Two new species of Bredemeyera (Polygalaceae) from Brazil Author Mota, M. Author Pastore, J. F. B. text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-06-01 351 2 171 175 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.351.2.5 1179-3163 13707110 Bredemeyera atlantica M.Mota & J.F.B.Pastore sp. nov . TYPE: BRAZIL , Espírito Santo : Presidente Kennedy , Praia das Neves , entre as rodovias ES 060 e 261, 21º13’3”S , 40º57’39”W , 15 June 2004 , A.M. Assis & M.D.S. Demuner 1992 ( holotype : CTBS2257 !; isotype : MBML40970 ) . Scandent shrubs ca. 2 m tall, stem cylindrical, tomentose. Leaves alternate, petiole 5–6 mm , tomentose, lamina 2.5– 5.5 × 1.8–2.5 mm , obovate to elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, rarely cuneate, base cuneate, margin entire, chartaceous, upper surface pilose to puberulous, lower surface pilose. Inflorescences in panicles. Flowers 2.8–3 mm long., greenish white, sessile, subtended by one bract at base 0.8–1 × 0.7–0.8 mm , ovate, externally pubescent, internally glabrous, sessile, ciliate, apex rounded, and two narrow bracteoles ca. 1 × 0.6 mm , ovate, ciliate, with both surfaces glabrous; sepals glabrous on both surfaces, one lower external sepal 1.5–1.8 × 1–1.6 mm , ovate-oblong, two upper external sepals 1.3–1.7 × 1.2–1.6 mm , ovate, two internal sepals (wings) 1.5–2.5 × 1.7–2 mm , obovate; keel (excluding claw) 2.2–2.6 × 1.5–2.2 mm , glabrous on both surfaces; claw ca. 0.5 mm long, glabrous; lateral petals 1.8–2 × 1–1.3 mm , asymmetrical, apex rounded, externally glabrous, inner surface puberulous in mid-portion; filaments fused into a sheath 1.5–2 × 2–3 mm , internally glabrous, externally pubescent at apex, free portions 1.5 mm , glabrous; rudimentary petals ca. 0.2 × 0.2 mm , ovate, glabrous; style 2.2–2.5 mm long, arched, laterally compressed, glabrous; ovary 0.7–1 × 0.6–1 mm , oblong, glabrous (lacking a trichome ring at base). Capsules 9.5–10 × 3–5 mm , obovate, apex emarginate, glabrous. Seeds 5 mm long (with trichomes 8 mm long). ( Fig. 1B ). FIGURE 1. Habit of Bredemeyera atlantica and B. petiolata . A. Bredemeyera atlantica (A.M. Assis & M.D.S. Demuner 1992) ; B. Bredemeyera petiolata (A.P. Prata et al. 1977) . FIGURE 2. Comparison of floral details of B. atlantica M. Mota & J.F.B. Pastore , B. laurifolia (A. St.-Hil. & Moq.) Klotzsch ex A.W. Benn and Bredemeyera hebeclada (DC.) J.F.B.Pastore and B. petiolata M. Mota & J.F.B. Pastore with B. barbeyana Chodat. Bredemeyera hebeclada (T.A.C. Lima s.n. CTBS); B. atlantica (A.M. Assis 1992) ; B. laurifolia (L. Kollman 10295); B. petiolata (A.P. Prata et al 1977); B. barbeyana (Hatschbach et al. 77847). [Scale bar = 1mm]. Photos by Michelle Mota. Notes: Bredemeyera atlantica morphologically resembles B. hebeclada (DC.) J.F.B. Pastore (2010: 314) and B. laurifolia (A.St.-Hil. & Moq.) Klotzsch ex A.W. Bennett (1874: 52) by the sessile flowers and pyramidal inflorescences. However, the new species is readily distinguished by its smaller flowers ( 2.8–3 mm long in B. atlantica vs 4 mm long in B. hebeclada and 5.5 mm long in B. laurifolia ), and by the absence of a trichome ring at the ovary base, present in B. hebeclada and B. laurifolia ( Fig. 2 ). Distribution: Bredemeyera atlantica occurs in Atlantic forest of the Brazilian states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro ( Fig. 3 ). FIGURE 3. Distribution map of B. atlantica and B. petiolata . Specimens Examined: BRAZIL . Espírito Santo : Guarapari , 16 April 1984 , L. Krieger s.n. ( CESJ , CTBS ) ; Linhares , Reserva da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce , 8 April 2006 , fl., J.G. Rando et al. 212 ( CRVD , ESA , MBM , RB ) ; Santa Teresa , Pedra Alegre , 13 April 1996 , H.Q. Boudet Fernandes et al. 3162 ( CTBS , MBML ) ; Pedra da Onça , 16 April 1986 , H.Q. Boudet Fernandes et al. 1930 ( CTBS , MBML ) ; Pedra da Onça , 26 June 2003 , A.M de Assis et al. 887 ( CTBS , HUEFS , MBML ) ; Presidente Kennedy , Praia das Neves , entre as rodovias ES 060 e 261, 21º13’3.1”S , 40º57’39.5”W , 15 June 2004 , A.M. Assis & M.D.S. Demuner 1992 ( CTBS , MBM ). Rio de Janeiro : Carapebus , estrada de acesso à Fazenda São Lázaro a caminho da praia, 15 August 1996 , I.M. da Silva & J.G. Silva 351 (R) ; Iguaba Grande , área do NEIG/UFF, Ponta da Farinha , 22º50’53”S , 42º11’47”W , 19 May 2005 , H.C Lima et al. 6345 ( RB , UEC ) ; Rio das Ostras , restinga do Mar do Norte , vegetação arbustiva semi aberta de estrada secundaria, entre os Km 152 e 153 da rodovia RJ- 106, 13 August 2001 , L.C. Giordano et al. 2384 ( RB ) ; Rio das Ostras , Balneário das Garças , 14 December 1999 , R.N. Damasceno ( RB ) ; Rio das Ostras , 5 April 1971 , L. Krieger s.n. ( CESJ , CTBS ) ; Etymology :—The specific epithet refers to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil , the ecoregion where it is found. Phenology: Bredemeyera atlantica has been found in flower from April to June.