Exochorion in the tribe Nymphalini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): the genus Hypanartia Hübner, [1821] and comparison with related genera Author Llorente-Bousquets, Jorge Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 04510, CDMX, México & llorentebousquets @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0876 - 5333 llorentebousquets@gmail.com Author Nieves-Uribe, Sandra Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 04510, CDMX, México & Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Unidad de Posgrado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Edificio D, 1 ° Piso, Circuito de Posgrados, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, CDMX, México & s. nieves. uribe @ outlook. com (corresponding author); https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6497 - 9639 s.nieves.uribe@outlook.com Author Flores-Gallardo, Adrián Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 04510, CDMX, México & Posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México & emileusher @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3144 - 163 X emileusher@hotmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-15 5330 2 151 200 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5330.2.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5330.2.1 2677cbb9-3c7c-4b6b-8467-8745206bbaa2 1175-5326 8253638 35E732D1-4ABB-42C7-A792-B01FADF3AEEA Description of the ridges in the tribe Nymphalini . The Nymphalini are characterized by a specific type of colonnaded ridges ( Table 3 , Plates 16–20 ), which are more derived than those found in Coeini ( Campos-González et al . 2020 ) . They have a low X component (see Plate 2 , Fig. B), leading authors such as Scudder (1889) , Döring (1955) , and Van Son (1979) to describe them as ‘laminar longitudinal ribs’ ( Table 4 ), without the benefit of a microstructural examination using SEM. Because of their low X component in the vertical Y direction, this type of ridge may be related to those found in certain subtribes of Biblidinae ( e.g., Epiphilini, Eubagini ; Nieves-Uribe et al ., 2015 , 2016d ); however, in the latter they are bulkier and more developed. The Nymphalini ridges are not exclusive to the tribe, as the exochorion of Libytheana or Dircenna also exhibits similar-looking laminar ridges (SNU, JLB; pers. obs.). A microstructural examination of the various ridges in the subfamilies and tribes of Nymphalidae is currently in progress. Regarding the other two spatial directions of the colonnaded ridges ( Y and Z axes), we observed variations within the genera of Nymphalini . In some cases, ridges run in the Y direction from the base to a section of the chorion ( e.g ., Hypanartia bella , Plate 6, Fig. A) or reach the cusp, as in the cases of Mynbrenthia , Symbrenthia , Antanartia ( Plates 16–18 ), Hypanartia lethe ( Plates 8 , 9 , Figs. A, Plates 16–18 ), H. godmanii ( Plates 10 , 11 , Figs. A), Aglais , and Vanessa ( Plates 17 , 18 ). In other cases, the ridges run only from the apex to the apical half of the exochorion ( e.g. , Hypanartia dione disjuncta , Plates 12 , 13 ; H. trimaculata autumna , Plates 14 , 15 ; Nymphalis , Polygonia , and Aglais , Plates 17 , 18 ). PLATE 14 . Chorion of Hypanartia trimaculata autumn . A. Lateral view; B. Apical view. i=ridges in colonnade; ii= apical columns overhanging the surface; iii=reduced ridges (beam only); iv=vestigial ’ribs’; v=intercolumnar spacing; vi=basal ribs; vii= projections of the ridges in the transition zone. PLATE 15. Photographs of the chorion of Hypanartia trimaculata autumn under the SEM. A Lateral view.; B. Detail of the colonnades; C. Basal region; D. Apical view; E. Perimicropylar region; F. Micropyle. PLATE 16. Comparative dendrogram of ridges in Hypanartia spp. (redrawn from the cladogram of Willmott et al. 2001 ). Two species of Antanartia have been added. *=hyper-development of the ridges by elongated fusts. PLATE 17. Morphology of the complete ridges of eight genera of Nymphalini . Representations in lateral view. The order of the genera is by morphological proximity of the ridges. PLATE 18. Anatomy of the components of the most apical section of the ridges in eight genera of Nymphalinae . The order of the genera is by morphological proximity of the ridges. TABLE 3. Comparison of some exochorionic characters of various genera of Nymphalini .
