Two new species of Lepidocyrtus (Fractocyrtus) Cipola & Bellini (Collembola Entomobryidae, Lepidocyrtinae), with new records and a new name for Lepidocyrtus (F.) americanus Cipola & Bellini, 2018 Author Cipola, Nikolas Gioia 0000-0002-7594-9574 Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, CPEN. Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, 69067 - 375, Manaus, AM, Brazil. & Corresponding Author: Nikolas Gioia Cipola: nikolasgc @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7594 - 9574 Author Viana, Stéphanie Dos Santos Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, CPEN. Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, 69067 - 375, Manaus, AM, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-10 5369 3 369 399 journal article 278532 10.11646/zootaxa.5369.3.3 56e809e1-93c0-45e9-9235-14a08a70d786 1175-5326 10151336 B16AF2B9-ADB0-4FA3-BA52-838560C328F5 Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) amazonaensis Cipola nom. nov. Figs 2–4, 19; Table 1 Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) americanus Cipola & Bellini, 2018 (in Cipola et al. 2018b: 211 , figs 14A, 15–19), Brazil : Novo Airão, Presidente Figueiredo and Manaus municipalities (orig. descr.) Examined type material. Holotype and 10 paratypes on slides ( INPA-CLL000053 ). Other examined material. 1 female on slides and 2 specimens in alcohol ( INPA ): Brazil , Amazonas , Manaus municipality, trail to the tower of Reserva “ZF2”, road BR-374, km 14, 02°35’21”S , 60°03’55”W , 82 m ., 17.viii.2017 , yellow plate trap, JA Rafael, FF Xavier & BG Oliveira coll. 2 specimens in alcohol ( INPA ): idem, except accommodation of Reserve “ZF2”, 02°38’24”S , 60°09’30”W , 119 m ., 02–05.xii.2013 , malaise trap in canopy, JA Rafael, JT Câmara & FF Xavier-Filho coll. 1 specimen in alcohol ( INPA ), idem, except tower of Reserve “ZF-02”, 02°35’20.7”S , 60°06’55.3”W , suspended trap in canopy. 1 specimen in alcohol ( INPA ): urban area, “Sumaúma” State Park , 03°02’05”S , 59°58’40”W , 71 m ., 14–20.iv.2016 , malaise trap, I Fernandes & E Acácio coll. 1 male and 1 female on slides and 16 specimens in alcohol ( INPA ): Nova Olinda do Norte municipality, “Terra Preta” village, margin of "Abacaxi" river, 04°22’27.4”S , 58°38’34.4”W , 40 m ., 22–24.v.2019 , Moerick, PCS Barroso coll. 2 females on slides and 5 specimens in alcohol ( INPA ): Careiro Castanho municipality, Reserve of Brazilian Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio), road AM-354, 03°40’42”S , 60°19’41”W , 45 m ., 11–13.xii.2013 , malaise trap, JA Rafael, JT Câmara & FF Xavier-Filho coll. 1 female on slide ( INPA ): Roraima , Boa Vista municipality, “ RoraimaNational Forest , “Mucajai” river, 02°56’29”N , 61°37’40”W , 131 m ., 18–21.xii.2017 , malaise trap , ML Oliveira & FF Xavier coll. 1 female on slide and 1 specimen in alcohol ( INPA ): Pará , Santarém municipality, road BR 163 , km 19, “Recanto do Sabiá” farm, 02°35’13.0”S , 54°43’15.3”W , 130 m ., 01–15.iii.2019 , malaise trap , ML Oliveira coll. 2 males on slides ( INPA ): Rurópolis municipality, National Forest of “Tapajós”, “Luz” stream, 03°59’24.1”S , 54°53’24.6”W , 75 m ., 15–23.ix.2016 , malaise trap, AMO Pes, G Amora & GD Gomes coll. 1 female on slide ( MPEG ) and 1 specimen in alcohol ( INPA ): Melgaço municipality, National Forest of “Caxiuanã”, Scientific Station “Ferreira Penna” (ESECAFLOR), 01°43’35”S , 51°26’36”W , 45 m ., iv.2012 , pitfall trap , DA Cunha coll ( Fig. 19 ) . Complement to the original description. Body psp distribution ( Fig. 4 ). Dorsal psp: dens proximally with 4 (sometimes 6). Lateral psp: BP4 with 22–25. Ventral psp: Ant II with 1 (rarely 4) and tenaculum posteriorly with 2. FIGURE 2 A–D . Lepidocyrtus ( F. ) amazonaensis nom. nov. , habitus of specimens fixed in ethanol (lateral view); A–B , specimens from Careiro Castanho municipality, Amazonas State; C–D , specimens from Rurópolis, Pará State. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. FIGURE 3A–D. Lepidocyrtus ( F. ) amazonaensis nom. nov. , SEM images; A , anterior head, pl1–2 are prelabral chaetae, a1–2 , m0–2 and p0–2 labral chaetae, b.c. and t.a. of the maxillary palp, sb. appendages of sublobal plate and A, B, D and E labial papillae (papilla C omitted); B , distal tibiotarsus and empodial complex III (posterior view), b.t. , m.t. and a.t. is unguis inner teeth, red arrow indicates lateral tooth, white arrow is unguiculus lamellae; C , distal manubrium and proximal dens (dorsal view), white arrow indicates chaetae of manubrial plate and red arrow dental tubercle; D , dens dorsal spine. Scale bar: A and C (0.02 mm), C (0.01 mm), D (0.005). FIGURE 4A–B. Lepidocyrtus ( F. ) amazonaensis nom. nov. , body psp distribution; A , dorsal side; B , ventral side. Nomenclatural act. In Cipola et al. (2018b) Lepidocyrtus ( Fractocyrtus ) americanus Cipola & Bellini, 2018 is described, but the specific name is preoccupied by Lepidocyrtus americanus Marlatt, 1896 , itself a junior synonym of Willowsia nigromaculata ( Lubbock, 1873 ) ( Christiansen & Bellinger 1998: 1020 ) . Consequently, L. americanus Cipola & Bellini is a junior homonym and it is here replaced ( ICZN 2000 , chapter 6, article 23.4 and chapter 12, articles 53.3, 54.2 and 60) by Lepidocyrtus amazonaensis nom. nov. as type species of the subgenus Fractocyrtus Cipola & Bellini, 2018 ( Cipola et al. 2018b ). Etymology. Refers to region where the species is found, Amazonas State, Brazil ( Fig. 19 ). Remarks. In the original description of L. ( F. ) amazonaensis nom. nov. some variation in the body color pattern was not reported, such as total or partial reduction of pigments on some body regions (Fig. 2), regardless of the locality of the specimens ( Fig. 19 ). In addition, an observation error in this species was the number of chaetae on cephalic groove, as there are 5–6 chaetae (similar to Fig. 14E ), that is, 1–2 additional proximal chaetae (see Cipola et al. 2018b: 216 ). Some variations were also observed in specimens from localities recorded here for the first time, such as Careiro Castanho and Nova Olinda do Norte ( Amazonas ), Melgaço, Oriximiná, Rurópolis and Santarém ( Pará ), and Boa vista. ( Roraima ). These specimens may have 14 or more spines on dens (except from Melgaço), but this appears to be a characteristic of less developed specimens (e.g. subadults). Furthermore, in specimens from these four Pará localities, Abd IV bears two extra mac ( E2 and F1 ) above mac F2 and one more ( De3 ) between mac D3 and E4 . Considering that apparently these are the only differences and that there is a small number of specimens from these localities for a better investigation, for the moment we will keep these specimens as L. ( F. ) amazonaensis .