Taxonomic review of tropical western Atlantic shallow water Drilliidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea) including descriptions of 100 new species Author Fallon, Phillip J. text Zootaxa 2016 4090 1 1 363 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4090.1.1 e6b35f5a-435e-4473-b29e-1e4d842f84b0 1175-5326 263299 203BAC25-B542-48FE-B5AD-EBA8C0285833 Fenimorea pagodula (Dall, 1889) ( Plate 90 ) Drillia pagodula Dall, 1889a: 90 , in part, “Sigsbee” off Havana and W of Florida only, pl. 13, fig. 6. Dall (1889b: 98, pl. 13, fig. 6); Maury (1922: 150 [list]). Cymatosyrinx pagodula (Dall, 1889) : Abbott (1974: 276, sp. 3118 [uses Dall’s illustration]); Turgeon et al. (1988 [list]). Fenimorea pagodula (Dall, 1889) : Powell (1966: 91 [list]); Tippett (1995: 133, fig. 3 [ lectotype ]); Williams (2005; 2009: 1568 [L photo only]). Splendrillia pagodula (Dall. 1889) : Turgeon et al. (1998: 102, 256 [list]); García & Lee (2002: 12 [Louisiana, offshore]). Not this species, or unconfirmed extralimital and fossil reports. Drillia pagodula auct. non Dall, 1889: 90: is a misidentification by Dall of specimens from R/V Blake Sta. 177 off Dominica , and R/V Blake Stas. 282, 223 (in part), and 280 off Barbados [most = Neodrillia crassa , n. sp. ]. Drillia pagodula Dall, 1889 : Dall (1890a: 304 [Bahia: Abrolhos Is.]); Gardner & Aldrich (1919 [Upper Miocene of South Carolina]); Rios (1970: 126 [ Brazil ]). Drillia (Cymatosyrinx) pagodula (Dall, 1889) : Cossmann (1896a: [fossil occurrence]). Cymatosyrinx pagodula (Dall, 1889) : M. Smith (1937: 135; pl. 50, fig. 10 [ N. crassa figured]). Fenimorea pagodula (Dall, 1889) : Fargo (1948: 369); DuBar (1958: 187 [Caloosahatchee beds]); DuBar & Solliday (1961 [late Miocene of Georgia and the Carolinas]); Rios (1975: 132, pl. 40, fig. 591 [Bahia: Abrolhos Is.]); Campbell et al. (1975 [Plio-Pleistocene of the central Carolina coastal plain]); Rios (1985: 137, pl. 47, fig. 628 [Rio Grande do Norte & Abrolhos Is.]); Rios (1994: 162, pl. 54, fig. 732 [Rio Grande do Norte & Abrolhos Is.]); Rios (2009: 314, sp. no. 797 [Rio Grande do Norte & Abrolhos Is.]). Cymatosyrinx pagodula (Dall, 1889) : Sander & Lalli (1982: 317 [ Barbados , = N. crassa ]). Splendrillia pagodula (Dall. 1889) : Petuch (1994: pl. 99, fig. N [Bermont Formation]). Type material. Six lots were listed as this species in Dall (1889a: 90) and are located in the USNM and MCZ: Location Depth Catalog Number Identification (Count) The specimen most closely matching Dall’s description was designated as lectotype by Tippett (1995: 133) and is in USNM 87471 (17.8 x 5.8 mm ) (Pl. 90, Fig. 1 ). The other specimen from that lot, which was moved to USNM 887466, belongs in Bellaspira and may possibly be undescribed. Only 1 other specimen is F. pagodula : 11.6 x 4.9 mm , in 50 fms [ 91 m ] from W of Florida, R/V Blake Exped., 1878 (MCZ 7071). It is in poor condition, missing the top of its spire (Pl. 90, Fig. 2 ). The remaining 16 paralectotypes are not F. pagodula ; nine are treated under Neodrillia crassa .
