Two new species of Lepidocyrtus (Fractocyrtus) Cipola & Bellini (Collembola Entomobryidae, Lepidocyrtinae), with new records and a new name for Lepidocyrtus (F.) americanus Cipola & Bellini, 2018 Author Cipola, Nikolas Gioia 0000-0002-7594-9574 Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, CPEN. Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, 69067 - 375, Manaus, AM, Brazil. & Corresponding Author: Nikolas Gioia Cipola: nikolasgc @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7594 - 9574 Author Viana, Stéphanie Dos Santos Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, CPEN. Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, 69067 - 375, Manaus, AM, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-10 5369 3 369 399 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5369.3.3 1175-5326 10151336 B16AF2B9-ADB0-4FA3-BA52-838560C328F5 Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) andensis sp. nov. Figs 6–12 , 19 ; Table 1 Diagnosis. Body depigmented, if present, dark blue pigment on Th II laterally (rarely on Th III), a weak lateral spot present or absent on Abd IV and rarely, on coxae I–III pigmented ( Fig. 6 ); Ant III sense organ club-shape ( Fig. 7A ); head An series with 14–15 mac; series A with 2 supplementary mac between A0 and A2 ; 5 interocular ciliate chaetae ( Fig. 7B ); clypeal formula with 2 l , 9 f and 3 pf chaetae ( Fig. 7C ); labial papilla E l.p. pointed and short, not reaching base of distal guard appendages papilla ( Fig. 7D ); postlabial chaetotaxy with 3 spines, cephalic groove with 7 chaetae and X2 chaeta present ( Fig. 7E ); Abd III with 5 lateral mac and 27 chaetae on lateral tuft ( Fig. 9A ); Abd IV with 12 lateral mac, 13 median sens and 29 posterior mes ( Fig. 9B ); BP4 region with 25–29 psp ( Fig. 10B ); trochanteral organ with about 34 spine-like chaetae ( Fig. 11D ); collophore anteriorly with 34 and posteriorly with 36 ciliate chaetae; lateral flap with 18 ciliate and 8 smooth chaetae ( Fig. 12A ); dens dorsally with 10–12 proximal spines ( Fig. 12C ). Type material. Holotype female on slide (UNIANDES): Colombia , Antioquia Department , Jardín municipality, “ Mesenia-ParamilloNatural Reserve , 05°29’45”N , 75°53’21”W ( Fig. 19 ), 3.000 m ., vii.2020 , malaise trap , L Mazariegos coll. 18 paratypes : 1 male and 6 females on slides and 6 specimens in alcohol (UNIANDES), 3 females ( INPA-CLL 0000303–305 ) and 2 females on slides ( CC / UFRN ): same date as holotype. Other examined material. 1 specimen preserved in absolute alcohol ( INPA ), same date as holotype, except 2.400 m ., 29.ix.2022 , manual collect in decomposing trunk in the soil, U Rendon coll. Description. Total length (head+ trunk) of specimens 2.18–2.57 mm (n =4), holotype 2.18 mm . Specimens whitish with violet pigments on distal half or completely of Ant IV and Ant III–II distally (present or absent); dark blue pigment rarely present on Ant I base and eyepatches, Th II–III and Abd IV laterally with or without one weak lateral spot, and rarely one spot present on coxae I–III; eyepatches black (present or absent) ( Fig. 6 ). Head. Ratio antennae: trunk = 1: 2.53–2.81 (n=4), holotype 1: 2.72; antennal ratio as I: II: III: IV = 1: 1.82–2.07: 1.71–2.05: 2.78–3.28 (n=4), holotype 1: 1.82: 1.71: 2.78. Ant III distally with 2 club-shape sens (sense organ), 3 guard sens and at least 6 finger-shape sens ( Fig. 7A ). Eye B larger than others, G and H smallest, interocular chaetae ( p ) as mac, others as mes ( q , v , r , t ); head dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 7B ) with 14–15 ‘An’ ( An1a–3 ), 4–5 ‘A’ ( A0–5 ), 6 ‘M’ ( M0–4 ), 6 ‘S’ ( S0 , S2–4 , S6–7 ), 3 ‘Ps’ ( Ps2–3 , Ps5 ), 4 ‘Pa’ ( Pa2–5 ), 2 ‘Pm’ ( Pm1 , Pm3 ), 6 ‘Pp’ ( Pp1–6 ) and 2 ‘Pe’ ( Pe3–5? ) chaetae, plus 2 extra mac near to A series. Clypeal formula with 2 ( l1–2 ), 9 ( f ) and 3 ( pf0–2 ) ciliate chaetae, 1 f and pf0 unpaired, l1–2 acuminate, l1–2 and pf0–1 larger, others subequal ( Fig. 7C ). Maxillary palp b.c. thicker and 1.35 larger than the t.a. Labial papilla E l.p. pointed ( Fig. 7D ). Ventral chaetotaxy with about 29 ciliate chaetae and 3 lateral spine-like mic; postlabial chaetotaxy forming three rows with 4 ( G1–4 ), 3–4 ( X2–3 , X , X4 ) and 4 ( H1–4 ) chaetae (except X as spine), respectively; cephalic groove with 8 chaetae, b.c. longer ( Fig. 7E ). Thorax chaetotaxy ( Fig 8A–B ). Th II a , m and p series with 8, 7 and 8 mic, respectively. Th III a , m and p series with 6, 5 and 6 mic, respectively. Ratio Th II : III = 3.11–2.34: 1 (n=4), holotype 2.77: 1. Abdomen chaetotaxy ( Figs 8C–D , 9A–C ). Abd I a , m and p series with 5, 5 and 2 mic, respectively. Abd II with a , m and p series with 5, 7 and 5 chaetae (plus el ), respectively; 1 ( m3 ) inner and 1 lateral ( m5 ) mac; a5 and m2 bothriotricha with 5 and 3 fan-shaped chaetae, respectively. Abd III a , m and p series with 6, 7 and 6 chaetae, respectively; 5 lateral mac presents ( pm6 , m7 , p6–8? ); m2 bothriotrichum with 5, bothriotricha a5 and m2 with 9 fan-shaped chaetae between them; lateral tuft with about 27 elongated chaetae. Abd IV series ‘ A ’–‘ r ’ with 5, 5, 5, 6, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4 and 2–7 chaetae, respectively, plus Si and Sm mic; inner region with 2 mac ( B5–6 ) and lateral with 12 mac ( D2–3 , De3 , E1–4p , F1–3p ); at least 16 sens ( as and ps type I, others type II) and 29 posterior mes. Abd V a , m and p series with 3, 3 and 5 mac (plus 2 chaetae of unknow homology), respectively. Ratio Abd III: IV = 1: 5.57–8.74 (n=4), holotype 1: 5.72. Body psp distribution ( Fig. 10 ). Dorsal psp: dens proximally with 7 (6). Lateral psp: BP4 with 25–29. Ventral psp: Ant II with 1 (rarely 5) and tenaculum posteriorly with 2 (rarely 1 or 0). FIGURE 6A–C . Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) andensis sp. nov. , habitus of specimens fixed in ethanol (lateral view); A , specimen with weak lateral spot on Abd IV (frequent color pattern); B , specimen with strong lateral spot on Th II (frequent color pattern); C , specimen with both spots on Th II and Abd IV, including a small spot between the Ant I base and eyepatches, and coxae I–III pigmented (atypical color pattern). Scale bar: 1 mm. FIGURE 7A–E. Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) andensis sp. nov. , head; A , Ant III distal end (lateral view); B , dorsal head chaetotaxy (left side); C , clypeal and prelabral chaetotaxy; D , labial papillae E (right side); E , basomedian and basolateral labial fields and complete postlabial chaetotaxy (left side), arrow indicates chaetae present or absent. FIGURE 8A–D. Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) andensis sp. nov. , dorsal chaetotaxy (left side); A , Th II; B , Th III; C , Abd I; D , Abd II. FIGURE 9A–C. Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) andensis sp. nov. , dorsal chaetotaxy (left side); A , Abd III; B , Abd IV; C , Abd V. FIGURE 10A–B. Lepidocyrtus ( F. ) andensis sp. nov. , body psp distribution; A , dorsal side; B , ventral side. FIGURE 11A–E. Lepidocyrtus ( F. ) andensis sp. nov. , legs; A–C , chaetotaxy of subcoxa I–III, respectively; D , trochanteral organ (posterior view); E , distal end of tibiotarsus and empodial complex I (anterior view). Legs. Subcoxa I with one row of 7–8 chaetae; subcoxa II with 14 chaetae on row ‘a’ and about 16 microchaetae anteriorly, ‘p’ row with 9 chaetae; subcoxa III with one row of 21–22 chaetae and 4 anterior chaetae ( Figs 11A–C ). Trochanteral organ with about 34 spine-like chaetae, 6 anterior, 7 posterior, 16 internal, 1 apical and 4 distal arm ( Fig. 11D ). Tenent hair 0.77 smaller than outer edge of unguis; tibiotarsal smooth chaeta 0.72 smaller than unguiculus length. Ratio unguis III: unguiculus III = 1: 0.61 in holotype . Collophore ( Fig. 12A ). Anterior side with about 34 ciliate chaetae, 3 mac, 4 mes, 2 thicker chaetae and about 25 thin chaetae of different lengths; posterior side with about 36 ciliated (3 unpaired) of different length and 1 distal smooth chaeta per side; lateral flap with 8 smooth chaetae and 18 ciliate chaetae. Furcula. Manubrium ventrally with 2 longer subapical and about 22 apical scales, 4 of which are elongated ( Fig. 12B ); manubrial plate with 10–15 ciliate chaetae, 4 inner as mac and 2–4 smaller, others subequal ( Fig. 12C ). Dens dorsally with 10–12 proximal spines, holotype with 10 and 11 ( Fig. 12C ). Etymology . Refers to the region where the new species was found, Colombian Andes ( Fig. 19 ). FIGURE 12A–D. Lepidocyrtus ( F. ) andensis sp. nov. , abdominal appendages; A , collophore (lateral view); B , distal end of manubrium (anterior view), arrow shows elongated scale; C , distal end of manubrium and proximal end of dens (lateral view), arrows on manubrial plate identify chaetae of different lengths, arrows on dens indicate dental spines and pseudopore present or absent; D , distal end of dens and mucro (outer view). Remarks. Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) andensis sp. nov. resembles L. ( F. ) mateosi (see Cipola et al. 2018b: 222 ) in that the main sensilla of the Ant III sense organ are club-shape, interocular chaetotaxy only with ciliate chaetae, head series A with 2 extra mac, postlabial chaetotaxy with 3 spines and trochanteral organ with about 34 spine-like chaetae ( Table 1 ). However, L. andensis sp. nov. differs from this species by the reduced body color pattern or with pigments restricted on Th II–III laterally and coxae, while L. mateosi has pigmented on head to Abd III and manubrium. On head, L. andensis sp. nov. differs by clypeus with 9 f and 3 pf chaetae (12 f and 2 pf in L. mateosi ), labial papilla E l.p. pointed (finger-shape in L. mateosi ) and cephalic groove with 7 chaetae ( 5 in L. mateosi ). Concerning the abdominal dorsal chaetotaxy of L. andensis sp. nov. differs by having Abd III with 5 lateral mac and 27 elongated chaetae on lateral tuft (3 and 9 respectively in L. mateosi ), Abd IV has 12 lateral mac and 13 median sens (14 and 3 respectively in L. mateosi ), BP4 region with 25–29 psp ( 20–25 in L. mateosi ), and Abd V with 11 mac ( 7 in L. mateosi ). Lepidocyrtus andensis sp. nov. also differs by having 10–12 spines dorsally on the dens ( 14–16 in L. mateosi ), collophore anteriorly with 34 anterior and 36 posterior ciliate chaetae (25 and 43 in L. mateosi ), lateral flaps with 18 ciliate and 8 smooth chaetae, while L. mateosi has 12 ciliate and 15 smooth chaetae. Other differences among the four species are presented in Table 1 .