On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae) Author Passanha, Victor Author Brescovit, Antonio D. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-30 4463 1 1 73 journal article 29380 10.5281/zenodo.1441911 2bc1e4d3-59c5-4f54-91da-3daf478277d6 1175-5326 1441911 20E7F0F5-7592-47CE-B67F-36DE0124E76F Siremata juruti n. sp. ( Figs 43 , 45 ) Types . BRAZIL . holotype , Acampamento Mutum ( 02°36’45.2”S ; 56°11’27.5”W ), Juruti , Pará , 15.VIII.2006 , D.F. Candiani & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. deposited in MPEG 0 0 8597 . Paratypes : , same locality of holotype , 10- 12.VIII.2006 , D. F. Candiani & Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 008593 ) ; , Vale do Igarapé Mutum ( 01°36’44.7”S ; 56°11’39.2”W ), Platô do Rio Juruti , Juruti , Pará , 6.III.2006 , D. R. Santos & S. C. Dias leg. ( IBSP 16 7209) ; , Platô Capiranga ( 02°28’22.1”S ; 56°12’29.4”W ), Juruti , Pará , 11.II.2007 , N.F. Lo-Man-Hung & J. P. A. Barreiros leg. ( IBSP 167210 ). Additional material examined . BRAZIL , Pará : Juruti , Acampamento Mutum ( 02°36’45.2”S ; 56°11’27.5”W ), 1♂ , 11-16.IX.2002 , A. B. Bonaldo & D. D. Guimarães leg. ( IBSP 167212 ); 8♂ 2♀ , 1 immature, 08-15.VIII.2006 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 0 0 8596, 0 0 8605, 0 0 8606, 0 0 8614, 0 0 8617, 0 0 8619, 0 0 8620, 0 0 8634, 008635); ( 01°36’44.7”S ; 56°11’39.2”W ), 1♀ , 03-10.VI.2007 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo- Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 023324 ); 1♂ , 08-10.VIII.2006 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 023325 ); Platô Capiranga , Linha 168E ( 02°28’22.1”S ; 56°12’29.4”W ), 1♀ , 06-13.II.2007 , N. F. Lo-Man-Hung & J. A. P. Barreiros leg. ( MPEG 023313 ); 1 immature, 15-22.XI.2007 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 023319 ); 1♀ , 03-10.VI.2007 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 023320 ); 1♀ , 15- 22.XI.2007 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 023321 ); Sítio Barroso ( 02°27’41.7”S ; 56°00’11.6”W ), 1♀ , 10.VIII.2006 , D. F. Candiani & N. F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. ( MPEG 023328 ); 1♀ , 13.II.2007 , ( MPEG 023329 ); 1♀ , 06-13.II.2007 , ( IBSP 167211 ); 1♀ , 06-13.II.2007 ( MPEG 023338 ), all collected by N. F. Lo- Man-Hung & J. A. P. Barreiros. Etymology . The species epithet is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis . Males of Siremata juruti n. sp. resemble those of S . valteri n. sp. in the ventral medial megaspine on tibia I ( Fig. 43D ), but differ in the tegulum having the medial portion dorso-ventrally flattened, slightly twisted and striated ( Fig. 43B–C ). Females differ from those of other species in the lobes of spermathecae largely interspaced and with short ducts ( Fig. 43E–F ). Description . Male (IBSP 167212). Color: Carapace in dorsal and ventral views and legs yellowish, abdomen light brown. Total length 2.16. Carapace 1.10 long, 1.00 wide. Abdomen 1.16 long. Fovea 0.13. Clypeus 0.02. Ocular tubercle 0.16 long, 0.22 wide. Eyes: six, posterior row straight ( Fig. 43A ). ALE 0.09, PME 0.03, PLE 0.08. Basal segment of chelicerae with 12 prolateral teeth, and 14 smaller mesobasal teeth. Labium 0.13 long, 0.22 wide. Sternum 0.66 wide, 0.75 long. Palp: femur 0.63/ patella 