Genus Ridge projection Arrangement of the columns 1 shaft 2 beam Walls Aeropyles Ribs
3 rail
Mynbrenthia the whole in semi-straight 1 thin and in double arrangement thick, although on colonnade between the
(Plates 17, 18) chorion colonnades, a little thinner in beams most basal part
joined by a 2 thick, straight and with minimal the intercolumns (coincident with of the ridges and
basal belt depressions in the areas where the capitals), and the basal belt
aeropyles are between the
basal ribs
3 thin in part apical with
projections on thick, alternate
plinths; increases in thickness as
you advance to the base
Symbrenthia the whole in semi-straight 1 thin and in double thick, although on colonnade subtle at the
(Plates 17, 18) chorion colonnades, accommodation a little thinner in beams poles
joined by a the intercolumns (coinciding with
basal belt 2 thick, straight and with minimal capitals)
depressions in the areas where the
aeropyles are
3 thin in part apical with
projections on thick, alternate
plinths; increases in thickness as
you advance to the base
Antanartia the whole in semi-straight 1 thin and double thick, although on colonnade mainly in the
(Plates 16–18) chorion colonnades; a little thinner in beams basal pole,
may or may not 2 thick, straight and with minimal the intercolumns (coincident with although they
be joined by a depressions in the areas where the capitals), in the can also be in
basal belt aeropyles are lateral basal part the apical
of the ridges and
3 subtle in part apical with in the basal belt
projections on thick and alternate
plinths; increases in thickness as
you advance to the base
Hypanartia the entire in semi-straight 1 in individual arrangement; very thin in the coinciding with at one or both
(Plates 4–18) chorion to colonnades; elongated in the apical third and intercolumns or column capitals, poles
only the larger shafts in tapering towards the base somewhat thick (on colonnade
apical third apical section and partially beams)
2 not very robust to slender, with covering the
slight depressions on aeropyles shafts
that make it not very sinuous
3 generally subtle and with
projections on the plinths
Nymphalis only in the in somewhat 1 in individual arrangement; thick slightly on colonnade present
(Plates 17, 18) apical fifth, sinuous and only conspicuous in fifth thinner in the beams and throughout the
then only the colonnades apical intercolumns coinciding with chorion
beam can be due to the capitals
distinguished depressions in 2 thin and very sinuous due to the
the beam depressions in the aeropyles
3 thin, with bases whose
projections coincide with the ribs
......continued on the next page TABLE 3. (Continued)
Genus Ridge projection Arrangement of the columns 1 shaft 2 beam Walls Aeropyles Ribs
3 rail
Polygonia maximum in semi-straight 1 the most apical ones are thin very thin and on colonnade may be present
(Plates 17, 18) up to the colonnades; and there are some couplets; the only in the beams; some or completely
equatorial some columns rest are in individual arrangement intercolumns do not match absent
third, after are very close and thicken as they approach the capitals
which only to each other equator
the beam in the apical
can be region 2 thin, slightly sinuous in the apical
distinguished and equatorial thirds, and zig-zag
in the basal
3 slightly thickened, without
projections of the plinths
Aglais maximum in semi-straight 1 single arrangement, although very thin and on colonnade subtle; in
(Plates 17, 18) up to the colonnades; the some of the most apical ones are only in the girders and apical pole and
equatorial most projected slender and in alternate pairs; intercolumns coincide with coincide with
