Review of the generaDiplopherusa and Paracladiscus (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Tillinae) from Japan and Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species Author Murakami, Hiroyuki text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2016 2016-11-15 56 2 725 741 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5307482 0374-1036 5307482 D9281F86-E19D-4EA5-8173-DAB15ED8703B Paracladiscus atricolor Miyatake, 1965 ( Figs 8–9 , 17–18 , 30, 36, 42 , 53–54, 59–60, 61) Paracladiscus atricolor Miyatake, 1965: 20 (original description, incl. fig. 1A–B, pl. 3B). MIYATAKE (1985) : 152 (noted, incl. fig. 21, pl. 24); NAKAMURA (1986) : 40 (faunistics). Type locality. Japan , Kagoshima Prefecture , Amami Islands, Naze. Type material examined. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ HOLOTYPUS [red label] || NAZE | AMAMI IS.| 12. VI.1960 | K.Yamada [leg.] || 8–23 [orange label] || Paracladiscus | articolor | M. Miyatake [des.] [handwritten label]’ ( EUMJ , Type No. 477). PARATYPE : 1 ♀ , ‘TSUNAGU | AMAMI. Is | 15. VII. 1962 | H. Yokoyama [leg.] || Paracladiscus | atricolor | M. Miyatake [des.] || PARAYPE [yellow label]’ ( OMNH ). Additional material examined. JAPAN : KAGOSHIMA PREFECTURE: Amami Islands : Amami-Ôshima , Chûô-rindô , 27–29. vi. 1987 , 1 J, K. Shimizu leg. ( EUMJ ) ; Amami-Ôshima , Hatsuno , , 1 J, T. Mizunuma leg. ( EUMJ ), , 1 J, , 1 J, T. Kobayashi leg. ( EUMJ ) ; Amami-Ôshima , Mt. Yui-dake , , 1 ♀ , T. Kobayashi leg. ( KSTJ ) . Supplementary description. Male ( Fig. 8 ). For full description see MIYATAKE (1965) . Measurements. Male (n = 4): EyW: 0.20–0.26 (0.24) mm; EyD: 0.48–0.58 (0.53) mm; BL: 3.17–4.83 (4.13) mm; PL: 0.87–1.33 (1.12) mm; PW: 0.55–0.90 (0.76) mm; EL: 2.30–3.50 (3.01) mm; EW: 0.73–1.15 (1.00) mm. Approximate length ratio of antennomeres (n = 1): 3.1: 1.0: 3.8: 3.8: 4.4: 4.2: 4.2: 4.0: 4.6: 4.0: 6.9. Relative length ratio of rami of antennomeres III–X (n = 1): 1.0: 2.1: 2.4: 2.5: 2.5: 2.4: 2.2: 1.9. EyD/EyW: 2.00–2.40 (2.25); PL/PW: 1.40–1.58 (1.47); EL/EW: 2.78–3.14 (3.02); EL/PL: 2.55–2.98 (2.70); EW/PW: 1.28–1.33 (1.32). Metendosternite with extended furcal arms anterolaterally; furcal laminae distally extended; process extending anteriorly from base of furcal arms. Unguis with basal denticles; pro- and mesotibiae stout, gently widened apically; metatibiae stout, dilated towards basal half, thence slightly curved inwardly. Pygidium ( Fig. 30 ) broadly rounded posteriorly; pygidial struts short, stout. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 36 ) weakly pigmented in medial portion; apical margin emarginate in middle. Spicular fork ( Fig. 42 ) without lateral plates. Connecting membrane between tegmen and phallus in fully extended condition (Figs 53–54) vested with fine spines; tegmen shorter than phallus; phallobase cylindrical without phallobasic struts, membranous in ventral view; phallobasic apodeme elongate, rounded at apex; phallus divaricate in apical 1/6, dorsally with median orifice, roundly pointed at apex. Female ( Fig. 9 ). Measurements (n = 1): EyW: 0.16 mm ; EyD: 0.64 mm ; BL: 4.02 mm ; PL: 1.21 mm ; PW: 0.91 mm ; EL: 2.81 mm ; EW: 1.16 mm . Similar to male, but EyD/EyW: 4.00; antennae crenate, about half as long as in males ( Fig. 18 ); pronotum rounded on lateral sides; hind tibiae not swollen. Approximate length ratio of antennomeres (n = 1): 2.0: 0.9: 1.6: 1.3: 1.3: 1.3: 1.3: 1.3: 1.4: 1.4: 2.3. Relative width ratio of antennomeres (n = 1): 1.8: 1.5: 1.0: 1.3: 1.8: 2.0: 2.0: 2.0: 2.0: 1.8: 1.8. PL/PW: 1.33; EL/EW: 2.42; EL/PL: 2.32; EW/PW: 1.28. Pygidium ( Fig. 59 ) rounded posteriorly; pygidial struts stout. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 60 ) rounded posteriorly. Differential diagnosis. Paracladiscus atricolor can be distinguished from P. choui sp. nov. by antennomeres VII–X uniramous in males ( Fig. 17 ); females with antennae shorter than total length of head and pronotum combined; punctation of head and pronotum sparse; elytral striae not reaching to apex; tibiae stout in male. Distribution. Japan : Kagoshima Prefecture :Amami-Ôshima, Okinawa Prefecture : Okinawajima ( MIYATAKE 1985 , NAKAMURA 1986 ) ( Fig. 61 ).