A catalogue of the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) of Eritrea Author Madl, Michael Author H, Anicetus Author H, Anthemus Author W, Cheiloneurus Author S, Diversinervus Author L, Encyrtus Author F, Habrolepis Author M, Homalotylus text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2023 55 1 219 239 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10414819 0253-116X 10414819 Tremblaya oleae (SILVESTRI , 1915) Bothriothorax oleae sp.n. : SILVESTRI 1915a: 258 (biology), 290 (description ♁, fig. 46, biology, Nefasit), 291 (figs 47.1-7). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : COMPERE 1931b: 249 (biology, Asmara, Ez’Taclesan = Adi Tekelezan, Giglasciu = Ghescinascim, Nefasit). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : COMPERE 1931c: 258 (key, taxonomy, description ♁, biology, Asmara, Ez’Taclesan = Adi Tekelezan, Giglasciu = Ghescinascim, Keren, Nefasit), 260 (figs 1a-e), 262 (figs 2a-c). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : FULMEK 1943: 73 (world host-parasitoid catalogue), 75 (world host-parasitoid catalogue). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : THOMPSON 1944: 101 (world host-parasitoid catalogue), 102 (world host-parasitoid catalogue), 126 (world parasitoid-host catalogue). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : COMPERE 1947: 22 (taxonomy). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : THOMPSON 1955: 239 (world parasitoid-host catalogue). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : ANNECKE & INSLEY 1971: 7 (catalogue Afrotropical region). Silvestria oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : TRJAPITZIN 1972 : not seen Silvestria oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : TRJAPITZIN 1977: 164 (taxonomy, biology, Ethiopia = Eritrea ). Silvestria oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : PRINSLOO 1983: 17 (parasitoid-host catalogue Afrotropical region), 24 (host-parasitoid catalogue Afrotropical region), 25 (host-parasitoid catalogue Afrotropical region). Tremblaya oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : TRJAPITZIN 1985: 14 (taxonomy). Baeoanusia oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : ABATE 1991: 12 (parasitoid-host catalogue Ethiopia : Ethiopia = Eritrea ). Tremblaya oleae ( SILVESTRI , 1915) : NOYES & PRINSLOO 1998: 90 (taxonomy). P r i m a r y h o s t: Hymenoptera , Eunotidae : Scutellista cyanea (DE MOTSCHULSKY, 1859) = Scutellista cyanea obscurata SILVESTRI, 1915 ( COMPERE 1931b , c). S e c o n d a r y h o s t Hemiptera , Coccidae : Parasaissetia nigra (NIETNER, 1861) , Saissetia oleae (OLIVIER, 1791) ( SILVESTRI 1915a ) . D i s t r i b u t i o n: Adi Tekelezan, Asmara, Ghescinascim, Keren, Nefasit. Tremblaya oleae , a hyperparasitoid, is known from the Afrotropical ( Eritrea , Kenya , South Africa ) and Palaearctic regions.