Review and reclassification of the Old World genus Physopelta (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Largidae) Author Stehlík, Jaroslav L. Department of Entomology, Moravian Museum, Hviezdoslavova 29 a, CZ- 627 00 Brno – Slatina, Czech Republic text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-11-15 53 2 505 584 journal article 2413 10.5281/zenodo.5739959 956fa4e4-8b18-4c70-94b2-5722d5348180 0374-1036 5739959 8D64B275-C6AF-411E-B79D-A3EBEB3D093FD Physopelta ( Afrophysopelta ) madecassa Villiers, 1951 Physopelta madecassa Villiers, 1951:39–40 (key, description, distribution). HOLOTYPE : , Madagascar , Imerimadroso sur la rive nord du lac Alaotra [ = on river north of the Alaotra lake ] ( MNHN ). Physopelta madecassa : CACHAN (1952) : 72–73 , pl. V: fig. 1 (key, redescription, figures, distribution). Type material examined. HOLOTYPE : , ‘MUSEUM PARIS / MADAGASCAR / IMERIMANDROSO / RIVE N. DU LAC ALAOTRA / R. DECARY 1921’ [p, greyish label] // ‘JUIN’ [p, white label] // ‘TYPE’ [p, red label] // ‘ Physopelta / madecassa / n. sp. [hw] / A. Villiers det. [p, white label]’ ( MNHN ). The specimen is pinned through scutellum, left antenna, fore and middle leg, and two apical metatarsomeres missing. PARATYPES : , ‘MUSEUM PARIS [p] / Iles Comores / Mayotte / ( de Faymoreau ) [hw] / CH: ALLUAUD 1900 [p, greyish label]’ // ‘PARATYPE’ [p, red label] // ‘ Physopelta / madecassa / n. sp. [hw] / A.Villiers det. [p, white label]’ ( MNHN ) ; , ‘ Mayotte [hw, white label]’ // ‘PARATYPE’ [p, red label] // ‘ Physopelta / madecassa / n. sp. [hw] / A.Villiers det. [p, white label]’ ( MNHN ) . Distribution. Comoros (Mayotte) ( VILLIERS 1951 ), Madagascar (Central and Northern) ( VILLIERS 1951 , CACHAN 1952 ).