A revision of the genus Nomisia in Greece and neighboring regions with the description of two new species Author Chatzaki, M. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-06-10 2501 1 1 22 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2501.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2501.1.1 1175-5326 5301813 Nomisia conigera ( Spassky, 1941 ) Figs 6–8 Pterotricha conigera Spassky, 1941 , p. 22 , Fig. 12 (Dm) ( holotype from Tadzhikistan - not examined). Nomisia conigera Ovtsharenko & Fet, 1980 , p. 446 . N. anatolica Seyyar, Ayyildiz & Topçu, 2009 (p.63, figs 3–12) ( holotype from Turkey , Kayseri Province - not examined). Nov. Syn . Diagnosis: N. conigera is distinguished from all other congeners by the large triangular tibial apophysis of the palp and the large prolateral extension of the tegulum, as well as the laterally elongated margins of the epigyne, largelly disconnected form the central cavity. Material examined: TURKEY : Kilis province , Musabeyli district , Karbeyaz village ( 36°50.372' N , 036°58.021'E ), 500 m alt: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( 03.V.2008 , leg. O. Seyyar , NUAM ) . Comments. N. conigera is a relatively poorly recorded species. It was only known by the description of the male from Gissar Valley, Tadzhikistan ( Spassky 1941 ; Spassky & Luppova, 1945 - redescribed) and other areas of Central Asia republics and Azerbaijan ( Mikhailov 1997 ). Ovtsharenko & Fet (1980) and Chatzaki et al. 2002 had already noted the resemblance of this species to N. ripariensis (O. P.- Cambridge, 1872 ). In absence of comparative material at the time and because the characters seen in the drawing of Spassky (1941 , Fig. 12 ) did not fully conform those of N. ripariensis , Chatzaki et al. 2002 postponed a possible synonymization. A newly described species from south central Turkey , N. anatolica Seyyar, Ayyildiz & Topçu, 2009 (p. 63, Figs 3–12 ) gave the solution to this conflict, as it resembles N. ripariensis but it still has some clear differences, as commented by the authors in detail. The two species were also compared by the author and were found different in details of the embolic part of the palp, the relative size of the tibial apophysis and in the shape of epigynal margins and spermathecae. However the special features of the male genital organ of N. anatolica strongly coincide with the palp of N. conigera , as illustrated by Spassky (1941 , Fig. 12 ). The similarity of the two nominal species – N. conigera and N. anatolica - mostly lies in the peculiar and very characteristic triangular tibial apophysis of the palpal organ, the frontally bulging tegulum, and the wide and strong embolus (E) of equal size at all its length. Hence here the synomymization of N. anatolica to N. conigera is proposed. Further characters distinct of this species are: in males, reduced median apophysis (M), partly transparent apophysis situated behind embolus with sclerotized lamella (l), slightly protruding in front ( Fig. 6 ) and in females, largely separated lateral margins of the epigyne, not converging posteriorly ( Fig. 7 ). Distribution: Turkey (for detailed records see Seyyar et al. 2009 ); Azerbaijan , Central Asian republics.