New combinations in Stenostelma (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) and two novel species from South Africa Author Bester, Stoffel P. National Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Private Bag X 101, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa. & School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X 54001, Durban, 4000 South Africa. Author Nicholas, Ashley School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X 54001, Durban, 4000 South Africa. text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-07-18 361 1 41 55 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.361.1.3 1179-3163 Stenostelma corniculatum (E.Meyer) Bullock (1956: 521) . Lagarinthus corniculatus E. Meyer (1837: 208) . Gomphocarpus corniculatus (E.Meyer) Dietrich (1840: 901) . Krebsia corniculata (E.Meyer) Schlechter (1895a: 40) . Schizoglossum corniculatum (E.Meyer) Dyer (1971: 363) . Type : SOUTH AFRICA , Eastern Cape Province , Queenstown Division , in rough area near Table Mountain , alt. 1524m , 7 December 1832 , Drège 3423 ( lectotype , P [P04256909] scan!, here designated; isolectotype K! [K000234343] fragment) . Gomphocarpus stenoglossus Schechter (1894c: 257) . Krebsia stenoglossa (Schltr.) Schlechter (1896a: 450) . Type : SOUTH AFRICA , Eastern Cape Province , Kreilis country, Barber 293 ( lectotype K! [K000234340], here designated; isolectotype GRA! [ GRA0002403 -0] scan!) . In the original description of Lagarinthus corniculatus Meyer (1837) cited two collections ( Drège 3423 and Drège s.n. ). Drège s.n. , from the grassy hillsides at Katberg was not traced. The only duplicates of Drège 3423 were found at at K and P (scan). As the specimen from P is more complete it is chosen as lectotype . The material from K was examined and despite it being only a fragment the identity could be confirmed to be this taxon, based on the flowers only. Schlechter (1894c) only listed the collection of Barber 293 when he newly described Gomphocarpus stenoglossus of which two specimens could be traced at GRA and K. The material from K is here selected as lectotype as it represents the full facies of the species better and is more representative of the species than the sheet from GRA. It was interesting that N.E. Brown wrote on the GRA specimen: “Mr. Bowker & Mrs Baber were brother and sister relations and the same plant with the same number appears to have been distributed sometimes under the one name and sometimes under the other” hence the correction of the label at K from Bowker to Barber.