Revision of Palaearctic and Oriental Necrophila Kirby & Spence, part 1: subgenus Deutosilpha Portevin (Coleoptera: Silphidae) Author Rúžička, Jan Author Schneider, Jan text Zootaxa 2011 2987 1 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.278355 f5863a0a-fd3f-4014-a361-925ff049dd01 1175-5326 278355 Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) rufithorax ( Wiedemann, 1823 ) , comb. nov. ( Figs. 1–5 , 15–16, 19–20, 22–28 , 33 ) Silpha rufithorax Wiedemann, 1823 : 71 (description, type locality “Bengalia”) Silpha rufithorax : Harold 1877 : 347 (senior subjective synonym of Silpha tetraspilota ) Eusilpha rufithorax : Portevin 1903 : 332 (new combination, confirmed as senior subjective synonym of Silpha tetraspilota ) Eusilpha rufithorax : Portevin 1905 : 51 (synonymy confirmed) Silpha rufithorax : Arrow 1909 : 190 (new combination, synonymy confirmed) Eusilpha ( Deutosilpha ) rufithorax : Portevin 1920 : 396 (new subgeneric assigment) Deutosilpha rufithorax : Portevin 1926 : 111 , 151 (new combination, redescription, catalogue) Silpha ( Deuterosilpha ) rufithorax : Hatch 1928 : 112 (catalogue) Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum Hope, 1833 : 61 (description, type locality “ Indiâ Orientali circa Poona”) Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum Hope, 1834 : 93 (redescription) Silpha tetraspilota : Harold 1877 : 347 (new combination, junior subjective synonym of Silpha rufithorax ) Eusilpha tetraspilota : Portevin 1903 : 332 (new combination, synonymy confirmed) Eusilpha tetraspilota : Portevin 1905 : 51 (synonymy confirmed) Silpha tetraspilota : Arrow 1909 : 190 (new combination, synonymy confirmed) Deutosilpha tetraspilota : Portevin 1926 : 151 (new combination, synonymy confirmed, catalogue) Silpha ( Deuterosilpha ) tetraspilota : Hatch 1928 : 112 (new combination, catalogue) Type material examined. Lectotype 3 of Silpha rufithorax ( ZMUC ) (here designated), labelled ( Fig. 23 ): “Mus. / Westerm. [p] // TYPE [p, red label] // S. rufithorax / Wied. / Bengal / May 1809 [hw] // LECTOTYPUS / Silpha rufithorax / Wiedemann, 1823 / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider des. 2009 [p, red label] // Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / rufithorax / ( Wiedemann, 1823 ) [p] 3 [hw] / Jan Růžička det. 200 [p] 9 [hw]”; paralectotype Ƥ ( ZMUC ), labelled: “Mus. / Westerm. [p] // TYPE [p, red label] // PARALECTOTYPUS / Silpha rufithorax / Wiedemann, 1823 / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider des. 2009 [p, red label] // Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / rufithorax / ( Wiedemann, 1823 ) / Jan Růžička det. 200 [p] 9 [hw]”. Lectotype Ƥ of Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum ( BMNH ) (here designated), labelled ( Fig. 24 ): “ Type [p, red rim, round label] // Duk= / hun [hw, round label] [= Deccan plateau] / Col. Sykes [hw, on underside] // Silpha / tetraspilota / Type . Hope. [hw] // Ind. Mus. / 79.64. [p] // LECTOTYPUS / Oiceoptoma / tetraspilotum Hope, 1833 / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider des. 2010 [p, red label] // Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / rufithorax / ( Wiedemann, 1823 ) [p] Ƥ [hw] / Jan Růžička det. 200 [p] 9 [hw]”; Paralectotypes : 3 ( OUMNH ), labelled ( Fig. 25 ): “ TYPE / HOPE [p] / Trans. Zool. / Lond. 1. P.93 / T. 13 fig. 3 [hw] / Coll. Hope Oxon. [p, red frame] // Oiceoptoma / 4spilotum / Hope J. Z. L [Hope’s hw, red label] // TYPE [p] COL : 237 1/2 / Oiceptoma [sic!] / tetraspilota Hope [hw] / HOPE DEPT . OXFORD [p, black frame] // PARALECTOTYPUS / Oiceoptoma / tetraspilotum Hope, 1833 / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider des. 2010 [p, red label] // Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / rufithorax / ( Wiedemann, 1823 ) [p] 3 [hw] / Jan Růžička det. 201 [p] 0 [hw]”; 1 Ƥ ( OUMNH ), labelled ( Fig. 26 ): “ tetraspilotum / Hope [Hope’s hw] // TYPE [p] COL : 237 2/2 / Oiceptoma [sic!] / tetraspilota Hope [hw] / HOPE DEPT . OXFORD [p, black frame] // PARALEC- TOTYPUS / Oiceoptoma / tetraspilotum Hope, 1833 / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider des. 2010 [p, red label] // Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / rufithorax / ( Wiedemann, 1823 ) [p] Ƥ [hw] / Jan Růžička det. 201 [p] 0 [hw]”. Additional material examined. 114 specimens India : Bihar state: “Bengal”, Pusa [ca. 25°58'N 085°40'E ], 1810, ex coll. Andrewes, 1 Ƥ ( BMNH ); Chhattisgarh state: Barway [= Barway region, ca. 23°04'N 084°20'E ], without date and collector’s name, 1 3 ( NHRS ); Chota-Nagpore [= Chota Nagpur Plateau], Barway, vi.–viii.1896 , R. P. Cardon leg., 2 33 ( BMNH ); Chota-Nagpore [= Chota Nagpur Plateau], Nowatoli [ca. 23°20'N 083°44'E ], vi.1897 , R. P. Cardon leg., 2 33, 1 Ƥ (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ); Karnataka state: Bangalore [ca. 12°57'N 077°34'E ], 1903, without collector’s name, 1 3 ( BMNH ); Belgaum [ca. 15°51'N 074°30'E ], without date and collector’s name, 2 ƤƤ ( BMNH ); Bellary [ca. 15°08'N 076°55'E ], 1896, de Morgan leg., 2 33, 2 ƤƤ ( MNHN ); Nnegarhole N. P. [= Nagarahole Wildlife Preserve, or Rajiv Gandhi National Park, ca. 12°00'N 076°10'E ], x.–xi.1996 , R. David leg., 2 33, 1 Ƥ ( WBAC ); same data, 1 3, 2 ƤƤ ( JSCC ); Shimoga [= Shivamogga, ca. 13°55'N 075°34'E ], without date and collector’s name, 1 Ƥ ( NMPC ); same locality, without date and collector’s name, 1 Ƥ ( JHAC ); same locality, without date and collector’s name, 2 ƤƤ ( JSSC ); same locality, without date and collector’s name, 1 3, 1 Ƥ (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ); same locality, vi.1897 , without collector’s name, 5 33, 3 ƤƤ (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ); Madhya Pradesh state: Rutlam [= Ratlam, ca. 23°19'N 075°02'E ], without date and collector’s name [but before 1952], 1 Ƥ (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ); Maharastra state: Bombay [= Mumbay , ca. 18°56'N 072°49'E ], without date [but before 1947], ex coll. D. L. Uyttenboogaart, 1 Ƥ ( ZMAN ); same locality, without date and collector’s name, 1 Ƥ ( ZMAN ); same locality, without date and collector’s name, 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( RMNH ); same locality, “13748”, without date [but before 1905], ex coll. Fry, 1 Ƥ ( BMNH ); same locality, without date, ex coll. Mniszech, 1 3, 2 ƤƤ (coll. A. Grouvelle, MNHN ); Poona [= Pune, ca. 18°31'N 073°50'E ], 60.15 E .I.C., without date and collector’s name [but before 1860], 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( BMNH ); same locality, 26.viii.1944 , D. Leston leg., 2 33, 1 Ƥ ( BMNH ); Pune, without date [but before 1917] and collector’s name, 1 Ƥ (coll. A. Grouvelle, MNHN ); same locality, viii.1984 , [S.] Pokorný leg., 1 Ƥ ( JRUC ); Meghalaya state: Khassia Hills [centroid ca. 25°30'N 091°30'E ], 4000 ft [ca. 1220 m ], 1892, Ex Musaeo H. W. Bates, 1 Ƥ (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ); Rajasthan state: Keoladeo National Park [ca. 27°10'N 077°30'E ], 29.x.1997 , J. Šťastný leg., semi-dry carrion of mongoose ( Herpestes sp.), on dry soil trampled by cows, 4 33, 1 Ƥ ( JRUC ); Union Territory of Puducherry : Pondichéry [= Pondicherry , ca. 11°56'N 079°50'E ], without date and collector’s name, 1 3 (coll. M. Pic, MNHN ); Pondich.