“Sigsbee” off Havana 119–175 fms [218-320 m] USNM 87471 USNM 887466 F. pagodula (1) lectotype Bellaspira sp. (1)
W of Florida 50 fms [91 m] MCZ 7071 F. pagodula (1) paralectotype
Blake Sta. 177 Dominica 118 fms [216 m] USNM 87472 Neodrillia crassa , n. sp. (3)
Blake Sta. 282 Barbados 154 fms [282 m] MCZ 7068 Neodrillia crassa , n. sp. (1)
Blake Sta. 273 Barbados 103 fms [188 m] MCZ 7069 Bellaspira barbadensis , n. sp. (2) Neodrillia crassa , n. sp. (4) Douglassia antillensis n. sp. (1) Lissodrillia sp. (1) Unidentified (3)
Blake Sta. 290 Barbados 73 fms [134 m] MCZ 7070 Neodrillia crassa , n. sp. (1)
Type locality. Off Havana, Cuba , in 119–175 fms [ 218–320 m ], the locality from which the lectotype was collected. PLATE 90 . Fenimorea pagodula (Dall, 1889) . Upper panel. Fig. 1.: lectotype, off Havana, Cuba (USNM 87471), ventral, lateral & dorsal views. Fig. 2: paralectotype, W of Florida (MCZ 7071), ventral view. Lower panel. Specimens believed to be this species. Fig. 3: W of Sarasota, Sarasota Co., W Florida (UF 260847); Figs. 4–5: W of Egmont Key, Hillsborough Co., W Florida (EFG 12993); Fig. 6: W of Egmont Key, Hillsborough Co., W Florida (EFG 13008); Fig. 7: SW of Egmont Key, Hillsborough Co., W Florida (UF 155626); Fig. 8. N of Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo, Mexico (DMNH 107072); Fig. 9: SW of Egmont Key, Hillsborough Co., W Florida (EFG 14925). Other material examined. An additional 7 specimens that may be this species are: 1 spec., 17.5 x 5.6 mm , in 126 m , N of Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo, Mexico , (DMNH 107072); 1 spec., 18.4 x 6.0 mm, in 128 m , 130 mi [ 209 km ] SW of Egmont Key, Hillsborough Co., W Florida (UF 155626); 1 spec., 17.4 x 5.9 mm , in 73 m , WSW of Egmont Key, Hillsborough Co., J. Moore! (EFG 14925); 2 spec., 19.7 x 6.5 & 22.3 x 7.0 mm, in 128 m , offshore, 27°34'N , 84°30'W , W Florida, E. García! aboard R/V Pelican , 29 Jun 1993 (EFG 12993); 1 spec., 19.7 x 6.5 mm , in 128 m , 175 km W of Egmont Key, 27°34'N , 84°30'W , Hillsborough Co., E. García! aboard R/V Pelican , 29 Jun 1993 (EFG 13008); 1 spec., 18.7 x 6.0 mm, W of Sarasota, Sarasota Co., W Florida, M.E. Powlus! 1967 (UF 260847 ). Range and habitat. Mexico (N off Quintana Roo); off Louisiana; W Florida (off Hillsborough Co.; off Sarasota Co.); Cuba (off Havana). Reports of this species from Brazil (Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte & Abrolhos Is.) need to be confirmed. The range of reported depths is 73– 320 m .
Description. Shell small (to 22.3 mm ), fusiform, truncated anteriorly, spire tall for genus, up to 10½ slightly convex whorls overall, suture undulates over ribs of preceding whorl, last whorl approximately 49% of total length. Protoconch of approximately 2 smooth, glossy, round whorls. Axial sculpture of strong straight ribs that extend from suture-to-suture, 9–11 on the penultimate, 6–8 to the varix on last whorl where they evanesce on the shell base before the anterior fasciole. Ribs are slightly depressed below the suture, marking the region of the sulcus. Varix hump-like, about ⅓-turn from the edge of the outer lip. Spiral sculpture of grooves or ridges on the anterior fasciole and a shell surface microsculpture of fine, wavy, incised lines, sometimes obsolete near the suture, that are intersected by growth striae, producing rows of pits between. Sulcus indistinct, marked by a slight impression of the ribs at about ⅓-whorl height. Outer lip thin, flattened from varix to its edge, which forms a low arc from anal sinus to anterior canal. Lip folded inward from anal sinus, then anteriorly for about ½ the length of the lip. Anal sinus deeply notched, U-shaped and offset laterally a little from the shell axis by the parietal lobe. Edge of sinus flared, spout-like. Inner lip thin, unemarginate in parietal area, slightly erect on anterior canal, formed into a parietal lobe posteriorly. Anterior canal short, open, and without a significant notch. Anterior fasciole with spiral grooves or ridges. Color beige-white with a narrow, pale yellow or brownish yellow mid-whorl band that may be interrupted by lighter-colored ribs. Remarks. Nomenclature. Some earlier workers (M. Smith, 1934, Abbott, 1974, Turgeon, 1988) placed Fenimorea pagodula in Cymatosyrinx Dall, 1889 ; however, members of that genus have a carinate protoconch and a swollen anterior fasciole with a distinct marginal ridge (Powell, 1966: 91), not at all like the fasciole of specimens in Dall’s syntypes . Taxonomy. Fenimorea pagodula possesses the shell surface microsculpture typical of Fenimorea , has ribs that extend from suture-to-suture but somewhat modified by the sulcus, and a deep U-shaped anal sinus. The margin of the sulcus is only slightly impressed, varix not hump-like, and anterior canal moderately long as is typical of deep water species of this genus. Variability. The eight unbroken specimens have an average total length of 18.94 mm ( 17.4–22.3 mm ), and average W/ L ratio of 0.326. Identification. Fenimorea pagodula is very similar to F. petiti Tippett, 1995 , F. elongata , new species , and Neodrillia crassa , new species . It differs from F. petiti in possessing a narrower shell with a taller spire (W/ L ratio of 0.326 versus 0.397), less convex ribs, and a paler mid-whorl color band. From F. elongata it differs in possessing whorl peripheries below mid-whorl, not evenly rounded. The last whorl of F. pagodula is angled to the right when viewed ventrally, not as straight as in F. elongata . The base color of the two species is beige-white, but F. pagodula has a pale yellow to brownish-yellow band that tends to override the ribs, not the diffuse pinkish band confined to intercostal space exhibited by F. elongata . Fenimorea pagodula also differs in possessing a somewhat broader shell (W/ L ratio 0.326 versus 0.311) than F. elongata . It can be distinguished from N. crassa on the basis of shell microsculpture. Dall described F. pagodula as having “spiral sculpture of fine engraved lines”, which is typical of Fenimorea and present only on the lectotype and shell fragment from off W Florida. Neodrillia crassa , on the other hand, has a shell surface microsculpture of coarse raised threads, which is characteristic of Neodrillia . The two species differ in other respects too. Fenimorea pagodula is narrower, with a taller spire and has fewer ribs.