Water mites of the genus Monatractides Viets (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Torrenticolidae) from New Guinea, with descriptions of nine new species Author Pešić, Vladimir Author Smit, Harry text Zootaxa 2011 2779 39 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.207512 5251f1d8-f451-49f6-9a68-2f336183a188 1175-5326 207512 Monatractides nipsanicus sp. nov. ( Figs. 5 6 ) Type series. Holotype , male, dissected and slide mounted; Indonesia , New Guinea , Papua Province, Wao & Pao streams near confluence, Walmak, Nipsan district, 18.iii.2010 , 4˚ 07.097 S 139˚ 38.520 E , 1739 m a.s.l. Diagnosis ( Female unknown). Idiosoma L> 900; idiosoma elongated (L/W ratio 1.6); capitular bay rounded at its proximal end; distal margins of P-2 and -3 without denticles, P-4 with well visible denticle near the insertion of the ventral hairs; genital field elongated (L/W ratio 1.6); postgenital area large; excretory pore on the line of primary sclerotization, Vgl-2 posterior and well away from the excretory pore. FIGURE 3A–G. Monatractides papuensis sp. nov. , male: A = dorsal shield; B = ventral shield; C = capitulum and chelicera; D = palp, medial view; E = palp, lateral view; F = ejaculatory complex; G = I-L-5 and -6. Scale bars = 100 µm FIGURE 4A–B. A Monatractides novaeguineae nov. sp. , female: ventral shield. B Monatractides papuensis sp. nov. , female: ventral shield. Scale bar = 100 µm. Description. Male : Idiosoma (ventral view: Fig. 5B ) L 1013, W 675; dorsal shield ( Fig. 5A ) L 894, W 556, L/ W ratio 1.6; dorsal plate 831; shoulder plate L 247, W 94, L/W ratio 2.6; frontal plate L 166, W 75, L/W ratio 2.2; shoulder/frontal plate L ratio 1.49; capitular bay L 198, W 99, L/W ratio 2.0; Cx-1 total L 344, Cx-1 medial L 147, Cx-2+3 medial 76; ratio Cx-1 L/Cx-2+3 medial L 4.5; Cx-1 medial L/Cx-2+3 medial L 1.9; genital field L/W 204/ 128, L/W ratio 1.6; ejaculatory complex conventional in shape, L 216; distance genital field–excretory pore 226, genital field–caudal idiosoma margin 375; capitulum ( Fig. 6C ) ventral L 243; chelicera total L 295; palp ( Figs. 6A B ) total L 289, dL and %L (in parentheses): P-1, 34 (11.8); P-2, 85 (29.4); P-3, 55 (19.0); P-4, 77 (26.6); P-5, 38 (13.2); L P-2/P-4 ratio, 1.1; L I-L-4-6 ( Fig. 6D ): 151, 166, 162. Female: Unknown. Etymology. The species is named after the district where it was collected. Discussion. Due to the elongated idiosoma (e.g., dorsal shield L/W> 1.5) and the shape of the capitular bay which is more rounded at its proximal end, Monatractides nipsanicus sp. nov. resembles M. kootoma Cook, 1986 , known from Queensland ( Australia , Cook 1986 ). Monatractides nipsanicus sp. nov. differs from the latter species in its major idiosoma and gnathosoma dimensions (e.g., M. kootoma dorsal shield L/W 608/391, ventral shield L/ W 714/425, genital field L/W 140/129, palp total L 189; data taken from Cook 1986 ) and considerably elongated genital field (L/W ratio 1.6 vs . 1.1. in M. kootoma ). Distribution. New Guinea .