[erry], without date, Ex Musaeo Guér.-Menev. [= F.É. Guérin-Méneville], 3 33 (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ); Uttarakhand state [= Uttaranchal]: Kumaon, Haldwani division [ca. 29°13'N 079°31'E ], without date, H. G. C.[hampion] leg., 1 Ƥ ( BMNH ); Dehra Dun [ca. 30°20'N 078°02'E ], vi.1944 , without collector’s name, 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( ZSM ); same data, 1 3 ( JRUC ); Uttar Pradesh state: Moradabad [ca. 28°50'N 078°46'E ], without date and collector’s name, 1 3 (coll. A. Grouvelle, MNHN ); West Bengal state: “Bengale” [centroid ca. 23°00'N 087°40'E ], without date [but before 1825], [A.] Duvaucel leg., 1 3 ( MNHN ); Nepal : Bara district, Amelkhganj [ca. 27°17'N 084°59'E ], 520 m , viii.1957 , E.I. Coher leg., 1 Ƥ ( FMNH ); Chitwan district, Chitwan National Park [ca. 27°30'N 084°20'E ], Saura [= Sauraha], 23.v.1988 , S. Bílý leg., 1 Ƥ ( JRUC ); “Nepaul”, without date and collector’s name, Collection Laporte, 1 3 (coll. M. Pic, MNHN ); “Nepaul”, without date [but before 1922] and collector’s name, 1 3 (coll. L. Bedel, MNHN ); “ Nepal ”, without date and collector’s name, 1 3 ( OUMNH ); Sri Lanka : Ceylan ” [without more detailed locality, centroid ca. 07°40'N 080°50'E ], 1883, Chaper & de Morgan leg., 2 33, 4 ƤƤ ( MNHN ); Not or imprecisely located: “Himalaya”, without date and collector’s name, 1 3 (coll. M. Pic, MNHN ); “Himalaya”, without date, ex coll. [E.] Koenig, 1 3 ( ZMAS ); “Thibet”, without date and collector’s name, 1 3 ( MHNG ); same data, 2 33, 4 ƤƤ ( NHMW ); “E Indies”, 1 3 ( BMNH ); “1373”, 1 Ƥ ( BMNH ); “ India ”, without date, Bowring leg., 63.47* [collected before 1863], 2 33 ( BMNH ); “ India orient.”, without date [but before 1905], ex coll. Fry, 1 3 ( BMNH ); “Ind. or.”, without date, Stevens leg., 1 Ƥ ( NHRS ); “Ind. or”, without date, Westwood leg., 1 Ƥ ( RMNH ); “Indes or. inter.”, without date, de Sauss.[ure] leg., 1 3 ( MHNG ); “Vorder Indien ”, without date and collector’s name, 1 3 ( SMFD ); “Ostindien”, without date and collector’s name, 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( NHMB ); “ Inde ”, without date and collector’s name, 3 33, 3 ƤƤ (coll. A. Grouvelle, MNHN ); “ Inde 43-97”, Fauvel leg., 2 ƤƤ ( MNHN ); “Indes”, without date, Boys leg., 1 3 ( MHNG ); “ India ”, without date [but before 1895], Hearsey leg., 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( OUMNH ); “E Ind.a”, without date and collector’s name, ( OUMNH ); “ India ”, without date [but before 1880], ex coll. J.W. Miers, 1 3 ( OUMNH ); “Ind. or.”, without date, ex coll. Cl. Müller, 1 3 ( ZSM ); “Museum Natura, Artis Magistra, Patria Ignota”, 1 3 ( ZMAN ); “56/149” [collected before 1856], 1 3, 2 ƤƤ ( BMNH ); “838”, Asia, 1 3 ( NMPC ); “8341”, 1 Ƥ ( MNHN ). Diagnostic description. Body length 17.5–22.3 mm (21.0 mm in the lectotype of Silpha rufithorax ), maximum body width 8.9–11.6 mm (11.1 mm in the lectotype of S. rufithorax ). Body much wider than in N. luciae sp. nov. , widely rounded posteriorly in dorsal view ( Figs. 15–16 ). Pronotum widely hexagonal in shape ( Fig. 22 ), 1.63–1.78 times as wide as long. Ventrite 8 on abdomen black, with pale transverse line along posterior margin. Male . Apex of elytron truncate, with posterior portion sinuous, suture extended in small, distinct inner denticle ( Fig. 19 ). Genital segment in dorsal view with deeply notched suture between tergum 9 and 10, forming rectangular angle ( Fig. 2 ); slender ventrite 9 with regularly rounded posterior margin ( Fig. 3 ). Spiculum gastrale is slender, of equal length as tergum 9 ( Figs. 2–3 ). Length of aedeagus 3.8 mm, median lobe more slender than in N. luciae sp. nov. ; gently tapering to more elongated apical portion ( Fig. 1 ). Parameres subapically more slender than in N. luciae sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 ). Basal portion of aedeagus forming slender, sub-quadrate rim ( Fig. 1 ). Female . Elytron with elongate, convex apex, suture extended in small, but distinct inner denticle ( Fig. 20 ). Tergum 10 elongate, tergum 9 reaching only two-thirds of tergum 10 length in dorsal view ( Fig. 4 ). Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature. Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum Hope, 1833 is confirmed here as conspecific junior subjective synonym of Silpha rufithorax Wiedemann, 1823 . Two syntypes of S. rufithorax from ZMUC were designated here as lectotype (the male) and paralectotype (the female), in order to ensure the consistent application of the name, according to the Article 74.7.3 of the Code ( ICZN 1999 ). FIGURES 1–12. Genitalia of Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) rufithorax (Wiedmann) (1–5, India: Keoladeo National Park, JRUC) and N . ( D .) luciae Růžička & Schneider , sp. nov. (6–8, holotype 3, BMNH, and 9–12, paratypes ƤƤ, JRUC, from Thailand: Mae Hong Son), setae omitted. Aedeagus ventrally (1, 6); 3 genital segments dorsally (2, 7) and ventrally (3, 8); Ƥ genital segments dorsally (4, 9, 11) and ventrally (5, 10, 12). Abbreviations: c—coxite, s—stylus, sg—spiculum gastrale, t9—tergum 9, t10—tergum 10, v9—ventrite 9. The syntype of Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum deposited in BMNH is designated here as a lectotype , in order to ensure the consistent application of the name, according to the Article 74.7.3 of the Code ( ICZN 1999 ). Additional two syntypes (a male and a female) from OUMNH are designated as paralectotypes . Hope (1934: 93) mentioned “circa Poona copiosè [= abundant] / Mus. Sykes”, not providing exact number of specimens examined. The lectotype specimen from BMNH bears the labels “Col. Sykes” and “Ind. Mus. / 79.64” ( Fig. 24 ), which indicate that it was part of the W.H. Sykes collection in India and become part of the BMNH collection only in 1879. The additional two specimens from OUMNH were probably retained by Hope in his collection. The nomenclature of Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum is interesting: the species was described twice. Preliminar (but valid) diagnosis was published by Hope (1833) in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , forming part of [W.H.] Sykes’ report of the Society meeting. Full description was published by Hope (1834) in Transactions of the Zoological Society of London , together with a colour habitus figure and details of the head and antenna. As the first paper is in fact only a report, which summarize the diagnoses (of several species of Coleoptera from Deccan plateau) and mentioned colour plates presented during the meeting and published a year later, we consider unnecessary treating both names of 1833 and 1834 as separate homonyms. FIGURES 13–22. Habitus dorsally of Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) luciae Růžička & Schneider , sp. nov. (13, 17, 21, holotype 3, BMNH, and 14, 18, paratype Ƥ from Thailand: Mae Hong Son, JRUC; body length 22.1 mm in 3 and 22.7 mm in Ƥ) and N . ( D .) rufithorax (Wiedmann) (15, 19, 22, 3 from India: Keoladeo National Park, JRUC; and 16, 20, Ƥ from India: Poona, BMNH; body length 20.6 mm in 3 and 20.8 mm in Ƥ). Habitus dorsally (13–16), apex of left elytron dorsally (17–20), 3 pronotum in orthogonal view (21–22). FIGURES 23–28. Habitus dorsally and labels of 3 lectotype of Silpha rufithorax Wiedemann (23, “circa