A Review of the Genera of Pectinariidae (Polychaeta) Together with a Description of the Australian Fauna Author Hutchings, P. Author Peart, R. text Records of the Australian Museum 2002 54 99 127 journal article 2201-4349 Amphictene Lamarck, 1818 Amphictene Lamarck, 1818: 89 .– Fauchald, 1977: 120 . Pectinaria (Amphictene) .– Holthe, 1986: 22 . Diagnosis . Rim of cephalic veil with numerous long cirri. Cephalic veil completely free from operculum forming dorsal semi-circle around numerous peristomial palps. Raised opercular margin cirrate. Chaetigers 1 to 3 (segments 5 to 7) with notopodia and notochaetae only, chaetigers 4 to 16 biramous with notopodia, neuropodia, notochaetae and neurochaetae, chaetiger 17 with notopodia and notochaetae only (giving ratio of number of pairs of notopodia to neuropodia 17/13). Notochaetae all smooth winged capillaries, some with hirsute surfaces and others with finely serrated margins. Neurochaetal uncini with major teeth arranged in two rows. Posterior 5 segments fused to form flattened plate or scaphe and distinctly separated from the abdomen. Type species . Amphitrite auricoma Müller, 1776 ; subsequent designation by Hartman, 1959 . Remarks . Ten species of Amphictene have been described and two additional species are described in this paper. The major diagnostic features of these species are given in Table 1 . Several species are poorly described and in some cases characters states have had to be assigned from non-type material. We have transferred one species previously described as Pectinaria leioscapha Caullery (1944) to the genus Amphictene , because the opercular rim is described as being cirrate.