0.32/ tibia 0.54/ tarsus 0.25/ total 1.74; Legs I: femur 0.94/ patella 0.48/ tibia 0.79/ metatarsus 0.54/ tarsus 0.48/ total 3.23; II: 0.79/ 0.44/ 0.57/ 0.48/ 0.44/ total 2.72; III: 0.69/ 0.35/ 0.44/ 0.41/ 0.41/ 2.30; IV: 0.91/ 0.41/ 0.72/ 0.69/ 0.57/ 3.30; Leg formula 4123; Spination: palp: femur d1-1- 1-1-1-1-1, v2-2 -2-2-2-2-2-2, patella v1-3 ap; Legs I: femur p1, patella v1-1 , p1, tibia v1 (megaspine), metatarsus v1 b; II: patella v1-1 , tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1-1, metatarsus v1-1 ; III: femur d1-1-1-1-1, v2-2 -2-2, p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1, r1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1-1, r1-1, metatarsus d1-2ap, v1-1 -3ap, p1; IV: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia d2b- 1-1-1, v1-1 -1-1-3ap, p1-1, r1-1-1, metatarsus d1-2ap, v2-2 -3ap, p1. Tibia I with megaspine as in fig. 43D. Short palpal tibia, 1.5̄2.5 times length of cymbium, basally dilated, with row of ventral and dorsal elongated setae. Cymbium with 3 apical spines. Palpal bulb with short embolus, 3̄4 times smaller than length of tegulum and strongly curved ( Fig. 43B ̄C). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.38, 0.32, 0.41 long. FIGURE 43. Siremata juruti n. sp. (male and female, IBSP 167212 and MPEG 8596). A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Embolus, ventral view; C Palpal bulb, ventral view; D Ventral medial megaspine on tibia I (right leg, proventral view); E , F Female genitalia, dorsal view. Scale bar: A 50µm; B 30µm; C, D, E, F 100µm. Female (IBSP 167211). Color: Carapace in dorsal and ventral views and legs yellowish, abdomen light brown. Total length 2.85. Carapace 1.38 long, 1.07 wide. Abdomen 1.47 long. Fovea 0.09. Clypeus 0.03. Ocular tubercle 0.16 long, 0.22 wide. Eyes: six, posterior row straight. AME absent, ALE 0.08, PME 0.02, PLE 0.06. Basal segment of chelicerae with prolateral 12 teeth, with 13̄15 smaller mesobasal teeth. Labium 0.13 long, 0.22 wide. Sternum 0.63 wide, 0.75 long. Palp: femur 0.66/ patella 0.38/ tibia 0.54/ tarsus 0.51/ total 2.09; Legs I: femur 0.94/ patella 0.54/ tibia 0.78/ metatarsus 0.60/ tarsus 0.51/ total 3.37; II: 0.91/ 0.60/ 0.54/ 0.57/ 0.51/ 3.13; III: 0.75/ 0.38/ 0.51/ 0.57/ 0.48/ 2.69; IV: 1.10/ 0.45/ 0.81/ 0.81/ 0.60/ 3.77. Leg formula 4123. Spination: palp: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia v1-2 -3ap, p1, tarsus v2 b; Legs I: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1, r1, tibia v1-1 -1-3ap, p1-1, metatarsus d1-1, v1-1 -1; II: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1-1, r1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1-1, metatarsus v1-1 -1, p1, r1; III: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1-1, r1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1-1-1, r2-1-1, metatarsus d1-2ap, v2-2 -3ap, p1-1; IV femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1, r1-1, tibia d1b-1, v1-1 -3ap, p1-1-1, r2-1-1, metatarsus d1-2ap, v2-3 ap, p1-1, r1. Palpal claw with 14 teeth. Spermathecae bilobed, with similar lobes, and distal area globose, no evident glandular area ( Fig. 43E–F ). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.45, 0.32, 0.38 long. Variation . 5 males: total length 2.16–2.63. 5 females: total length 2.60–3.10. Distribution . Pará , Juruti ( Fig. 45 ).