On the identity of Oberea formosana Pic, 1911, with description of Oberea pseudoformosana sp. n. from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Author Li, Zhu Author Cuccodoro, Giulio Author Chen, Li text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2014 2014-03-31 121 1 51 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5828690 0035-418X 5828690 Oberea pseudoformosana Li, Cuccodoro & Chen sp. nov. Figs 4-6 HOLOTYPE : 3, CHINA , Guizhou : Chishui , 29.v. 2000 , leg. LiZizhong ( SWU ) PARATYPES (47): CHINA , Chongqing : 13, Simianshan , 14.vii.2006 , leg. FengBo ( SWU ) . – 13, Jiangjin , Simianshan , Chaqishan , 10.ix.2008 ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1858301) . – Fujian : 13, Wuyishan, Tongmuguan, 1100m , 28.vii.1997 , leg. YouweiZhang ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905164). – 2331 , Chongan , Xingcun , Sangang , 740m / 720-750m / 800m , 17/ 28.vii.1960 / 12.vi.1973 , leg. YirangZhang , PeiyuYu , YongZuo ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905165-167). – 13, Chongan , Xingcun , Tongmuguan , 900m , 5.vii.1960 , leg. YongZuo ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905168). – 13 “Kuatun ( 2300m ) 27.40n . Br. 117. 40ö . L. J. Klapperich , 14.vi.1938 , Fukien [=Fujian]” ( ZFMK ) , holotypeof O. formosana v. ruficornis [unavailable name, see under Material and Methods , and under Comments ]. – 13, same data ( ZFMK ) , paratype of O. formosana v. ruficornis [see comments]. – 1♀ , same data but 17.vi.1938 , ( ZFMK ) , paratype of O. formosana v. ruficornis [see comments]. – 13, same data but 18.vi.1938 ( ZFMK ) , paratype of O. formosana v. ruficornis [see comments]. – 13, same data but 19.vi.1938 ( ZFMK ) , paratype of O. formosana v. ruficornis [seecomments]. – Guangxi : 2331 , Longsheng , HuapingCujiang , 8.viii.2006 , leg. Meiying Lin ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905169-171). – 333, Jinxiu , Luoxiang , 400m , 14-16.v.1999 , leg. Decheng Yuan ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905172-174) . – Guizhou : 13, Jiangkou Fanjingshan , 520-2100m , 5.vii.1988 , leg. DechengYuan ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905156). – 13, JiangkouFanjingshan , 550- 850m , 16.vii.1988 , leg. ShuyongWang ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905157). – 1♀ , JiangkouFanjingshan , 530m , 12.vii.1988 ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905158). – 233, Fanjingshan , Huixiangping 1600m , 2.viii.2001 , leg. KangzhenDong ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905159-160) . – Hunan : 233, Shenjingdong , Mt. HupingshanNationalNatureReserve, Shimen , 30°01′28.69″N , 110°35′21.53″E , Alt. 800m , 15. vii. 2012 , leg. Qiu Jianyue and Xu Hao ( QCCC & MHNG ) . – 132♀♀ , Yongshun , Shanmuhelinchang , 600-900m , 8-9.viii.1988 , leg. ShuyongWang ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905152-154). – 13, samedatabut 600m , but 7.viii.1988 , leg. XingkeYang ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905155) . – Sichuan : 1♀ , Emei shan, 18.vi.2007 , leg. Wang Zhijin ( SWU ) . – 233, Youyang , Qinghualinchang , 1200m , 16.vii.1989 , leg. ShuyongWang ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905141-142). – 233, Emeishan, 29-30.vi.1955 , leg. Huang & Jin ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905143-144). – 13, Emei shan, 25.vi.1955 , leg. KerenHuang & GentaoJin ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905151). – 2331 , Emei shan, 2.vii.1955 , leg. KerenHuang & GentaoJin ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905145-147). – 2331 , Emei Oberea pseudoformosana , sp. n. (a) Habitus, holotype , male, from Guizhou, dorsal view. (b) Lateral view (scale bar = 5.0 mm) . FIG. 4 shan, Baoguosi, 550-750m , 14-22.vi.1957 , leg. ZongyuanWang ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905148-150). – Zhejiang : 2331 , Shunxiwu , Mt. QingliangfengNationalNatureReserve, Lin'an , 25.vi. 2012 , leg. QiuJianyueandXuHao ( SWU ) . – 2331 , Tienmushan , 21.vi.1936 , leg. O. Piel ( IZAS , IOZ (E)1905161-163) . DESCRIPTION Male : ( Figs 4a, b ) 12.5-17.5 mmlongand 2.0-3.5 mmwide. Bodyyellowishbrown to reddish-brown except apex of mandibles and tarsi dark brown, and antennae with reddish brown to dark brown scape and slightly paler flagellum. Entire body and appendages clothed with short golden pubescence; antennae with scatted dark hairs on Oberea pseudoformosana , sp. n. (a) Female, abdomen, lateral view. (b) Head of male, frontal view. (c) Head of female, frontal view. (d) Abdominal ventrite