third, after are in the apical tapering towards the base capitals projections of
which only third the plinths
the beam 2 thin and sinuous by depressions
can be of the aeropyles
3 little thickened and much reduced
towards equator; plinths more
projected at apex
Vanessa throughout in arcaded 1 in individual arrangement; thick, very thin and on capitals; only in apical
(Plates 17, 18) the chorion colonnades longest in apical section and only in the in the most pole
tapering tapering towards the base intercolumns depressed parts
towards the of the arched
base 2 thin and forming arches between beam
the columns
3 absent; the plinths barely project
The projection of the Z spatial direction (radially outwards from the surface of the egg), remains almost constant from one pole to the other in the genera Mynbrenthia , Symbrenthia , and Antanartia ; the ridge, although not very protruding, is conspicuous and remains similar throughout the chorion ( Plates 17 , 18 ). On the other hand, in Hypanartia , Vanessa , Nymphalis , Polygonia , and Aglais , the Z direction is greater in the apical section, and much reduced towards the base. In these genera, the largest ridges (high Z component) correspond to ridges that run more than half of the chorion in the Y direction. Those ridges that run only to the supra-equatorial half in the Y component have a low projection of the Z component ( Plates 17 , 18 ). Hypanartia lethe and H. godmanii ( Plates 8–11 , 16 , 17 , 18 ) show a slightly higher Z component in their supra-equatorial section, as it is slightly reduced towards the basal region ( Plates 8–11 , 16 ). An explanation for these patterns in both spatial components could be found in the oviposition habits, since the reduced ridges (low Y and Z components) correspond to oviposition in clusters ( Nymphalis ) or chains ( Polygonia ) ( Tables 3 , 4 ; Scudder 1889 , Van Son 1979 ). This pattern is similar (analogy) to the reduction of the knolls in Hamadryas species with chain oviposition ( e.g ., H. amphinome , H. fornax ; Nieves-Uribe et al . 2015 , 2019 ). However, further study is needed to determine whether this possibility applies to all cases of reduced ridges ( e.g. , Hypanartia dione disjuncta , H. trimaculata autumna ). Thickened ribs at the basal region are visible in Hypanartia ( Plates 4–16 ), while Polygonia , Aglais , and Vanessa lack conspicuous ribs in this section. The genus Nymphalis is the only one, so far known, that exhibits ribs throughout the chorion, albeit subtly ( Table 3 , Plate 17 ). TABLE 4. Descriptions of the exochorion in selected publications. The present table shows the chorionic data in the works of Scudder (1889) , Döring (1955) , and Van Son (1979) of taxa currently considered as Nymphalini . In the cases of nomenclature shifting, we use the identity symbol (=) to introduce the valid name. We decided to present separately the descriptions of the same species by different authors, since the description would correspond to specimens distributed in the Nearctic ( Scudder 1889 ), Palearctic ( Döring 1955 ), and Ethiopian ( Van Son 1979 ) regions. This table follows the original terms of the three authors. The information contained in those works is limited, with short descriptions mainly focusing on aspects such as size, color, and oviposition habits. Also, the lack of use of techniques to increase the visualization of the exochorionic characters ( e.g. , methylene blue staining, or SEM) prevented a correct identification and discernment of the axes and ridges, with few cases where the latter are mentioned. If we consider ‘laminar axes’ as poorly described ridges, the presence of this character can be verified in almost all genera of Nymphalini .
