Revision of the Oriental species of the genus Sphegina Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) Author Steenis, Jeroen Van C7F0D01C-B182-4B93-AF73-E4154367B535 Research Associate, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden; Hof der Toekomst 48, 3823 HX Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Author Hippa, Heikki 546524AD-3BD1-4830-842F-EEEE7DF4799B Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, FI- 20014 University of Turku, Finland. Author Mutin, Valeri A. 625E0F27-4538-417D-9155-6141947F04EA Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, Komsomolsk-na-Amure, 681000, Russia. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2018 2018-12-20 489 1 198 journal article 22082 10.5852/ejt.2018.489 79a76a5f-97b3-47cc-9bff-086a712cf3e2 3830537 B234C53F-BB56-4F3D-B400-F214E19DCF90 Sphegina ( Asiosphegina ) ornata sp. nov. 9628A866-6804-449D-AE33-E28CD41FE998 Figs 63F , 71 , 72C Differential diagnosis Sphegina (Asiosphegina) ornata sp. nov. is similar to S. (A.) carinata and S. (A.) index but is distinguished by the characters mentioned in the key. The male genitalia in all these three species are very similar. Sphegina (Asiosphegina) ornata sp. nov. and S. (A.) index are distinguished at once from S. (A.) carinata by lacking a finger-like pointed sublobe dorsally on the superior lobe. In addition, S. (A.) ornata sp. nov. is distinguished from S. (A.) index by having the ventral sublobes on the superior lobes many times as long as wide instead of being about as long as wide. Etymology The specific epithet is from the Latin ‘ ornata ’, meaning ‘richly adorned’ and referring to the many sublobes on the superior lobe. Material examined Holotype CHINA : ; “China: Emeishan Co. , / Leshan , Mt. Emei / 29.574947° N , 103.396333° E / 18–20.v.2016 O. Lonsdale / JSM8676 CNC572081 ”; DNA voucher specimen; CNC . Paratype CHINA : 1 ; “China: Emeishan Co. , / Leshan , Mt. Emei / 29.574947° N , 103.396333° E / 18–20.v.2016 O. Lonsdale / JSM8672, CNC572077 ”; DNA voucher specimen; JSA . Description Male LENGTH. Body 8.2–8.7 mm , wing 6.2–6.9 mm . HEAD. Face in lateral view concave, strongly projected antero-ventrally; frontal prominence strongly developed. Ratio width of vertex at anterior ocellus: width of head 1: 3.6–3.9; ratio width of ocellar triangle: width of vertex 1: 2.7–3.0; ratio length of ocellar triangle: length of frons 1: 2.6–2.9. Face black; light grey pollinose, long pilose along eye-margin. Hypostomal bridge black, long pale pilose. Gena and mouth edge black with large subtriangular non-pollinose shiny area. Frons and vertex black, slightly pollinose with densely grey pollinose subtriangular macula antero-laterally at eye-margin, a large round area posterior of lunula non-pollinose and shiny; pile short, light yellow. Frons with deep pit antero-medially. Occiput black, light grey pollinose, light yellow pilose. Eye without enlarged facets at anterior margin. Antenna with scape and pedicel yellow, basoflagellomere dark yellow, with black setae dorsally on scape and pedicel; basoflagellomere oval, ratio width: length 1: 1.2–1.4; arista long pilose, nearly 3 times as long as basoflagellomere. THORAX. Colour black, weakly greyish pollinose, pleuron entirely grey pollinose; scutum and pleuron with very short adpressed light yellow pile. Scutellum crescent-shaped, black, sub-shiny and weakly pollinose, with pile slightly longer than on scutum, with two closely set long setae medially at posterior margin, ratio length of scutellum: length of seta 1: 1.8–2.0. WING. Entirely microtrichose; hyaline, stigma yellowish, membrane brown infuscated at junction of veins R 2+3 and R 4+5, along veins dm-cu, r-m, M 1, at the junction of veins M 1 and R 4+5. Crossvein dmcu meeting vein M perpendicularly and vein M 1 meeting vein R 4+5 perpendicularly. Vein bm-cu with anterior half very weakly sclerotized. LEGS. Pro- and mesoleg yellow, tarsomeres 4–5 black. Metaleg, Fig. 72C , with coxa black and trochanter yellow with darkened transverse carina; femur black with basal yellow, slightly incrassate, ratio Fig. 71. Sphegina (Asiosphegina) ornata sp. nov. , holotype, . A . Posterior part of abdomen, left side lateral view. B . Sternum IV, ventral view. C . Left surstylus, lateral view. D . Left superior lobe with associated parts, lateral view. E . Genitalia, right side, lateral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm. width: length 1: 4.9–5.4; tibia black and yellow biannulate without apicoventral dens; tarsus entirely black, basitarsomere rather thin, ratio width: length 1: 3.6–3.8. ABDOMEN. Length ratio of terga I: II: III: IV 1: 2.5–2.8: 1.7–2.1: 1.4–1.6; ratio width at posterior margin: medial length of tergum II and III 1: 3.2–3.5 and 1: 0.9–1.0. Terga black, anterior of tergum III with yellow fascia; pile pale, on terga short, laterally on terga I and II long; tergum I with 2 widely spaced strong black setae at lateral margin; sternum III rectangular, ratio width: length 1: 3.5–3.9; sternum IV, Fig. 71B ; sterna VI and VIII simple, with long yellow pile; sternum VII with long conical antero-ventral and rounded postero-ventral process, both covered with long yellow seta like pile. Genitalia, Fig. 71 C– E: note the asymmetrical surstyli, the subbasal lobe on the medial side of surstyli, and the asymmetrical superior lobes. Fig. 72. Metaleg, anterior view (A–E) and dorsal view (F). A . Sphegina (Asiosphegina) malaisei Hippa, van Steenis & Mutin, 2015 , paratype, , Myanmar. B . S. (A.) nigerrima Shiraki, 1930 , , Taiwan. C . S. (A.) ornata sp. nov. , holotype, , China. D . S. (A.) philippina , Thompson, 1999 , paratype, , Philippines. E . S. (A.) bispinosa Brunetti, 1915 , , Nepal. F . S. (A.) bispinosa , , India. Scale bars = 0.5 mm. Female Unknown.