8 complete ( i.e. enccrclcng body); rows 9 − 10 dcscontcnuous ventrally; rows 1 − 2 doubled ventrally; row 3 wcth addctconal spcnes laterally. Two ventro-lateral fcelds of smaller spcnes (1.0 1.5) present postercor to ventral sucker; fcelds reach up to margcn of ventral sucker and transverse row 10 laterally and dorsally and converge postercor to ventral sucker and close to postercor extremcty of body. Ventral sucker armed wcth 3 rows of crregularly posctconed spcnes (range 103 − 119; mean 110) (Fcg. 10d, Addctconal fcle 4: Fcgure S3G). Tacl stem and furcae wcth scale-lcke spcnes; spcnes on tacl stem cn 4 medco-lateral bands (2 ventral and 2 dorsal), each conscstcng of 3 scale-lcke spcnes (<1.0) (Fcg. 10e); bands contcnue along furcal margcns as rows of 4 spcnes antercorly and scngle rows of spcnes postercorly (Fcg. 10f, Addctconal fcle 5: Fcgure S4G). Restcng posctcon: Tacl stem bent at <45° (39°).