Scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) in the Natural History Museum (London): A review of the hitherto unidentified species collected in Africa, with remarks on taxonomy and distribution, and a new species of Otostigmus (Parotostigmus) Author Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail Natural History Museum of Crete, University of Crete, Knossos Av., Herakleion 71409, Crete, Greece. Author Edgecombe, Gregory D. Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, United Kingdom. text Zootaxa 2013 2013-11-05 3734 2 169 198 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3734.2.5 1175-5326 5275595 36ED88E6-2CEB-4071-8429-A39901B8B9BF 22. Cormocephalus oligoporus Kraepelin, 1903 Material examined. Botswana : 95 m N.W. Serowe , N.E . Bechuanaland , open grass, No. 1, 14/1/1935 , leg. Mrs Gerald Jenison , 1 ex. , BMNH 1935.5 .9.21. ( Fig. 35 ) . Type locality. Namibia (Swakopmund) ( Minelli et al . 2006 ) . General distribution. South Tropical Africa: Zimbabwe ( ZW ); Southern Africa: Botswana ( BW ), Namibia (ZA), South Africa ( Cape Provinces) (ZA) ( Lawrence 1955 : fig. 7B; Schileyko and Stagl 2004 ; Minelli et al . 2006 ). Remarks. The specimen from Botswana examined here possesses paramedian sutures on the posterior half of T1, noted as distinctive for this species by Attems (1928b) and Schileyko and Stagl (2004) . The coxopleural pore field has the narrow, oval shape depicted by Kraepelin (1903 : fig. 135), terminating at the posterior margin of the sternite of the ultimate leg-bearing segment; the coxopleural process is narrow and conical, bearing two apical spines and a small lateral spine.