The neotropical genera Microthereva Malloch and Peralia Malloch (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) Author Webb, Donald W. text Zootaxa 2006 1295 1 27 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173535 5f5b8ba9-daf0-4628-a4fd-b5a46feb4d80 1175­5326 173535 Peralia vittata Philippi ( Figs. 20–28 , 32 ) vittata Philippi (1865:769 fem. desc.), Kröber (1911 :491 fem. key, 493 desc.; 1913:45 fem. key, 62 dist.) ( Thereva ); Malloch (1932:241 comb. change, see footnote by F. W. Edwards) , Ortiz (1946:86 cat.) , Holston (2004:65 nom.) ( Peralia ). Type locality Chile . Neotype male in CNC. costalis Bigot (1890:328 desc.), Kröber (1911 :527 desc.; 1913: 24 sp. list) ( Dialineura ), Malloch (1932:241 comb. change, see footnote by F. W. Edwards) , Ortiz (1946:85 cat.) ( Peralia ). Type locality Chile . Type specimens missing from Hope Entomological Collection, Oxford University or BMNH. New synonymy. griseus Kröber (1911: 485 male desc., sp. key; 1913: 20 sp. key, 22 dist.) ( Anabarhynchus ), Malloch (1932:240 comb. change, see footnote by F. W. Edwards) , Ortiz (1946:85 cat.) ( Peralia ). Type locality Chile , Rancagua. Holotype male in ZSM by monotypy. New synonymy. maculifrons Kröber (1911:485 fem. key, fem. desc.; 1913: 20 sp. key, 22 dist.), Ortiz (1946:87 cat.) ( Anabarhynchus ). Type locality Chile , Rancagua. Holotype female in ZSM by monotypy. New synonymy. niger Bigot (1890:325 desc.), Kröber (1911 :485 fem. key, 486 desc.; 1913: 20 sp. key, 22 dist.), Malloch (1932:236 faunal list) ( Anabarhynchus ); Malloch (1932:241 comb. change, see footnote by F. W. Edwards) , Ortiz (1946:85 cat.) ( Peralia ). Type locality Chile . Holotype male in BMNH by monotypy. New synonymy. schineri Jaennicke (1867:44 desc.) ( Thereva ); Kröber (1911 :485 fem. key, 487 desc.; 1913: 20 sp. key, 23 dist.), Ortiz (1946:87 cat.) , Holston (2004:61 nom.) ( Anabarhynchus ). Type locality Chile , Valparaiso. The holotype female in the SMTD by monotypy. New synonymy. Bigot (1890:328) described Dialineura costalis based on a male and female in copula from Chile . The type specimens could not be located in the collections of Oxford University or the BMNH (A. Pont, personal communication) although two males and three females were on the list that Verrall made of everything in the Bigot collection when he purchased it. Based on Bigot’s description of the male having black antennae and feet, this species is synonomized under Peralia vittata Philippi. The holotype male of Anabarhynchus griseus Kröber (1911:485) from Rancagua, Chile was determined to be conspecific with Peralia vittata based on the antennae being black, the male femora being dark reddish brown to black, and the characters of the male genitalia matching the male genitalia of the Neotype of vittata . The holotype female of Anabarhynchus maculifrons Kröber (1911:485) from Rancagua, Chile was determined to be conspecific with Peralia vittata base on the antennae being black. Most of the abdomen and all of the terminalia on this holotype has been eaten away, thus a comparison of the coloration of the abdomen could not be compared with P. v i t t a t a . Kröber identified the female of Anabarhynchus maculifrons as having two shiny spots [calli] on the frons. Most of the frons has been eaten away on the holotype by dermestids, so this character is no longer evident on the specimen. An examination of 46 females of Peralia having black antenna showed no females with shiny calli on the frons, although on four specimens (MEI 0 81036, 117060, 162083, 169885) the pubescence on the dark brown areas of the frons is rubbed off somewhat giving a slight indication of the glossy cuticle underneath. It is my opinion that Kröber had a female specimen of Peralia vittata on which the pubescence on the frons had been rubbed off, leaving the appearance of glossy calli. The holotype male of Anabarhynchus niger Bigot (1890:325) from “ Chile ” was determined to be conspecific with Peralia vittata based on the antennae and femora being black and the characters of the male genitalia matching the male genitalia of the Neotype of vittata . The holotype female of Thereva schineri Jaennicke from Valpariso, Chile was determined to be conspecific with Peralia vittata base on the antennae being black and the abdomen being black, glossy with dense white pruinescence along the lateral margin on tergites 1–7. Diagnosis Characters separating Peralia vittata from P. hermanni are given in the key. FIGURES 20–29. Peralia vittata . 20. Tergite 8, epandrium, cerci, hypoproct, dorsal view. 21. Sternite 8, gonocoxite, ventral view. 22. Gonocoxite, dorsal view. 23. Gonocoxite, lateral view. 24. Gonostylus, lateral view. 25. Aedeagus, dorsal view. 26. Aedeagus, ventral view. 27. Aedeagus, lateral view. 28. Female internal reproductive organs. Peralia hermanni . 29. Female internal reproductive organs. Scale = 0.1 mm. Abbreviation: LEP = lateral ejaculatory process, SpSd = spermathecal sac duct. Description of male Variation (n=10). Body length 9.9–11.2, 10.4 mm . Head. Length 1.2–1.5, 1.3 mm . Frons dark reddish brown, pruinescence gray, pruinescence on ventral fourth white extending lateral to antennal base; setae black, elongate. Antenna dark brown, pruinescence gray, dense on scape and pedicel; antenna/ head length 0.77–0.93, 0.84; scape length 0.36–0.48, 0.41 mm , width 0.18–0.22, 0.20 mm , length/width 1.8–2.2, 2.1, scape/pedicel length 2.6–4.0, 3.3, scape/flagellum width 0.8–1.2, 1.0, setae dark brown, elongate; pedicel length 0.10–0.16, 0.13 mm , width 0.18–0.20, 0.18 mm , length/width 0.6–0.9, 0.7; flagellum length 0.50–0.64, 0.58 mm , width 0.18–0.22, 0.20 mm , length/width 2.6–3.1, 2.8, flagellum/scape length 1.0–1.6, 1.4, setae dark brown basodorsally on first flagellomere, short. Parafacial dark brown, pruinescence white. Maxillary palpus pale yellow; length 0.56–0.72, 0.63 mm , width 0.08–0.12, 0.10 mm , length/width 5.6–8.5, 6.5; setae white, elongate. Genal setae white. Occipital setae white, elongate becoming dark brown dorsally then grading into macrosetae. Thorax. Macrosetae 4–5 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 3–6 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum black, pruinescence gray; vittae brownish black, dull separated by thick gray pruinescent lines; setae dark brown, moderately long, erect. Postpronotal lobe setae dark brown. Pleuron dark brown, pruinescence gray; setae white to whitish yellow, elongate on propleuron, anepisternum, dorsal half of katepisternum, laterotergite, and metanepisternum, dark brown on scutellum. Wing. Membrane pale gray; veins brown; length 9.3–10.5, 9.8 mm , width 3.0–3.2, 3.0 mm length/width 3.0–3.5, 3.2; pterostigma dark brown. Halter pale brown. Legs. Coxae dark brown, pruinescence whitish gray, dense; setae white, elongate. Femora dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; ventral setae white; av 0:0:0–1. Tibiae dark brown, ventral surface of mid­ and hindtibia reddish brown. Tarsi dark brown. Abdomen. Black, pruinescence white, denser along lateral margin; dorsal setae white, elongate laterally, dark brown, short, appressed medially; lateral setae white, elongate becoming dark brown on posterior segments. Terminalia (MEI 121374 ). Dark brown. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 20 ), setae dark brown, generally absent medially on posterior margin (MEI 121374 with scattered setae continuous across posterior margin). Sternite 8 ( Fig. 21 ), sides diverging laterally; setae dark brown. Epandrium ( Fig. 20 ), setae dark brown. Cercus ( Fig. 20 ), ending above apex of hypoproct. Hypoproct ( Fig. 20 ), ending below apex of cercus. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 21 ), setae dark brown to black setae with dense aggregation of shorter, finer setae posteromedially (in several specimens the setae are reddish brown to dark yellow); dorsal view ( Fig. 22 ); lateral view ( Fig. 23 ) broad, globular; inner gonocoxal process ( Figs. 21–23 ) dark yellowish brown, setae dark yellow, in lateral view clavate; ventral lobe ( Fig. 21 ) large, fused medially, ventral setae dark brown. Gonostylus ( Fig. 24 ) broad, sinuate with scattered dark yellow setae. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 25 ) broad, anterior margin truncate, posterolateral margin with narrow, sclerotized attachment to medial margin of gonocoxite (gonocoxal bridge); ventral apodeme ( Fig. 26 ) narrow, bifurcate anteriorly; distiphallus dorsal view ( Fig. 25 ) broad basally, short, tapered posteriorly, lateral view ( Fig. 27 ) short, thick, curved ventrally. FIGURES 30–32. Distribution maps. 30. Microthereva argentiventris (closed circles), M. variventris (arrow). 31. Peralia hermanni . 32. Peralia vittata . Female Similar to male except for following. Variation (n=10). Body length 9.6–11.7, 10.7 mm . Head. Length 1.2–1.4, 1.3 mm . Frons pruinescence gray, dense with light yellowish brown pruinescence (considerable variation occurs in the pruinescence on the frons; the frons varies from gray to pale gold with diffuse brown circles dorsally to completely dark brown). Antenna/head length 0.76–0.99, 0.83; scape length 0.36–0.46, 0.40 mm , width 0.18–0.20, 0.19 mm , length/width 1.9–2.6, 2.1, scape/pedicel length 2.9–4.4, 3.3, scape/ flagellum width 0.9–1.3, 1.0; pedicel length 0.12–0.16, 0.13 mm , width 0.16–0.20, 0.18 mm , length/width 0.6–0.9, 0.7; flagellum length 0.48–0.66, 0.57 mm , width 0.16–0.22, 0.20 mm , length/width 2.6–3.2, 2.9, flagellum/scape length 1.1–1.7, 1.4. Maxillary palpus length 0.56–0.70, 0.63 mm , width 0.08–0.10, 0.10 mm , length/width 6.0–7.0, 6.5; setae white. Thorax. Macrosetae 3–5 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 1–4 dc, 2 sc. Wing. Length 7.8–11.7, 9.7 mm , width 2.3–3.5, 2.9 mm length/width 3.1–3.7, 3.3. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 0:0:0–2. Abdomen. Black, glossy, pruinescence white, dense along lateral margin on tergites 1–7; dorsal setae dark brown, short, appressed; lateral setae white, elongate becoming dark brown on posterior segments. Terminalia (MEI 090456 ). Black. Median lobe of tergite 9 lacking setae. Furca ( Fig. 28 ) oval; length 0.57 mm , width 0. 