New Data On Spider Fauna Of The Katunskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Altai, Russia), With Description Of The Male Oreonetides Sajanensis Eskov, 1991 (Arachnida: Araneae) Author Trilikauskas, Laimonas A. Author Tanasevitch, Andrei V. text Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 2021 21 2 137 153 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12649834 1407-8953 12649834 Evarcha falcata Trilikauskas, 2019: 288 . Material. 1♂ (ISEA), KBR , env. of Taimenye Lake , SE-slope, 49.817451N 85.800822E , 1670 m a.s.l. , 08.VIII.2019 , leg. LT ; 3♂ & 1♀ (ISEA), KBR , E-slope of mountain near Taimenye Lake Ranger Station , 10.VIII.2019 , leg. LT ; 1♀ (ISEA), KBR , env. Taimenye Lake , floodplain of Khariuzovka River , 49°48’53.6”N 85°47’42.0”E , 1652 m a.s.l. , 11.VIII.2019 , leg. LT ; 1♂ (ISEA), KBR , upper reaches of Katun’ River , 3 km NE of Zaichikha Ranger Station , 49°36’25.6”N 85°44’13.4”E , 16.VIII.2020 , leg. LT . Habitats. Herb meadows, edge of a mixed forests, dry riverbeds on small islands, among plant residues, Abies sibirica green moss forests. Range. West Palaearctic.