A review of the Munidopsidae Ortmann, 1898 (Decapoda, Galatheoidea) in Chilean waters, including new records for the Southeastern Pacific Author Guzman, Guillermo L. Author Sellanes, Javier text Zootaxa 2015 4021 2 282 306 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4021.2.3 47fe93e6-3726-46db-a891-01d9ab7b70f3 1175-5326 240666 F12128F6-C542-4FBE-9ACF-414C96D93C6F Munidopsis trifida Henderson, 1885 ( Fig. 11 ) Restricted synonymy: Munidopsis trifida Henderson, 1885 : 415 ; 1888: 157, pl. 17, figs 2, 2a.— Benedict, 1902 : 329 .— Haig, 1955 : 40 .— Retamal, 1981 : 23 , fig. 96.— Wicksten 1989 : 316 .— Baba, 2005 : 193 –194, 298. Type locality . Sarmiento channel ( Henderson 1888 ). Other records . Collingwood strait ( Benedict 1902 ), Chile . FIGURE 11. Munidopsis trifida Henderson, 1888 . (a–g), MUAP(CD)-0341 Male cl 17.75 mm, (h) MUAP(CD)-0471, male cl 12.06 mm. a, anterior region of carapace; b, lateral view of carapace; c, lateral view of abdomen; d, right cheliped; e, carpus and merus of right cheliped; f, third left pereiopod; g, detail of carpus of third pereiopod; h, right cheliped. Scale = 1 mm. Distributional range . Aysen, Magallanes, Chile ( Haig 1955 ; Wicksten 1989 ). Bathymetric range . 638– 823 m . New records . MUAP (CD)-0341, 2 males , 1 ovigerous female, off Chiloé ( 42°35.35’S , 74°48.33’W ), “ PUCK ” expedition, RV “Sonne”, AGT-18, April–May 2001 ; MUAP (CD)-0367, 3 females , one ovigerous and other with bopyrid (cl 15.82–19.64 mm ), 1 male cl 20.93 mm , “ PUCK ” expedition, RV “Sonne”, AGT- 4 may 2001 ; CBUCN 0 0 3868, stn AGT-10, 1 male , “ CMSA ” ( 36°22.01’S , 73°43.10’W , 843 m ), “VG07” cruise, AGOR “Vidal Gormaz”, September 2007 ; CBUCN 0 0 3862, stn AGT-17, 2 males , near Mocha Island ( 37°56.48’S , 74°01.15’W , 608 m ), “VG07” cruise, AGOR “Vidal Gormaz”, September 2007 ; CBUCN 0 0 3864, stn AGT- 5, 1 female , off Constitución ( 34°44.25’S , 72°22.58’W , 762 m ), “VG07” cruise, AGOR “Vidal Gormaz”, September 2007 ; MUAP (CD)-0366 5 females , one of these with bopyrid, cl 17.55–20.31 mm ; 1 male cl 18.25 mm , Expedition “SeepOx” AGT 6; MUAP (CD)-0368, 6 females , one with bopyrid (cl 13.69–20.51 mm ), 3 males (cl 19.42–21.70 mm ); 5 specimens collected during Inspire Expeditions (Sellanes). Description . Rostrum as long as one and one-half times carapace length, armed with 2 straight lateral spines parallel to midline of rostrum ( Fig. 11 a). Carapace subpentagonal, covered with few spines and tubercles; gastric region with 2 spines; regions not prominent, cervical groove shallow ( Fig. 11 b); lateral margins with 3 spines; posterior margin unarmed. Eyes unarmed, antennal and anterolateral spines present, short; antennal spine not reaching cornea; anterolateral spine reaching base of antennal spine ( Fig. 11 a). Abdominal somites unarmed, second to fourth somites with shallow transverse groove ( Fig. 11 c). Chelipeds slender, almost 2 times as long as carapace; dactyl as long as palm, with spines on dorsal and ventral margins ( Fig. 11 d). Carpus and propodus armed on dorsal margin and mesial surface, ventral margin with spines only on distal part ( Fig. 11 e). Walking legs as long as carapace, armed dorsally and on mesial surface; dactyl armed only on ventral margin; propodus with few spines ( Fig. 11 f); carpus with strong spines on dorsal margin, unarmed on ventral side and with short spines on mesial surface ( Fig. 11 g). Dimorphism observed in male cheliped; some specimens with strong curved fixed finger, and a tubercle on inner margin of dactyl ( Fig. 11 h). Remarks . There is a record attributed to M. trifida for Iquique by Retamal (1993) , but the diagnosis indicates that the analyzed specimen bears four strong spines on the mid-dorsal region of somites 1–3. Nevertheless, the original description and figures in Henderson (1888) for M. trifida do not refer to this character, so it is presumed that Retamal's (1993) specimen corresponds to another morphologically similar species.