Poona”, ZMUC), Ƥ lectotype of Oiceoptoma tetraspilotum Hope (24, “Dukhun”, BMNH) and 3 paralectotype of O. tetraspilotum (25, OUMNH), and labels of Ƥ paralectotype of O. tetraspilotum (26, OUMNH). Metatarsus in dorsal view of Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) rufithorax (Wiedemann) (India, Keoladeo National Park, JRUC): male (27) and female (28). Collecting circumstances. Series of specimens from India : Keoladeo National Park was collected on semi-dry carcass of mongoose ( Herpestes sp., Herpestidae ) ( Fig. 29 ), on dry soil trampled by cows, in the middle of field (J. Šťastný, pers. comm.). FIGURES 29–32. Collecting habitat (29) of Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) rufithorax (Wiedemann) in India: Keoladeo National Park, on carrion of mongoose ( Herpestes sp.); landscape type (30) of N. ( D. ) luciae Růžička & Schneider , sp. nov. in Thailand: Mae Hong Son; landscape type (31) and collecting habitat (32) of N. ( D. ) luciae Růžička & Schneider , sp. nov. in Laos: Ban Thabok, construction with pitfall trap on its top is indicated by arrow (photo 29 by J. Šťastný, 30 by J. Schneider, 31–32 by J. Kantoh). Distribution. Widely distributed through the Indian Peninsula, south of the main Himalayan mountain ridge. So far known from India , Nepal and Sri Lanka (the last one without more precise locality) ( Fig. 33 ). Published records from Thailand ( Růžička et al. 2000 ) and Laos ( Růžička & Schneider 2003 ) concern the following species. FIGURE 33. Known distribution of Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) rufithorax (Wiedmann) (open circles; thick margins for state records only) and N . ( D .) luciae Růžička & Schneider , sp. nov. (open squares; Chinese record from “Ouy-Sy” not figured) in Oriental region. Necrophila ( Deutosilpha ) luciae R ů ži č ka & Schneider, sp. nov. ( Figs. 6–14, 17–18, 21 , 33 ) Deutosilpha rufithorax : Růžička et al. 2000 : 382 (record from Thailand , misidentification) Deutosilpha rufithorax : Růžička & Schneider 2003 : 309 (record from Laos , misidentification) Type locality. Thailand , Mae Hong Son, 1000 m . Type material. 67 specimens—Holotype 3 ( BMNH ), labelled ( Fig. 13 ): “ Thailand N / Mae Hong Son [ca. 19°18'N 097°58'E ] 1000m / 16.6.– 23.6. 1993 / J. Schneider lgt. [p] // HOLOTYPUS [p] 3 [hw] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”. Paratypes : 2 33, 2 ƤƤ ( FMNH ): same data as holotype , except for “ PARATYPE [p]” and “3 [hw]” or “Ƥ [hw]”; 4 33, 6 ƤƤ ( JHAC ): same data; 2 33 2 ƤƤ ( JMIC ): same data; 4 33, 4 ƤƤ ( JRUC ): same data; 12 33, 6 ƤƤ ( JSCC ): same data; 1 Ƥ ( NMPC ): same data; 1 Ƥ ( SMLC ): same data; 1 3, 2 ƤƤ ( MTDC ); same data; 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( SMNS ): same data; 2 33, 2 ƤƤ ( WBAC ): same data; 1 Ƥ ( SMNS ), labelled: “ Thailand 25.VIII.1996 / Pak Thong/Khao Yai / 14°50'N 102°44'E / leg. M. HAUSER [p] // PARATYPUS [p] Ƥ [hw] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 Ƥ (coll. R. Oberthür, MNHN ), labelled: “Sutchuen [= China : Sichuan province] / Ouy-Sy, / R. P. Mombelg [leg.] / 1911 [p] // MUSÉUM PARIS / 1952 / COLL . R. OBERTHUR [p] // PARATYPUS [p] Ƥ [hw] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 3 ( NHMB ), labelled: “ CHINA [p, label with a black frame] // Sammlung / G. Schneider / Museumsverein [p] // Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 3 ( MNHN ), labelled: “MUSEUM PARIS / TONKIN / RÉG: DE HOA BINH [= Vietnam , Hòa Bình, ca. 20°49'N 105°19'E ] / A. DE COOMAN 1928 [p] // PARATYPUS [p] 3 [hw] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( HNHM ), labelled “ LAOS , Vientiane, / shore of Mekong River [ca. 17°57'N 102°36'E ], / singled from faeces, // No. 4 / 12.