40 mm ; common spermathecal duct expanded at point of attachment to bursa ( Fig. 28 ); spermathecal ducts and spermathecal sac duct trifurcating from common spermathecal duct ( Fig. 28 ); spermthecal duct narrow posteriorly, becoming threadlike and convoluted anteriorly before ending in large, oval spermatheca; spermathecal sac duct narrow, over five times length of furca before bifurcating to form two large spermathecal sacs. Distribution Peralia vittata is known from Argentina and Chile ( Fig. 32 ). Habitats and phenology Peralia vittata has been handnetted or collected in Malaise, window or light traps in dry hillsides and in Araucaria­Nothofagus . Adults have been collected in August and October to February. Specimens examined Type specimens. The type specimens of Dialineura costalis Bigot were collected in Chile . The specimens are not in the Hope Entomological Collection, Oxford University or the BMNH (A. Pont personal communication). Two males and three females were listed on a handwritten list of the material that Verrall compiled at the time he purchased the Bigot collection. This list is in the library archive of the Hope Entomological Collections at Oxford University (A. Pont, personal communication). Specimens of D. costalis were also noted in a footnote by F. W. Edwards ( Malloch 1932:241 ) as being in the Bigot collection. The holotype male of Anabarhynchus griseus Kröber is labeled " Chile , Rancagua, 12.1903, P.HERBST" and is in the ZSM . The holotype female of Anabarhynchus maculifrons Kröber is labeled " Chile , Rancagua, 12.1904, P.HERBST" and is in the ZSM . The holotype male of Anabarhynchus niger Bigot is labeled " Chili " and is in the BMNH . The holotype female of Thereva schineri Jaennicke is labeled " Chile , Valparaiso, Bayerhoffer" and is in the SMTD . Philippi (1865:769) described Thereva vittata based on a single female from Chile . This holotype female could not be located in the collections of the MNNC by Dr. M. E. Irwin when he made a specific search of the collection for Philippi type specimens (personal communication). It must be assumed that this specimen is lost or destroyed. To clarify the taxonomic status of Thereva vittata , a male specimen labeled “Estero la Jaula, Curico, CHILE , I.1964 , L. Pena, Nothofagus ” (MEI 169897) is selected as the Neotype and is deposited in the CNC . This neotype is designated in order to fix the concept of Thereva vittata and to ensure universal and consistent interpretation of the same. Other specimens. ARGENTINA . NEUQUEN. 11–16.II.1946 , Aczel, M., 1♂ MEI 169911 1Ψ 169936 ( IMLA ); 6 km N San Martin de los Andes [­40.106, ­71.36], 1000 m , 1–4.I.1994 , Wood, G. & M., 5♂ MEI 162081–5 ( CNC ); Pucara [­40.183, ­71.633], –. I.1954, 1 ♂ MEI135334 ( MSUC ); 7 km N San Martin de los Andes, Lolog, Gentili Property [­40.083, ­71.333], 18–20.XI.1989 , Marshall , S.A., 1Ψ ME I 169887 ( DEBU ); [Río] Pucara, Lago Lacar [­40.183, ­71.5], – X.1968 , Porter, C., 3♂ ME I 147540, 147543, 147550, 1Ψ 147539 ( MCZ ); S. M. Andes, [Río] Pucara [­40.183, ­ 71.633], 6–16.XII.1968 , Porter, C.C., 2♂ MEI 147541–2 ( MCZ ). RIO NEGRO . 1 km N Villa Mascardi, Lago Mascardi [­41.35, ­71.517], 850 m , 18.XI.1966 , Irwin, M.E., Schlinger, E.I., 1♂ MEI 0 88138 ( MEIC ); Bariloche, Llao­Llao [­41.05, ­71.533], – I.1962 , Lane, Coscaron, Capri, 1♂ MEI 169910 ( MZSP ). CHILE . Collipulli, 29.XII.1967 , Cakalovic, 2Ψ MEI 112340 –1 ( UCCC ); 20 km E Temuco, 7.I.1951 , Ross, Michelbacher, female MEI 169886 ( CAS ); El Salto, – XI.1936 , Reed, 1♂ MEI 169918 ( CAS ); Fundo El Cortijo, Jollaje, S., 1♂ MEI 169914 ( MEIC ); Rangue maipo [Maipo] [­33.73, ­70.78], 15.X.1989 , Barriga, J.E., 1♂ MEI 107042 ( MEUC ); Tormas, Talhuaca, 1959, Peña, L., 1Ψ MEI 0 79707 ( CNC ); Vilaim, – VIII.1936 , Caba, E., 1♂ MEI 135338 ( MSUC ). ACONCOGUA. Valparaiso, Estero Marga Marga [­33.021, ­71.561], 15.I.1919 , 2Ψ MEI 147499 ( MEIC ), 147501 ( CAS ); Quillota, Palmas de Ocoa [­32.932, ­71.078], 215 m , 2–10.I.2000 , Irwin, M.E., Schlinger, E.I., 1♂ MEI 121332 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap in hillside draw; Quillota [­32.883, ­71.267], 16.X.1962 , Hitchins, N., 1♂ MEI 147545 ( EELM ). ARAUCANÍA. 