Synopsis of the genus Sangaris Dalman in South America (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with description of two new species and new combinations Author Monné, Miguel A. Author Monné, Marcela L. text Zootaxa 2009 2230 29 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275195 ee2d1859-0b5e-4fb0-af77-73cfeff35395 1175-5326 275195 D036615C-7006-4F78-823F-8D4B51E02222 Sangaris Dalman, 1823 Sangaris Dalman, 1823 : 71 ; Monné, 2005 : 353 (cat.). Type-species: Sangaris concinna Dalman, 1823 (monotypy). Synchyzopus Thomson, 1864 : 29 . Type-species: Colobothea histrio Perty, 1832 (original designation). Zajciw (1962a) and Hovore (1998) carefully redescribed Sangaris . The present tribal placement of Sangaris within the Colobotheini is based primarily on the presence of short lateral elytral carinae behind the humerus ( Hovore, 1998 ). The genus Sangaris is currently represented in middle America by five species ( Hovore, 1998 ): S. geometrica (Bates, 1872) , from Nicaragua and Costa Rica ; S. giesberti Hovore, 1998 from Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz), Honduras , and Costa Rica ; S. lezamai Hovore, 1998 from Costa Rica ; S. multimaculata Hovore, 1998 from Honduras and Costa Rica ; and S. penrosei Hovore, 1998 from Panama . Zajciw (1962a) , in his revision of the Brazilian species of Sangaris , gave a key for the identification of nine species, and described S. seabrai from Rio de Janeiro. Monné (1993) , reviewing the South American species of Sangaris , recognized three distinct subgroups based upon pronotal characters and the presence or absence of erect dorsal setae: a) " viridipennis " elytra without dorsal setae; prothorax with acute lateral tubercles in the posterior fifth: S. viridipennis Melzer, 1931 ; b) " condei " elytra with dorsal setae; prothorax with conical lateral tubercles, slightly post-median or in the beginning of the posterior third: S. condei Melzer, 1931 , S. zikani Melzer, 1931 , S. invida Melzer, 1932 , S. seabrai Zajciw, 1962 , S. albida Monné, 1993 , and S. obtusicarinata (Zajciw, 1962) , transferred from Colobothea ; and c) " concinna " elytra with dorsal setae; prothorax without tubercles or with an obtuse callus, the sides rounded or subparallel: S. concinna Dalman, 1823 , S. optata ( Pascoe, 1866 ) , S. cancellata ( Bates, 1881 ) , S. duplex ( Bates, 1881 ) , S. laeta ( Bates, 1881 ) , S. polystigma ( Bates, 1881 ) , S. octomaculata Aurivillius, 1902 , S. trifasciata Melzer, 1928 , S. inornata Monné, 1993 , and S. sexmaculata Monné, 1993 . The two species described herein, S. luteonotata Monné & Monné sp. nov. and S. ordinale Monné & Monné sp. nov. ; as well as S. luctuosa ( Pascoe, 1859 ) , transferred from Colobothea , belong to the last group. Several species are known only from the type material: Sangaris cancellata ( Bates, 1881 ) from Bolivia , Yungas of La Paz (MNHN); S. laeta ( Bates, 1881 ) from Ecuador , Rio Morona. (MNHN); S. condei Melzer, 1931 from Brazil , Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa (MZSP); S. invida Melzer, 1932 from Brazil , Rio de Janeiro, Serra da Bocaina (Fazenda Santa Rosa) (MZSP); S. albida Monné, 1993 from Brazil , Bahia: Encruzilhada (Estrada Rio-Bahia km 965, Motel da Divisa) (MNRJ); and S. obtusicarinata (Zajciw, 1962) , from Brazil , Rio de Janeiro: Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (Maromba) (MNRJ).