New records of pyraloid moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae) from India Author Rao, B. S. K. Author Sivaperuman, C. text Zoosystematica Rossica 2022 Zoosyst. Rossica 2022-02-07 31 1 20 26 journal article 57372 10.31610/zsr/2022.31.1.20 4c637ca9-da8d-4967-ab8a-e9b92401039e 2410-0226 10124247 urner,1933)andPagydaarbiter(Butler,1879).Thediagnosesandthedistributionaldataonthesespeciesareprovided;themaleandfemalegenitalstructuresareillustrated.ThefemaleofG.cosmarchaandthemaleandfemalegenitaliaofP.cirralisaredescribedforthefirsttime.Резюме.ЧетыревидаизсемействаCrambidae(надсемействоPyraloidea)впервыеприводятсядляИндиипосборам2018-2020гг.сАндаманскихиНикобарскихостровов:GlyphodescosmarchaMeyrick,1887,Palpitacirralis(Swinhoe,1897),Pachynoaxanthochyta(Turner,1933)иPagydaarbiter(Butler,1879).Приведеныдиагнозыиданныепораспространениюэтихвидов,атакжеиллюстрациигениталийсамцовисамок.ВпервыеописанасамкаG.cosmarcha,атакжегениталиисамцаисамкиP.cirralis.Keywords:India,AndamanandNicobarIslands,diagnosticcharacters,Pyraloidea,Crambidae,Spilomelinae,Pyraustinae,newrecordsКлючевыеслова:Индия,АндаманскиеиНикобарскиеострова,диагностическиепризнаки,Pyraloidea,Crambidae,Spilomelinae,Pyraustinae,новыенаходки Glyphodes cosmarcha Meyrick, 1887 ( Figs 1A , 2A, 2D ) Material examined . India , Andaman and Nicobar Islands : North Andaman I. , 1 female , Diglipur , Bahadur Tikrey Vill., 13°22.751 N , 92°57.585 E , 50 m , 8.I.2019 , B.S.K. Rao leg. (reg. no. ZSI/ ANRC / T/11618 ) ; Great Nicobar I. , Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve : 2 females , birdwatching point, 6°59.948 N 93°52.773 E , 136 m , 15.XI.2018 , K.C. Gopi et al. leg. (reg. nos. ZSI/ ANRC / T/11619 , 11620 ) ; 1 male , watch tower, 7°01.053 N 93°55.383 E , 123 m , 8.XI.2018 , K.C. Gopi et al. leg. (reg. no. ZSI/ ANRC / T/12722 ) . Redescription . Wing span 42–44 mm . Head and antennae whitish ochreous. Labial palpi with an obscure dark fuscous lateral line, light ochreous dorsal to it, white ventrally. Thorax and abdomen pale ochreous, with indistinct whitish lines. Forewings elongate triangular, semitransparent; ground colour pale greyish ochreous. Costa slightly sinuate, its basal area light ochreous. Antemedial band light greyish, bordered with faint black lines. Medial area with semitransparent subrectangular fascia merging at one-third of anal margin. Postmedial area with a semitransparent subquadrate blotch at basal three-fifths and with a dark fuscous obscure spot posterior to this blotch, merging with anal margin. Postmedial area distally with a narrow light fuscous line forming a small spot on costa, sinuate posterior to it, in posterior half forming four small connected triangular spots. Terminal area broad, dark fuscous. Cilia pale ochreous, with obscure fuscous terminal line. Hind wings whitish, semitransparent. Transverse vein with oblique yellow-ochreous streak bordered with dark fuscous. A small dark fuscous apical spot present; two small roundish dark fuscous spots present near hind margin posterior to apex; a line near posterior margin dark fuscous; cilia white, with obscure grey line. Legs pale ochreous; hind tibiae with outer spurs one-third as long as inner ones. Male genitalia. Uncus with long narrow neck and spatulate apex with fine hairs and with setae on apical three-fourths. Tegumen broadly rounded. Tergite inverted Y-shaped, with posterior portion forming two adjacent, parallel rods. Transtilla well-sclerotised, with medial ventral notch extending downward. Juxta short and narrowly coneshaped, rod-like medial processes with tips curved ventrally at base. Vinculum sclerotised, long, W-shaped, with a narrow triangular sclerotised ventral extension. Valva long, gradually narrowed basally and pointed at apex; costa slightly curved inwards medially, ventral margin slightly curved and pointed medioventrally. Harp thorn-shaped, slightly curved. Sacculus thick, narrowed to apex, three-fourths of length of valva; saccus triangular. Coremata forming complex basal structure, with long dense hairs. Phallus short, straight, with a pair of pointed thorn-shaped cornuti. Female genitalia. Papillae anales elliptical, with fine hairs. Anterior apophyses thinner and longer than posterior ones. Antrum sclerotised. Ductus bursae thickened from middle to distal three-fourths. Corpus bursae weakly kidney-shaped, with two elongate ovate signa. Distribution . Australia (from Cape York in Queensland to northern New South Wales ), Indonesia ( Sulawesi , Nusa Barong Island), New Guinea , Thailand ( Common, 1990 ; Sutrisno, 2007 ). First record for India (Great Nicobar and North Andaman Islands). Remarks . The genus Glyphodes Guenée, 1854 contains about 120 described species throughout the World, with 25 species recorded from South-East Asia ( Robinson et al., 1994 ).