Taxon and reference Shape and size (h * w; in mm) Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Tribe Vanessidi compact few, very prominent, singly or in masses
( Scudder 1889 ) sharp longitudinal ridges, highest on the summit
Antanartia s. schaeneia 0.9 * 1.0 Pale green, darkening slightly later 14–15 longitudinal ribs 40–45 cross- braces singly
( Van Son 1979 )
Antanartia hippomene 0.9 * 0.6 pale watery green 10–11 glass-like longitudinal 27–31 transverse ribs that singly
( Van Son 1979 ) ribs cross- braced the longitudinal ribs
Araschnia levana almost barrel- shaped; outline top bright green, the upper part is lighter 8–10 negative petals few rows of irregular negative 14 whitish ridges without 22 transversal ribs, only the upper flat or troughed columns
( Döring 1955 ) view wavy network ribbing and disappear at ones are well developed
0.67–0.72 * 0.52 the base
......continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)
Shape and
Taxon and reference size (h * w; in Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Eugonia = barrel shaped 7–8 very in a single
Roddia with rather compressed numerous compact
tumid sides laminated and crowed, mass, one
( Scudder 1889 ) vertical ribs, distinct, layer deep
which start raised cross
near the lines
base and
height, but
scarcely so
high as other
Euvanessa = somewhat nearly broad, few rather delicate broadly clusters
Nymphalis barrel-shaped uniform, distinctly prominent, raised crossed docked and
crowded, marked, compressed, lines externally
(Scudder, roundish cells only slightly regular, rounded
1889) convex equidistant,
ribs; increase
in height a
Euvanessa 0.88 * 0.74 pale central circle very large, 7–8 laminate delicate clusters
antiopa = olivaceous followed transverse, pellucid ribs transverse
Nymphalis yellow, by 2 series polygonal or lines, which
antiopa change of rounded hexagonal become more
to dark polygonal cells, often prominent
( Scudder 1889 ) yellowish cells stretching on either
brown, across from side of the
and before one rib to ribs, forming
hatching to another support
inky black ‘buttresses’
Vanessa elliptical; light green, 7–8 petals 2 irregular flattened 8–9 ribs, run over 40 flat large rings
antiopa = circular immediately leaf collars straight and transverse around
Nymphalis with serrate change to goes thinner ribs, often willow
antiopa outline in light orange to the base very delicate branches
apical view and becomes
( Döring 1955 ) grey brown
0.9–0.95 * with a violet
0.7–0.8 shimmer near
Vanesa half to three green, 12 petals 2 leaf collars 9–10 ribs 30–40 flat or
polychloros = quarters finally black of tender starting at transversal troughed
Nymphalis elliptical; with white leaves the apex as ribs, the top 5
polychloros jagged outline structures a high ridge hare slightly
top view and disappear further apart
( Döring 1955 ) at the base
0.8–0.9 *
......continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)
Shape and
Taxon and reference size (h * w; in Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Vanessa io= elliptical; glassy 6–7 petals leafy flattened 7–9 ribs that up to 10, only rounded
Inachis io circular light green, faint at the in the upper edges
with serrate discolored to base and part
( Döring 1955 ) outline in dark green with deeply
apical view with black hollows
micropylar between
zone, and them; tall,
finally silvery narrow, and
gray watery white
Aglais broad ovate narrowly 8–10 strongly cross ribs broadly groups
( Scudder 1889 ) slightly compressed slight but rounded
and distinct,
prominent especially
ribs, well above
arched at the
summit, but
not so high as
Aglais milberti 0.65 * 0.65 pale grass about of 10 one or two 9–10 ribs, all confused
green kite-shaped rows of reaching from heaps,
( Scudder 1889 ) cells around considerably just above of about
a common larger, the base to 3–4 layers;
center angular cells, summit an enormous
separated by number
pretty broad must be laid
walls by single
Vanessa elliptical; dark green 7–8 petals on none 9 ribs that 23–25
urticae = circular a flat mound goes thinner transverse
Aglais urticae with serrate to the base ribs,
outline in always well
( Döring 1955 ) apical view developed;
6–8 in the
0.72–0.75 * apex are
0.5–0.52 really marked
Polygonia nearly broad and 10 delicate cross
spherical, but nearly flat ‘longitudinal lines
( Scudder 1889 ) somewhat ribs’, few
barrel shaped regular,
increase in
height as
approach the
......continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)
Shape and
