Revision of the Afrotropical flea beetle subgenus Blepharidina s. str. Bechyné (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) Author Iannella, Paola D’Alessandro Mattia Author Biondi, Maurizio text Zootaxa 2019 2019-01-16 4545 1 journal volume 27649 10.11646/zootaxa.4545.1.2 d8036fa9-32eb-4c5f-bdb2-428d22250ea8 1175-5326 2618635 1D2EC333-517D-4FC1-A0AA-61EDD8BE8BEE Blepharidina himba sp. nov. ( Figs 7 , 21 , 43 , 68 ) AA2504B9-0A6D-4CBF-9B93-DD64F2521EC0 Type material. Holotype : “ Kaokoland ( Namibia ), 4 km E Orumana , 18°1'S 13°50'E , 24.ii.1990 , E. Marais & J. Irish leg.” ( ZMHB ). Diagnosis. Blepharidina himba sp. nov. shows a clear affinity with B. matabelelandensis sp. nov. , with which it shares similar size, habitus, and color pattern ( Figs 7 , 14 ) and a very slender aedeagus, with laterally widely rounded apical part in ventral view ( Figs 43 , 50 ). However, B. himba sp. nov. can be easily distinguishable from B. matabelelandensis sp. nov. by: the lighter integuments; the different arrangement of the pronotal punctures ( Figs 21, 24 ), with two lateral groups and an elongate medial group (three lateral groups and a small basal medial group in B. matabelelandensis sp. nov. ); the aedeagus tapered from base to subapical part (fusiform in B. matabelelandensis sp. nov. ) ( Figs 43 , 50 ). Description of the holotype ( ). Body elliptical-elongate, rather convex ( Fig. 7 ); LB = 7.31 mm ; maximum pronotal width (WP = 2.81 mm ) in basal third; maximum elytral width (WE = 3.81 mm ) in middle. Head brown with yellowish antennae; pronotum yellow with brown patches mostly on groups and lines of punctures; elytra mostly yellow, but blackish on striae of punctures and part of interstriae; legs brown, with paler tarsi. Head distinctly pubescent, roughly and densely punctate; frontal grooves short, distinctly impressed near upper ocular margin; frontal tubercles small, flat, paler than head; interantennal space distinctly wider than length of first antennomere; upper interocular space wider than transverse ocular width ( Fig. 21 ); antennae about as long as half body length (LAN = 3.63 mm ; LAN/LB = 0.50); LA: 100:39:67:83:83:78:78:72:72:72:83. Pronotum ( Fig. 21 ) subrectangular, distinctly transverse (LP = 1.56 mm ; WP/LP = 1.80), with clearly sinuate lateral margin; anterior margin slightly thicker than basal margin, and clearly sinuate laterally; anterior angles distinctly prominent and slightly rounded anteriorly, pointed laterally; pronotal surface with lines and groups of differently sized punctures, also with a longitudinal line of punctures in middle; pronotal base with two lateral, distinctly impressed longitudinal striae. Scutellum brown, subrounded, moderately elongate. Elytra moderately elongate (LE = 5.69 mm ; WE/LE = 0.67; LE/LP = 3.64), subparallel laterally, jointly rounded and entirely covering pygidium posteriorly; punctation deeply impressed, arranged in 9 (+ 1 scutellar) regular rows; interstriae distinctly carinate laterally and posteriorly. First pro- and mesotarsomeres distinctly dilated; tarsal claws bifid. Ventral parts brown; last abdominal ventrite without distinctive preapical impressions. Aedeagus (LAED = 3.50 mm ; LE/LAED = 1.63) ( Fig. 43 ) in ventral view slender and tapered from base to subapical part; apical part laterally widely rounded, with a small median tooth; ventral sulcus deep, open towards basal part; in lateral view, aedeagus straight in basal 2/3s, then slightly curved dorsally, with apex ventrally bent; dorsal ligula connected to about apical fourth, with slightly carinate basal surface. Etymology. The female specific epithet is after Himba people, who inhabit the north-western part of Namibia , where the species was collected. Distribution. Namibia ( Fig. 68 ). Possibly Central Afrotropical (CAT) chorotype. Ecological notes. Not available. The collection site falls within the area of Mopane Savanna vegetation (belonging to the Tropical Lowland Grassland, Savanna & Shrubland formation).