Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Notoxus (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) Author Kejval, Zbyněk text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2011 2011-12-09 51 2 627 673 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5329507 0374-1036 5329507 Notoxus katthapa sp. nov. ( Figs. 23–26 , 85 ) Type locality. Myanmar , Sagaing Division, Alaungdaw Katthapa National Park, 22°19.113′N 94°28.518′E , about 350 m a.s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ MYANMAR : Sagaing Division Alaungdaw Katthapa NP 22°19.113′N 94°28.518′E 3.- 13.5.2003 , ca. 350 m , light, leg. Boukal & Schillhammer (101)’ ( NHMW ). Description. Male ( holotype ). Body length 3.1 mm . Head and pronotum reddish brown. Elytra somewhat paler, with rather vague brownish markings ( Fig. 85 ); triangular basal spot, paired subapical spots and transverse band at about mid-length, vaguely connected along suture and forming cross-shaped marking. Legs and antennae reddish. Head finely, pronotum rather coarsely, evenly punctured. Elytra rather glossy; basal half punctation similar to that on pronotum dorsally, punctures very coarse, distinctly spaced. Body setation rather long and conspicuous, mostly subdecumbent to decumbent; pronotum with numerous conspicuously long, suberect to erect setae, especially antero-laterally; setation of elytra generally somewhat more raised, decumbent, with numerous, moderately longer, suberect setae. Head vertex, except of long erect setae, with a paired row of short, thick spines articulated along lateral carinae. Antebasal setose band of pronotum sparse and inconspicuous. Head with rather medium-sized eyes. Antennae moderately long, only moderately enlarged in terminal third. Pronotum nearly as wide as head across eyes, rather globose in dorsal view; transverse sulcus / impression of posterior collar shortly wrinkled. Pronotal horn moderately long and slender, largely subparallel, armed with 3–4 distinctly protruding lateral lobules on each side and simple, moderately wider apical lobule; horn crest only moderately raised, evenly lowering towards horn apex, its lateral margins rather distinctly marked by series of somewhat coarser, contiguous to fused lobules / rugules (forming short, crenulate fringe); dorsal surface evenly and rather densely covered with distinct rounded rugules. Elytra 2.1 times as long as wide; humeri distinctly protruding; omoplates moderately indicated and postbasal impression nearly indistinct; elytral apices simple. Legs simple. Abdominal sternum VII moderately emarginate postero-medially ( Fig. 23 ). Tergum VIII slightly angulately produced apically ( Fig. 24 ). Aedeagus as figured ( Fig. 25, 26 ). Female . Unknown. Differential diagnosis. Notoxus katthapa sp. nov. is well-characterized by the simple elytral apices in males, vague markings of elytra, narrow pronotal horn with conspicuous lobules on margins, and coarse punctation of both the elytra and pronotal disc. Etymology. Named after the type locality. Noun in apposition. Distribution. Myanmar .