Taxon and reference size (h * w; in Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Polygonia elliptical; Garnet 6–7 petals on none 2–3 rows of 10 white ribs 5 coarse
c-album circular greenish, a mound network that form transversal
with serrate discolored high ridges ribs near
( Döring 1955 ) outline in to blackish at the apex the apex,
apical view with black and disappear and another
micropylar at the base; 10–11 very
0.8* 0.5–0.7 zone wavy at their delicate
Polygonia 0.85 grass green central circle, first irregular 10–13 very faint
faunus around which and then (usually cross lines,
radiate 8 or 9 pretty regular 11–12 scarcely
(Scuder 1889) kite-shaped pentagonal vertical ribs elevated
cells or hexagonal running from
cells growing extreme base
constantly to extreme
larger summit, and
increase in
height very
in passing
very thin and
have a beaded
from apparent
where cross
lines strike
Polygonia 0.95 * 0.7 dull bluish somewhat 8–11 very faint singly or in
interrogationis green, narrowed (commonly lines depending
afterward 10), strongly on columns
( Scudder 1889 ) becoming compressed of several,
grayish green white rides, as many 5–8
with silver growing eggs (3–4 are
reflections higher toward the most
summit common)
Polygonia short blunt pale green, cluster of little flattened 11 strongly exceedingly broadly piled in
comma ovate glistering nearly equal compressed fine lines, rounded columns
hexagonal vertical ribs; which varying from
( Scudder 1889 ) 0.8mm * 0.7 cells increase transverse 2 to 9 eggs
in height also the ribs (average
from base to over 4)
summit; the
ribs are pale
......continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)
Shape and
Taxon and reference size (h * w; in Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Polygonia 0.95 pale greenish 10 laminated straight, rounded singly
progne (including the pellucid ribs, exceedingly
ribs) * 0.81 commencing delicate,
(Scudder, at the scarcely
1885) base and raised cross
continuing lines, visible
of the nearly on the ribs
the same only on the
height over upper part of
the lower the egg
half, then
increase their
Polygonia 0.85 * 0.8 grass green slightly 9 strongly exceedingly broad
gracilis flattened compressed, fine lines
very slightly which
( Scudder 1889 ) elevated, transverse
pellucid, and striate the
vertical ribs
ribs which
increase in
height from
the middle to
the summit
of egg
Vanessa very short few, a little to few very numerous broad and individual
ovate; comparatively a broadly prominent, delicate rounded
( Scudder 1889 ) transversely large, pretty rounded greatly transverse
circular uniform, compressed, lines
roundish cells longitudinal,
regular, and
ribs; increase
in height to
Vanessa 0.74 delicate green minute transversely 9 laminate delicate singly, not
( Pyrameis ) (including the central cell, oval cells pellucid ribs, transverse very firmly
atalanta ribs) * 0.6 (at surrounded by with tolerably start at the lines, only attached,
( Scudder 1889 ) the base) a network of broad walls, sides of the minutely perhaps
nearly equal arranged base and raised above owing to the
subcircular irregularly in leaving a free the surface numerous
cells about three space at the excepting hairs on the
concentric summit when leaves, but
rows transverse seem to cling
the ribs; by a corner or
here they are any part that
more distinct, touches any
especially portion of the
above, being leaf or hairs
thickened at
the edges
......continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)
Taxon and reference Shape and size (h * w; in mm) Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Pyrameis atalanta = Vanessa atalanta elliptical; circular with serrate outline in apical view Juicy green, discolored to dark green 6 very irregular petals none 10–11 ribs faint if present at all
( Döring 1955 )
0.7 * 0.5
Vanessa ( Neopyrameis ) cardui 0.75 * 0.58 uniform pale green cluster of a dozen or two roundish polygonal 14–19 ribs, majority of cases are 16; very thin faint and delicate cross lines which cross the ribs singly
( Scudder 1889 ) subequal cells; smaller at the center and hardly increase in height until the summit is reached as well as the general surface
Cynthia = Vanessa barrel-shaped numerous longitudinal ribs transverse ribs that cross-
( Van Son 1979 ) braced the longitudinal ribs; more distinct in the upper part of the egg, but well-marked throughout the length of the ribs
Pyrameis cardui = Vanessa cardui elliptical; circular with serrate outline in apple green 7–8 petals, lies somewhat raised none 16 ribs faint if present at all
( Döring, 1955 ) apical view
0.7 * 06