VII of male. (e) Abdominal ventrite VII of female (not to scale). FIG. 5 FIG. 6 Oberea pseudoformosana , sp. n. male genitalia (a) Tergite VIII. (b) Tegmen, dorsal view. (c) Tegmen, lateral view. (d) Lateral lobes, dorsal view. (e) Lateral lobes, ventral view. (f) Median lobe, ventral view. (g) Sclerities in endophallus. (a, b, c, f & g: scale bar =1.0 mm; d & e: scale bar = 0.5 mm ). undersides of basal antennomeres, and some erect yellow hairs on pronotum and elytra. Head, pronotal disc, metepisternum and sides of abdominal segments finely and densely punctured. Elytra with basal half of disc bearing six longitudinal rows of coarse and deep punctures, latter becoming gradually finer and disorganized towards apex. Head nearly as long as wide, slightly wider than prothorax. Eyes very large, inferior lobes 1.5 times longer than genae; depression between base of antennae and head with a medial groove. Antennae approximately 1.5 times longer than body; antennomeres ratio (from scape to apex): 4.0 - 1.0 - 5.5 - 6.8 - 6.5 - 6.4 - 6.4 - 6.3 - 5.9 - 5.4 - 4.9. Pronotum in dorsal view about as long as wide, slightly constricted basally and apically, with lateral outlines accurate in middle; apical and basal margins shallowly emarginated in middle; center of disc raised. Scutellum trapezoidal, with posterior margin shallowly emarginated in middle. Elytra approximately 4.5 times longer than humeral width, and 3.5 longer than head and prothorax combined, in dorsal view slightly constricted from behind base to apical quarter; apex obliquely truncate with acute sutural and marginal angles. Posterior legs with femora reaching middle of fourth abdominal segment; hind tibiae 2 times longer than as tarsi. Abdominal ventrite VII with a shallow triangular medial depression extended on entire length ( Fig. 5d ). Male genitalia : Tergite VIII densely clothed with short hairs, transverse, apex truncated and shallowly emarginated in middle, bilobed ( Fig. 6a ). Tegmen curved in lateral view, lateral lobes elongate, wide at base, dorsal surface mostly covered with long setae; base of each lateral lobe transversely and obliquely ridged ventrally, those ridges densely furnished with fine hairs ( Fig. 6 b-e). Median lobe 1.1 times as long as tegmen and curved in lateral view; median struts 0.6 times shorter than length of median lobe; dorsal plate slightly longer than ventral plate; ventral plate with apex rounded, and median foramen rounded ( Fig. 6f ). Endophallus with 2 pairs of slender subapical sclerities, longer pair very slender, baculiform, shorter pair fused at base and 3 times shorter than long one ( Fig. 6g ). Female : Body 17.5 mm long and 3-3.2 mm wide. Frons wider than that of males ( Fig. 5c ). Inferior lobes of eyes 1.2 times as long as genae. Antennomeres ratio (from scape to apex): 5.2 - 1.0 - 5.6 - 7.2 - 7.1 - 6.9 - 6.8 - 6.5 - 6.2 - 5.6 - 5. Abdominal ventrite VII with a narrow medial groove ( Fig. 5e ). DISTRIBUTION: China ( Chongqing , Fujian , Guangxi , Guizhou , Hunan , Sichuan , and Zhejiang ) . COMMENTS: Oberea pseudoformosana share most characters in common with O. formosana , notably its colour pattern and particularly long antennae with shorted third antennomere. This new species has however longer posterior legs (reaching middle of fourth abdominal segment instead of just level of posterior margin of third segment) and hind tibiae usually yellowish brown (instead of dark brown) 2 times longer than tarsi (instead of 1.6 times), and fourth antennomere about 1.2 times longer than third instead of 1.5 times (in O. formosana ). Other distinctive features are notably the conformation of the abdominal tergite VIII (with apex bilobed instead of broadly emarginated) and of the male genitalia (ventral plate of median lobe with median foramen acute instead of rounded; lateral lobes of tegmen; long pair of sclerities in endophallus about 3 times longer that shorter pair instead of 2 times only). Oberea formosana v. ruficornis Breuning, 1956 is an unavailable name (see Material and methods) which should be ignored. Nevertheless, the original description of this taxon refers to a male holotype and “zahlreiche” (= “numerous”) paratypes collected by J. Klapperich in China (“Fukien [= Fujian ]: Kuatun”) on 3.VI.1938 , while the data labels attached to the types located in ZFMK mention different collecting days. Despite these minor discrepancies, it is reasonable to assume that these specimens belong indeed to the original type serie. ETYMOLOGY: The name refers to the easy confusion of the new species with O. formosana .