Notes on African Combretum Loefl. species (Combretaceae) Author Jongkind, Carel C. H. text Adansonia 2014 3 2014-12-31 36 2 315 327 journal article 10.5252/a2014n2a11 1639-4798 4599512 Combretum sericeum G.Don ( Fig. 8 ) Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 11: 347 (1824); Engler & Diels, Monographieen afrikanischer Pflanzen Familien und Gattungen 3: 67 (1899); Andrews, Flowering plants of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1: 199 (1950); Keay, Flora of West Tropical Africa 1: 270 (1954); Liben, Flore du Cameroun 25: 16, table 5 (1983). Combretum herbaceum G.Don , Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 11: 347 (1824). — Types : Sierra Leone , s.l ., fr., Afzelius s.n. (lecto-, BM, designated here); fl., Af- zelius s.n. (syn-, BM); fl., Don 78 (syn-, BM); fl., Don 127 (syn-, BM), Afzelius s.n. with fruits ( lectotype ) and Afzelius s.n. with flowers ( syntype ) are found on the same sheet. Combretum platypetalum Welwitsch ex M.A.Lawson , Flora of Tropical Africa 2: 433 (1871); Exell, Prodromus einer Flora um Sudwestafrica , Family 99: 10 (1966); Liben, Flore du Congo , du Rwanda et du Burundi , Combreta- ceae: 39 (1968); Wickens, Flora of East Tropical Africa , Combretaceae : 54 (1973); Exell, Flora Zambesiaca 4: 151 (1978), syn. nov. FIG. 8. — Distribution map of Combretum sericeum G.Don showing the gap in East Africa between the northern and southern distribu- tion areas. All dots south of this gap represent plants formerly identified as C. platysepalum . Combretum turbinatum F.Hoffmann, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flora Central-Ost-Afrika : 28 (1889). — Type : Tanzania , Ugalla R, Boga , fl., IX.1881 , Böhm 43a (holo-, B, destroyed; lecto-, Z, designated here). Combretum parvulum Engler & Diels, Monographieen afrikanischer Pflanzen Familien und Gattungen 3: 67, table 20e (1899). — Type : Central African Republic , Dar-Fertit , W of Kuru , fl.,fr., I.1871 , Schweinfurth 3-64 (holo-, B, destroyed; fragm.:BM; lecto-, P[ P00391855 ], designated here; iso-, K). Combretum argyrochryseum Engler & Gilg , Kunene-Sambesi-Expedition : 320 (1903). — Type : Angola , Bié , Ganguelas , between Kassingo and Kubango , fl., 5.X.1899 , Baum 232a (holo-, B, destroyed; fragm.: BM; lecto-, E, designated here). Combretum lineare Keay, Kew Bulletin : 290 (1953); Keay, Flora of West Tropical Africa 1: 270 (1954), syn. nov. NOTES Ŋere is no clear difference between the C. sericeum plants from Central African Republic and the C. platypetalum plants from Tanzania in spite of the geographical gap. It would not be a surprise if that gap evolved relatively recently. C. lineare is no more than a form of C. sericeum with narrow leaves.All other characters are the same, C. sericeum with wider leaves can also be glabrous.