Cynthia cardui = Vanessa cardui 0.7 * 0.6 pale watery green and only darkens slightly until 16–18 longitudinal ribs 21–25 cross- braces in the longitudinal ribs; faint singly
( Van Son 1979 ) the dark head forms inside lower down the side of the egg
......continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)
Shape and
Taxon and reference size (h * w; in Color Rosette Wreath Apex Axes Ribs Base Oviposition
Vanessa short ovate delicate in a saucer- slightly 13–16 delicate cross broadly singly,
( Neopyrameis ) yellowish shaped convex laminate lines, which rounded, sometimes
huntera = 0.58 * 0.53 green depression; pellucid transverse scarcely laid upright,
Vanessa about 12 ribs and also the flattened quite as
virginiensis pentagonal increasing vertical ribs frequently in
cells growing in height an inclined
( Scudder 1889 ) very gradually from below position, but
smaller to upward; always very
toward the turn upward carefully
center and at the tucked under
crest cause the flossy
the ribs to hairs which
become very cover the
distinctly surface of the
serrate, leaves
above, but
giving them
a beaded
In colonnades with beams, a wall covers them, which can be so thick that it is difficult to distinguish the ridge components ( e.g ., Mynbrenthia hippalus , Symbrenthia hippoclus , Plate 17; Hypanartia trimaculata autumna , Plate 15, Fig. B). Alternatively, the intercolumnar wall may be thinner in the intercolumns, resembling windows ( e.g ., Hypanartia dione disjuncta , Plate 13, Fig. B; Antanartia delius , Nymphalis antiopa , Plates 16–18 ), or just slightly covering them ( e.g ., Hypanartia bella , Plate 7, Fig. B; H. lethe , Plate 9, Fig. B; H. godmanii , Plate 11, Fig. B; Polygonia g-argenteum , Aglais urticae , Vanessa virginiensis , Plates 17 , 18 ). The thickness of the ridge wall is related to the distance between the columns, with the thickest walls found where the columns are closest together ( Mynbrenthia, Symbrenthia , and Antanartia ; Plates 16–18 ) and the thinnest or translucent walls where the columns are further separated ( Hypanartia , Vanessa , Nymphalis , Polygonia , and Aglais ; Plates 17 , 18 ). There are two subtypes of colonnade arrangements: double and single. In the double subtype, the columns have plinths that protrude alternatively towards one or the other side of the colonnade, resulting in alternate “ribs” on the chorion and small zig-zag aeropyles on a somewhat thick beam ( Plate 19 , Fig. A). In the single subtype, the columns are thick and have protruding plinths on both sides of each column, resulting in coincident “ribs” and large aeropyles aligned in the same row on a beam of thickness, like the diameter of these ( Plate 19 , Fig. B). The columns in both subtypes have variable girth, which also results in different diameters of the aeropyles. Those of the double subtype have a smaller diameter than those of the single subtype, since the columns in the double subtype are thinner than those in the single one ( Plate 19 ). This is consistent regarding the function of the columns as tubular structures for gas exchange, with the aeropyles at the end of the capitals. When a beam is present, it does not cover the openings and may even have depressions at the aeropyles, forming a wavy ridge (genus Nymphalis , Plates 17 , 18 ) with slight concavities at the aeropyles (genera Hypanartia , Polygonia , and Aglais , Plates 17 , 18 ), to well-marked depressions at these sites ( Vanessa , Plates 17 and 18 ). Regarding the genus Vanessa , they appear to have the greatest specialization and divergence in the ridges. In the species we studied ( Vanessa virginiensis = Vanessa huntera ; Tables 3 and 4 ; Scudder 1889 ), the edge of the ridges is jagged. This may be due to the transformation of the beam of the ridges into arches by shortening the shafts of the columns and depressing them in the areas where the aeropyles are found ( Plate 20 ). This change can be considered an optimization of polypeptidic material by providing better column support without a rail, exhibiting thinner intercolumnar walls, and allowing for better attachment of the egg between the pili of the host plant, requiring less adhesive material by the female, as cited by Scudder (1889) . A more in-depth study within the genus Vanessa is required to corroborate this hypothesis and to consolidate the separation of the genus concerning the number of ridges, as suggested by Scudder (1889) . According to Scudder (1889) , the subgenus Pyrameis has only nine ridges, while the subgenus Neopyrameis has 13 to 19.