12.. 7 km N Loncoch[e], 390 m , 21.I.1967 , 2♂ MEI 169943, 169945 ( INHS ); Angol [­37.8, ­72.717], 30.X.1955 , Briceño, 1♂ MEI 135339 ( MSUC ); 1.XI.1956 , Ramirez, L., 1♂ MEI 135340 ( MSUC ); Nueva Imperial, La Selva [­38.867, ­72.45], 700 m , –. II.1981 , Peña, L.E., female MEI 112346 ( UCCC ); 12 km N Villarrica, Paul Wagner Ranch (­39.223, ­72.188], 9.I.2000 , Webb, D.W., Yeates, D.K., 3 females MEI 121324 , 121326 –7 ( INHS ), Malaise in Nothofagus forest; Malleco, Termas de Río Blanco, 1080 m , 22.I.1967 , Irwin, M.E., Stange, L.A., 1♂ MEI 169917, 1Ψ 169893 ( MEIC ); Malleco [­ 37.809, ­73.016], 1150 m , 9–12.I.2000 , Webb, D.W., Yeates, D.K., Irwin, M.E., Schlinger, E.I., 6♂ MEI 121372 , 121374 –8, 1Ψ 121379 ( INHS ), Malaise trap, Araucaria­Nothofagus forest; Cautin, 12.7 km N Loncoche [­39.252, ­72.633], 390 m , 21.I.1967 , Irwin, M.E., 3♂ MEI 147523, 169912, 169920 ( MEIC ); Cautin, Bella Vista, N shore Lago Villarrica [­ 39.25, ­72.1], 15–30.XII.1982 , Newton, A., Thayer, M., 4 females MEI 081034 –7 ( MCZ ) window trap; 48 km NW Nueva Imperial, Fundo La Selva [­38.428, ­73.255], 700 m , 9–11.XII.1981 , Davis, D.R., 1Ψ MEI 169889 ( USNM ). BIO BIO . 7.5 km E Recinto, 760 m , 4–6.I.2000 , Irwin, M.E., Schlinger, E.I, 1♂ 121363 ( MEIC ), Malaise, dry river bed; 5 km W Tucapel, 28XII.1950 , Ross, Michelbacher, 1♂ MEI 169946 ( CAS ); Nuble, Shangrila [Termas de Chillan], SW side Volcan Chillan [­36.917, ­71.433], 1600 m , 19–21.I.1979 , Davis, D. & M., Akerbergs, B., 3♂ MEI 0 90424, 0 90448, 0 90456 ( USNM ); 5 km W Tucapel [­36.78, ­73.065], 28.XII.1950 , Ross, Meichelbacher, 1♂ MEI 169905 ( CAS ); Concepción [­36.833, ­73.05], 11.I.1962 , Troumlar, 1♂ MEI 169907 ( UCCC ); Ralco, 400 m , 21–22.XI.1994 , Peña, L., Ugarte, 1Ψ MEI 117061 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap; Cobquecura [­36.128, ­72.786], 14.XII.1953 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 169903 ( CNC ); Las Trancas [­36.927, ­71.606], 6–11.II.1966 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 112351 , 1Ψ 112352 ( UCCC ), Malaise trap; 8–10.II.1966 , Peña, L. E., 1♂ MEI 169909, 1Ψ MEI 147535 ( CUIC ); Nahuelbuta National Park [­37.826, ­72.969], 1168 m , 1–8.XII.2003 , Irwin, M.E., 1♂ MEI 167927, 1Ψ MEI 167930 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap, near park entrance; Arauco, 20 km W Caravida, Nahuelbuta [­38.017, ­73.217], 750 m , 13.I.1967 , Schlinger, E.I., 1Ψ ME I 169885 ( MEIC ); Chillan, Las Trancas [­36.927, ­71.606], – XI.1970II.1971 , Ocale, S., 1Ψ MEI 169891 ( MEUC ); Fundo Malcho, Cordillera Parral, 1–20.XI.1964 , Rivera, M., 2Ψ MEI 169883–4 ( MEUC ); Las Cabras, 16–9.I.1955 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 147534 ( CUIC ). COQUIMBO. Hacienda Illapel [­31.631, ­71.165], 0 m, 19.X.1958 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 0 79713 ( CNC ); 15 km SW Pachingo [­30.555, ­71.635], 100–200 m , 20.X.1966 , Schlinger, E.I., Irwin, M.E., 1♂ MEI 147547 ( MEIC ); El Naranjo, Tilama [­32.083, ­ 71.167], – X.1967 , Molina, J., 1Ψ MEI 147500 ( MEUC ); Fray Jorge National Park [­ 30.644, ­71.65], 250 m , 24–12.XII.2003 , Irwin, M.E., 1♂ MEI 167926 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap, in picnic area. LOS LAGOS . 