Survey of the vascular plants of Alert (Ellesmere Island, Canada), a polar desert at the northern tip of the Americas Author Desjardins, Émilie Author Lai, Sandra Author Payette, Serge Author Dubé, Martin Author Sokoloff, Paul C. Author St-Louis, Annie Author Poulin, Marie-Pier Author Legros, Jade Author Sirois, Luc Author Vézina, François Author Tam, Andrew Author Berteaux, Dominique text Check List 2021 2021-02-09 17 1 181 225 journal article 10.15560/17.1.181 1809-127X Pedicularis hirsuta Linnaeus Figure 8 Materials examined. CANADA Nunavut • Ellesmere Island, CFS Alert; 82°31′04″N , 062°28′48″W ; 66 m a.s.l.; 27 Jul. 2019 ; habitat: mesic, with hummocks made of till, dominated by Stellaria longipes , Saxifraga oppositifolia , and moss; QFA 0635577. Identification. Plants 4–9 cm high; herbaceous; not caespitose. Taproots present. Stems 2–7 cm long; erect; hairy, with woolly hairs; with cataphylls. Leaves basal and cauline; heterophyllous; alternate; petiolate (basal and lower cauline leaves) or sessile (upper cauline leaves). Petioles 5–15 mm long; winged (basal leaves) or not winged (some cauline leaves); hairy, with floccose white hairs. Basal leaf blades 4–17 mm long, 3–5 mm wide; elongateoblong; pinnatifid or pinnatisect, with 5–8 crenate lobes on each side; green to purple; abaxial and adaxial surfaces both sparsely to moderately hairy, with floccose hairs. Cauline leaf blades 3–7 mm long, 1–3 mm wide. Inflorescence a spiciform raceme, with 10–16 flowers. Bracts floccose. Pedicels hairy. Flowers zygomorphic. Sepals 5; fused. Calyx tubular; 2.5–6.0 mm long, 2–4 mm wide; with 5 lobes apically; purple; surface hairy, with floccose hairs; margins ciliate; apices obtuse. Pet- als 5; fused; white and pink. Corolla bilabiate; 6–13 mm long with an inferior 2- or 3-lobed lip, and a superior narrow galeate lip. Galeate lip with 2 small teeth apically. Androecium with 4 stamens and 1.0– 1.4 mm long anthers. Gynoecium with 1 style and 1 stigma. Stamens and stigma not protruding from the corolla tube. Pedicularis hirsuta can be differentiated from the four other Pedicularis Linnaeus species present on Ellesmere Island ( Aiken et al. 2007 ; GBIF 2020) by the following: leaves distributed along the stem (in contrast to mainly scapose stems in P. sudetica Willdenow subsp. albola- biata Hultén and subsp. arctoeuropaea Hultén ; Aiken et al. 2007 ; Saarela et al. 2020 ); floccose hairs on stems and petioles (in contrast to glabrous stems and petioles in P. sudetica ; Aiken et al. 2007 ); basal leaf blades with 5–11 lobes on each side (in contrast to 10–25 lobes in P. lanata Willdenow ex Chamisso & Schlechtendal subsp. lanata and P. sudetica ; Aiken et al. 2007 ; Garneau 2018); pink, purple or white petals (in contrast to yellow petals present in P. capitata Adams ; Aiken et al. 2007 ; Saarela et al. 2020 ); style hidden inside galea (in contrast to style protruding in P. langsdorffii Fischer ex Steven subsp. arctica (R. Brown) Pennell ex Hultén ; Saarela et al. 2020 ); petal length ≤ 13 mm and anther length ≤ 1.5 mm (in contrast to all other Pedicularis species ; Aiken et al. 2007 ). Hybrid individuals of P. hirsuta × P. langsdorffii subsp. arctica are reported from Lake Hazen, though they may resemble P. hirsuta in appearance, they can be distinguished by their variously extended styles ( Sokoloff et al. 2015 ). Figure 8. Pedicularis hirsuta Linnaeus habit. Photo by Audrey Le Pogam. Papaveraceae – Poppy family