–20.III. 1998 / leg. O. Merkl & G. Csorba [p] // Deutosilpha / rufithorax W. [hw] / det. Schawaller 1999 [p] // PARATYPUS [p] 3 [hw] [or Ƥ] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( MNIC ), labelled: “Ban Tabok [= Laos , Ban Thabok, ca. 18°22'N 103°12'E , ca. 154 m in alt.], Boli Khamxai Pref., 17–III–2003 , J. Kantoh leg. [p] // PARATYPUS [p] 3 [hw] [or Ƥ] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 Ƥ ( TFUC ), same locality and date, but “Raiichiro Katsuyama leg. // PARATYPUS [p] Ƥ [hw] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”; 1 3 (aedeagus mounted on a small card) (coll. M. Pic, MNHN ), labelled: “Muséum Paris / Coll. Pic [p, yellow label] // genre / Deutosilpha Port. [hw, Pic’s ms, orange label] // PARATYPUS [p] 3 [hw] / Necrophila (Deutosilpha) / luciae sp. nov. / Jan Růžička & / Jan Schneider det. 2009 [p, red label]”. Diagnostic description. Body length 18.9–22.5 mm (22.1 mm in the holotype ), maximum body width 8.9– 10.6 mm (10.4 mm in the holotype ). Body more slender than in N. rufithorax , elytra subquadrate in dorsal view ( Figs. 13–14 ). Pronotum hexagonal in shape ( Fig. 21 ), 1.35–1.57 times as wide as long. Ventrite 8 on abdomen black, with pale triangular macula medially in posterior third. Male . Apex of elytron subtruncate, with regularly rounded posterior portion ( Fig. 17 ). Genital segment in dorsal view with less deeply notched suture between tergum 9 and 10 than in N. rufithorax , forming obtuse angle ( Fig. 7 ); ventrite 9 more stout than in N. rufithorax , with subquadrate posterior margin ( Fig. 8 ). Spiculum gastrale is more stout than in N. rufithorax , distinctly shorter than the length of tergum 9 ( Figs. 7–8 ). Length of aedeagus 3.5 mm, median lobe wider than in N. rufithorax , stout; with short, triangular apical portion ( Fig. 6 ). Parameres more stout than in N. rufithorax ( Fig. 6 ). Basal portion of aedeagus forming robust, regularly rounded rim ( Fig. 6 ). Female . Elytron with triangular, flat apex, suture extended in only with very vestigial inner denticle or without denticle ( Fig. 18 ). Tergum 10 oval, tergum 9 reaching posterior margin of tergum 10 ( Fig. 9 ); exceptionaly, reaching only three-quarters of tergum 10 length ( Fig. 11 ). Collecting circumstances. The large series from the type locality was found on the periphery of the town, in a garden with sparse vegetation close to the slaughterhouse, individually collected on numerous decaying cow heads; the surrounding hills are covered by a dense forests ( Fig. 30 ). The two specimens from Laos : Vientiane were collected from excrements, on the shore of Mekong river. The three specimens from Laos : Ban Thabok were caught by a carrion trap using the dead body of a small mammal resembling a squirrel as the bait; the baited trap was covered by a roof like dwarf’ house at ca. 1.5 m above the ground ( Fig. 32 ) inside the sparse grove along dry rice fields situated between a river and a private house; the trap site was relatively dry including its surroundings ( Fig. 31 ). The beetles were found together with saprinine histerids, scarabaeids, trogids and Diamesus osculans ( Vigors, 1825 ) (Silphidae) two days after the trap was set (J. Kantoh, pers. comm. to M. Nishikawa). It is no doubt that all three specimens from Laos : Ban Thabok perform active flight. Etymology. Patronymic, named after Lucie Schneiderová, the older daughter of the second author. Distribution. So far known from Thailand , Laos , Vietnam and China : Sichuan province (the last one with only unprecisely located, single record) ( Fig. 33 ).