22 km N Quellon, Chiloe Island, Hueque Trumao [­ 42.901, ­73.596], 50 m , 26–27.XII.1981 , Davis, D.R., 1Ψ MEI 169890 ( USNM ); Isla Chiloe, S Chonchi Harbor, Terao Point [­42.7, ­73.633], 20–30.XI.1989 , Peña, L.E., 1Ψ MEI 117060 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap; Chiloe, Dalcahue [­42.383, ­73.667], 13–20.I.1971 , Berria, G., female MEI 112348 ( UCCC ); 17–22.I.1962 , Peña, L.E., female MEI 0 28481 ( CNC ); 1–8.II.1962 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 169916 ( CNC ); Chiloe, Lago Tepuhueco [­ 42.783, ­73.967], 23–26.XII.1981 , Peña, L.E., 1Ψ MEI 112344 ( UCCC ); Ahoni Alto, Isla Chiloe [­42.783, ­72.583], – IX.1988 , Peña, L.E., 4 females MEI 030508 –11 ( CMNH ); Osorno, 30 km W Purranque [­40.917, ­73.436], 16.I.1951 , Ross, Michelbacher, 1Ψ MEI 169888 ( CAS ); Valdivia, – XI.1953 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 147552 ( CNC ); Valdivia, 4.1 km W Anticura [­40.65, ­72.204], 270 m , 19–25.XII.1982 , Newton, A., Thayer, M., 1Ψ MEI 0 81033 ( MCZ ), window trap. MAULE . El Coigual, 20–26.I.1964 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 169898 ( CNC ); Parral, Malcho [­36.15, ­71.833], 750 m , 24–26.I.1993 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ ME I 112350 ( UCCC ); Pillay, Cra. Chada [­35.78, ­72.002], 23.XI.1981 , Peña, L.E., female MEI 112345 ( UCCC ); 15 km E Curicó, Loma Hueca­Huecan [­35.067, ­71.123], 400 m , 12–23.XII.1997 , Barriga, J.E., 1♂ MEI 152123 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap: 6 km E Los Quenes, Fundo la Montana Estero la Palma at Río Teno [­35.017, ­70.746], 14.I.1967 , Irwin, M.E., 1♂ MEI 169901 ( MEIC ), light trap; Curico, Estero la Jaula [­35.083, ­70.8], – I.1964 , Peña, L.E., 3♂ MEI 169894–6 ( CNC ), Nothofagus ; 10 km NW Cauquenes, Río Tutuven [­ 35.903, ­72.414], 300 m , 3–4.X.1983 , Nielsen, E.S., 1♂ MEI 169906 ( ANIC ); 1 km N Curicó [­34.973, ­71.239], 29.XI.1982 , Brown, R.L., 1♂ MEI 0 30512 (MEM) black light; Linares, Fundo Malcho, – I.1957 , Peña, L.E., 2♂ MEI 0 79691, 0 79702 ( CNC ); Talca, [Rio] Los Cipreces [­35.817, ­70.85], 1000 m , 14.I.1968 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 147544 ( MEUC ); Curico, Potrero Grande [­35.2, ­70.883], – I.1992 , Cutkovic, T., 1Ψ MEI 169892 ( MEUC ); El Colgo [­34.982, ­71.239], 11.X.1959 , Peña, L.E., 1Ψ MEI 0 79693 ( CNC ); 20 km E Potrero Grande, El Relvo [­35.186, ­70.937], 16.I.2004 , Barriga, J.E., 1♂ MEI 167931, 1Ψ 167929, ( MEIC ); 50 km E Parral, Empedrado Bullileo [­35.85, ­71.6], 12.I.1994 , Wood, G. & M., 1Ψ MEI 162080 ( CNC ); Vilches [­35.6, ­71.2], – XII.1976, 1 ♂ MEI 078906–7 ( FMNH ). METROPOLITANA DE SANTIAGO. La Rinconada de Maipú, Quebrada de la Plata [­33.517, ­70.783], 510 m , 29.I.1966 , Irwin, M.E., 1♂ MEI 147549 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap; 15.XI.1966 , Irwin, M.E., 2♂ MEI 169899–900 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap; 6.XII.1966 , Irwin, M.E., 1Ψ MEI 0 28480 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap; 4.I.1967 , Irwin, M.E., 1♂ MEI 0 28479 ( MEIC ), Malaise trap; Santiago, Aculeo [­33.883, ­70.883], 3–7.XI.1959 , Peña, L.E., 1♂ MEI 169904 ( CNC ); Perales, 1♂ MEI 169915 ( USNM ); Talagante [­33.667, ­ 70.917], date?, Toro, M., 1♂ MEI 147548 ( MEUC ); El Canelo [­33.583, ­70.45], 8.XII.1989 , Marshall , S.A., 1♂ MEI 169902 ( DEBU ); Maipu [­33.517, ­70.767], 500 m , 31.X.1954 , Peña, L.E., 2♂ MEI 079698­9 ( CNC ).