Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from the Mexican Caribbean with description of four new species Author Londoño-Mesa, Mario H. Author Carrera-Parra, Luis F. text Zootaxa 2005 1057 1 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170120 b726e64e-3ba4-4fec-b7b4-810256bb1a86 1175­5326 170120 Streblosoma hartmanae Kritzler, 1971 Figures 2 A–F Streblosoma hartmanae Kritzler, 1971 : 907 –908, figures 1–8; Holthe, 1986a : 159 . Material examined : Type material: Paratypes USNM 43210 (3) Alligator Harbor, Franklin County, Florida, 28 Dec. 1969 . Aditional material : Mexican Caribbean: ECOSUR TERE­ 6 (1) Bajo Pepito, Mar. 1997 . (1) Majahual ( 18°40’09.6”N 87°43’01.4”W ), 22 Mar. 2000 . (1) Northern Majahual ( 18°40’09.6”N 87°43’01.4”W ), 30 Nov. 2000 . (1) Majahual ( 18°40’09.6”N 87°43’01.4”W ), 1 Dec. 2000 . (1) Ixlache, Contoy Island ( 21°30’8.4”N 86°47’45.3”W ), 2 Mar. 2001 . (1) Lighthouse, Contoy Island 3 Mar. 2001 . Gulf of Mexico : (1) Pérez Island, 19 May 1955 . (2) Ría Lagartos ( 21°37’16.7”N 88°10’32.6”W ), 18 Feb. 1999 . USNM 0 90570 (1) Off St. Peterburg, Florida, Aug. 1977 , 43 m (id. as Streblosoma verrilli ). Antilles: ZMA V.POL. 1451 (1) Antillen Tortugas Exp. Chazalie, 1896 (id. as Thelepus setosus ). South­America: ZMA V.POL. 1453 (1) Gulf of Cariaco, Venezuela , 31 Jan. 1896 (id. as Thelepus setosus ). Description : Paratype small, 70 segments, 50 mm long, thorax 1 mm wide ( Figures 2 A–C). Tentacles short and stout. Tentacular membrane well­developed. Eyespots abundant, grouped mainly laterally, dorsally connected by a row of eyespots. Upper lip with short free edge, rounded, spoon­shaped, projected forwards. Lower lip swollen, visible in ventral view. Thorax with 30 chaetigers. Lateral lappets absent. Three pairs of branchiae from segment 2 to 4. First pair of branchiae with 12–14 filaments, situated more laterally, anterior to first notopodium. Second and third pair of branchiae more dorsally placed, with 7–8 and 5–6 filaments, respectively. Nephridial papillae absent. All ventral shields laterally diffuse, very wide, merging with neuropodia ( Figure 2 B). Abdomen with midventral groove from segment 18. Parapodia from segment 2 ( Figure 2 C). Notochaetae of two sizes, bilimbate but limbs of variable width ( Figure 2 D). Neuropodia from segment 5. Thoracic uncini MF:2:3 ( Figures 2 E–F), central tooth in the last row larger than the others; uncini with narrow subrostrum, without subrostral process; anterior process rounded, button­like, without any filament; basis very long, curved, without posterior process or filament; occipitium divided in two regions, the first straight, second concave towards a capitium with big teeth. Abdominal uncini resemble thoracic ones. A small piece of tube was found, 2 mm wide, constructed of coarse sand, small coral fragments, foraminiferans and calcareous algae, attached to a thin and weak membrane. FIGURE 2 . Streblosoma hartmanae : A. Dorsal view; B. Ventral view; C. Lateral view; D. Chaetae from segment 11; E. Uncini in lateral view from segment 11; F. Uncini in front view from segment 11. Thelepus haitiensis: G. Lateral view; H. Ventral view; I. Chaetiger from segment 10; J. Chaetae from segment 10; K. Uncini from segment 10. Scale bars: A, B, C, 0.5 mm; D, 0.03 mm; E, F, 0.02 mm; J, K 0.05; G, H 2 mm; I 0.2 mm. Var ia t io n : The total number of segments in specimens complete varies from 44 to 91, and the number of notochaetigers varies from 25 to 38. Distribution : Florida, Upper Gulf of Mexico , Mexican Caribbean, Antilles and Venezuela .