New carnivorous sponges from the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia collected by ROV from the RV FALKOR Author Ekins, Merrick Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4101, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia & School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, 4072 Australia & Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University, Brisbane 4111, Queensland, Australia Author Hooper, John N. A. 0000-0003-1722-5954 Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4101, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia & Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University, Brisbane 4111, Queensland, Australia & john. hooper @ qm. qld. gov. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1722 - 5954 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-23 5293 3 435 471 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5293.3.2 1175-5326 7961272 FE67E8C2-AFE5-491C-B673-2ECE82FA4D87 Chondrocladia ( Chondrocladia ) zygainadentonis Ekins, Erpenbeck & Hooper, 2020 Figures 2–3 Material examined : Holotype QM G337557 , off Gladstone , Coral Sea , Queensland , Australia , Station 12, - 23.6311944 – -23.65900 , 154.659694 – 154.643806, 1770– 1761 m , Beam Trawl , Coll. Merrick Ekins on RV Investigator , Cruise IN2017 _ V03 , Sample 128-111, 13/vi/2017 . Other Material: QM G339304 , Ribbon Reef 5, Canyon 8, Great Barrier Reef Queensland , Australia , - 15.36606511 , 145.8662834 , 1526.89 m , Site : S0378, Sample : 55, ROV SuBastian , Coll. Jeremy Horowitz on RV FALKOR, cruise FK200802, 14/8/2020 Distribution : This species is presently known only from the Coral Sea and Great Barrier Reef, off the Northeast coast of Queensland , bathyal depth. Description : Growth form : An erect delicate single-axis arborescent sponge resembling a tree consisting of a cylindrical stem with five columns of branches ( Figs. 2 A, B ). The sponge including the roots is 12 cm in height, the branches are up to 4 cm in length and the roots are also up to 4 cm in length. The stem base is short, only 12 mm in length and 2 mm in width. Each branch contains four alternate filaments ( Fig. 2 C ). The branches are between 0.5 and 1 mm in thickness. The filaments are up to 2.5 mm long and between 80 and 270 µm wide. Colour : White in situ, on deck and preserved in ethanol. FIGURE 2 . Chondrocladia (Chondrocladia) zygainadentonis Ekins et al. , 2020a . A. the specimen QM G339304 underwater in vivo . B. Specimen QM G339304 fixed. C. Branch with filaments under a dissection microscope. D. Branch with filaments under scanning electron microscope. E. Filament with the ectosomal skeleton of tridentate unguiferate isochelae. F. Root like processes, showing the bundles of styles, with no specialised ectosomal layer. Ectosomal skeleton : The ectosomal skeleton consists of a thin membrane containing chelae ( Fig. 2 E ). Choanosomal skeleton : The choanosomal skeleton consists of bundles of mycalostyles longitudinally arranged in the axis of the stem. The stem also contains the subtylostyles and rare thin subtylostyles. The filaments consist of longitudinally arranged subtylostyles, with radial arrangement for support against the stem. The roots consist of the same combination of styles bundled together as in the stem, but also include a smaller blunt style ( Fig. 2 F ). FIGURE 3 . Chondrocladia (Chondrocladia) zygainadentonis Ekins et al ., 2020a . QM G339304. A. Tridentate unguiferate isochelae. B. Large unguiferate isochelae. C. Mycalostyle. D. Close up of the mycalostyle ends in C. E. Subtylostyles. F. Close up of the subtylostyle ends in E. G. Styles in the root like appendages. H. Close up of the ends of the styles in G. I. Very thin supportive styles. J. Close up of the ends of the styles in I. K. Thin subtylostyles. L. Sigmancistras. Megascleres: Larger mycalostyles with tapering ends and a blunt point (872-(1109)- 1280 x 14.9–(23.9)–36.0 µm, n=46) ( Fig. 3 C, D ). Subtylostyles with slightly swollen bases and tapering points (459–(558)–669 x 8.4– (12.2)–7.51 µm, n=34) ( Figs. 3 E, F ). Rare thin subtylostyles (479–(763)– 1060 x 3.0–(4.4)–6.3 µm, n=5) ( Figs. 3 I, J ). In the roots are blunt styles (149–(256)–371 x 1.0–(3.8)–7.1 µm, n=8) ( Figs. 3 G, H ). Microscleres : Abundant small tridentate unguiferate isochelae with equal sized alae (25.5– (33.9)–42.9 x 2.1– (3.2)–4.5 µm, n=41) ( Fig. 3 A ). Uncommon large unguiferate isochelae, with variable dentation (often 3), 44.1– (53.9)–67.9 x 3.3–(5.7)–7.1 µm, n=16 ( Fig. 3 B ). Rare thin sigmas 23.1–(27.1)–31.1 x 0.9–(1.0)–1.2 µm, n=2 ( Fig. 3 K ). Rare sigmancistras 24.7–(26.5)–27.7 x 1.9–(2.5)–3.3 µm, n=4 ( Fig. 3 L ). Remarks : Despite the appearance of the holotype resembling the gross morphology of Cladorhiza abyssicola Sars, 1872 , C. (C.). zygainadentonis has isochelae, and it also lacks sigmas and sigmancistras. The presence of isochelae indicates it clearly belongs in Chondrocladia , as illustrated in the figures and the diagnosis of Hestetun et al. (2016a) and Ekins et al. (2020b) . This species is Chondrocladia (Chondrocladia) zygainadentonis Ekins et al. , 2020a , with the unique unguiferate anchorate isochelae. The only other Chondrocladia (Chondrocladia) with some sort of arborescent morphology is Chondrocladia (Chondrocladia) dichotoma Lévi, 1964 ; but that species has quadridentate unguiferate isochelae. The redescription of C. (C.). zygainadentonis includes the addition of the styles in the root like appendages.